上网本 ubuntu

tech2023-12-23  102

上网本 ubuntu

Netbooks have become one of the largest sectors of the hardware market since Asus introduced the Eee PC in late 2007. Asus has enjoyed phenomenal success with their netbook range and the early models sold out instantly (I tried to buy one without success). Every major PC manufacturer now produces a netbook and the market continues to expand.

自华硕在2007年末推出Eee PC以来,上网本已成为硬件市场上最大的部门之一。华硕凭借其上网本系列获得了惊人的成功,并且早期型号立即售罄(我试图购买一台没有成功的产品)。 现在,每个主要的PC制造商都生产上网本,而且市场还在不断扩大。

Netbooks typically use slower hardware and older software, which makes them ideal for children or those with more modest computing requirements. However, thay can also provide web developers and freelancers with an ideal accompliment to their existing PC setup.

上网本通常使用较慢的硬件和较旧的软件,这使它们非常适合儿童或对计算要求较低的用户。 但是,thay还可以为Web开发人员和自由职业者提供对其现有PC设置的理想补充。

1. Portability Like many people, I use a full-sized laptop for my primary development tasks. However, I have so many accessories attached, that it might as well be a desktop PC. If I want to move the machine, I need to unplug a second monitor, external harddisk, keyboard, mouse, and various cables. Even when that’s done, the machine remains too heavy to carry for long periods.

1.便携性与许多人一样,我在我的主要开发任务中使用一台全尺寸笔记本电脑。 但是,我连接了许多配件,因此它可能也是台式机。 如果要移动机器,则需要拔下第二个显示器,外部硬盘,键盘,鼠标和各种电缆。 即使这样做,机器仍然太重,无法长时间搬运。

I now take a netbook when visiting client sites. It has all my essential software and can be plugged into projectors or monitors just like a normal laptop. There’s no need to disassemble my office hardware and the device can be carried all day without causing a hernia.

现在,我在访问客户站点时会使用一台上网本。 它具有我所有必不可少的软件,可以像普通笔记本电脑一样插入投影仪或显示器。 无需拆卸我的办公室硬件,该设备可以整天携带,而不会引起疝气。

2. Communication and quick tasks Netbooks are great for checking email, running Skype, or performing quick tasks. Most netbooks are wifi-enabled and are provided with a fast OS such as Windows XP or an optimized version of Linux. The devices can be started up, used, and shut down quicker than most Vista laptops take to boot.

2.交流和快速任务上网本非常适合检查电子邮件,运行Skype或执行快速任务。 大多数上网本都支持wifi,并配有快速操作系统,例如Windows XP或Linux的优化版本。 与大多数Vista笔记本电脑启动相比,这些设备的启动,使用和关闭速度更快。

Incidentally, do not be afraid to buy a Linux-powered netbook. Once you are over the initial “it’s not Windows” shock, you will find Linux to be a highly-capable and usable OS which can run Windows software if you install Wine. Even if you do not like the OS supplied, you can download and install an alternative such as the excellent Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

顺便说一句,不要害怕购买基于Linux的上网本。 一旦克服了最初的“不是Windows”冲击,您就会发现Linux是一种功能强大且可用的操作系统,如果您安装Wine可以运行Windows软件。 即使您不喜欢所提供的操作系统,也可以下载并安装其他工具,例如出色的Ubuntu Netbook Remix 。

3. Working on the move Mobile phones and Blackberry devices are useful, but the small screen, tiny keyboard, and limited software makes it difficult to do real work. The majority of netbooks are powerful enough to run software such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, OpenOffice, and a simple IDE or editor such as Notepad++. I even know of people who run Photoshop (although it was more to prove a point rather than do design work!)

3.移动中的工作移动电话和Blackberry设备很有用,但是小屏幕,小键盘和有限的软件使其难以完成实际工作。 大多数上网本功能强大,足以运行Apache,PHP,MySQL,OpenOffice等软件,以及简单的IDE或Notepad ++等编辑器。 我什至认识运行Photoshop的人(尽管证明点比设计工作要重要!)

4. Photography The majority of netbooks have built-in memory card readers. This makes it easy to take a netbook to a shoot, copy/backup files, and examine photographs on a larger screen. Most netbooks have webcams, so it’s even possible to take a few shots without a camera.

4.摄影大多数上网本都有内置的存储卡读取器。 这样就可以轻松地将上网本拍摄,复制/备份文件以及在更大的屏幕上查看照片。 大多数上网本都有网络摄像头,因此甚至可以在没有相机的情况下拍摄几张照片。

5. Backup and synchronization A netbook provides you with another computing device in the event of your main PC failing. That happened to me a few months ago, but I was able to carry on working.

5.备份和同步如果您的主PC发生故障,上网本为您提供了另一台计算设备。 几个月前发生在我身上,但我能够继续工作。

Software such as Dropbox is also invaluable for backing up and synchronizing files between all your PCs.


6. Price The first Asus Eee PC was a fifth of the price of similarly-sized machines. Although the hardware specifications and prices have increased, it is still possible to buy a netbook for $200: far less than a decent mobile phone. You could even use one as an alternative to a Kindle!

6.价格第一台华硕Eee PC的价格是同类机器价格的五分之一。 尽管硬件规格和价格都有所提高,但仍然有可能以200美元的价格购买一台上网本:这远远低于一部像样的手机。 您甚至可以使用它作为Kindle的替代品!

Replacing a netbook will not cause significant cash-flow problems, so you will not be as afraid to lose or break the device.


This blog post was written and posted using a MSI Wind U100.

此博客文章是使用MSI Wind U100编写和发布的。

Do you use a netbook or are you considering one? Do you find it useful? Have you experienced other benefits?

您使用上网本还是正在考虑上网本? 您觉得有用吗? 您还经历了其他好处吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/6-reasons-to-buy-a-netbook/

上网本 ubuntu

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