
tech2023-12-23  107

Oracle’s plans for acquiring Sun have been on hold since April 2009. Although the US Department of Justice approved the deal, the European Commission formally objected. This week, MySQL creator Michael Widenius also put out an urgent call to save MySQL from Oracle’s clutches. His reasons:

自2009年4月以来,Oracle收购Sun的计划一直处于暂停状态。尽管美国司法部批准了该交易,但欧洲委员会正式反对 。 本周,MySQL的创建者Michael Widenius也发出了紧急呼吁,希望从MySQL的控制中拯救MySQL 。 他的原因:

Rather than working with the EU, Oracle contacted hundreds of customers and asked them to write a letter of ‘unconditional acceptance’ to the EC.

Oracle没有与欧盟合作,而是联系了数百名客户,要求他们向欧共体写一封“无条件接受”的信。 A strong MySQL has few benefits, whereas a weaker MySQL could be worth more than one billion dollars to Oracle.

强大MySQL几乎没有好处,而功能较弱MySQL对Oracle可能价值超过10亿美元。 Oracle had not made any promises to keep all of MySQL under an open source license, retain current support pricing structures, regularly release new editions, work with the community, or add features that could make it more competitive with enterprise databases.

Oracle没有做出任何保证将所有MySQL都保持在开源许可证下,保留当前支持定价结构,定期发布新版本,与社区合作或添加使其在企业数据库中更具竞争力的功能的承诺。 Oracle’s begrudgingly updated the InnoDB engine and Sun eventually forked the project.


In response, the company has finally issued a press release outlining their intentions for MySQL. Oracle’s 5-year public commitments include:

作为回应,该公司终于发布了一份新闻稿,概述了他们对MySQL的意图 。 Oracle的5年公共承诺包括:

To maintain and enhance MySQL’s Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture and documentation.

维护和增强MySQL的可插拔存储引擎体系结构和文档。 Change Sun’s current policy so third party storage engine vendors will not need to release code under the GPL.

更改Sun当前的政策,以便第三方存储引擎供应商无需根据GPL发布代码。 Offer commercial license holders an extension of their agreement with Sun under the same terms and conditions until 2014.

向商业许可证持有人提供与Sun相同的条款和条件,并将其协议延长至2014年。 Continue to enhance MySQL and create subsequent versions under the GPL. The Enterprise and Community editions will receive the same enhancements.

继续增强MySQL并在GPL下创建后续版本。 企业版和社区版将获得相同的增强。 Oracle support services will not become mandatory.

Oracle支持服务将不是强制性的。 MySQL research and development funding will be increased.

MySQL的研发经费将增加。 Within 6 months, Oracle will create and fund a customer advisory board which includes end users and customers. It will provide guidance and feedback on MySQL priorities and other important issues.

在6个月内,Oracle将创建一个由最终用户和客户组成的客户咨询委员会并为其提供资金。 它将提供有关MySQL优先级和其他重要问题的指导和反馈。 Within 6 months, Oracle will create and fund a Storage Engine Vendor advisory board to provide guidance and feedback on MySQL priorities.

在6个月内,Oracle将创建并资助一个存储引擎供应商顾问委员会,以提供有关MySQL优先级的指导和反馈。 Oracle will continue to maintain, update, and provide a freely-available MySQL Reference Manual.

Oracle将继续维护,更新并提供免费提供MySQL参考手册。 Customers paying for support will be able to renew their subscriptions on an annual or multi-year basis.


Florian Mueller, an adviser to Michael Widenius, called Oracle’s statement “cosmetic”. However, EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes stated she is “optimistic that the case will have a satisfactory outcome” and Oracle’s commitments were “an important new element to be taken into account in the ongoing proceedings”.

迈克尔·维德纽斯(Michael Widenius)的顾问弗洛里安·穆勒(Florian Mueller)称Oracle的声明“美容”。 但是,欧盟竞争事务专员Neelie Kroes表示,她“对该案将取得令人满意的结果持乐观态度”,而Oracle的承诺是“在正在进行的诉讼程序中要考虑的重要的新要素”。

It’s possible the EU will want further guarantees, but the Oracle-Sun deal appears to have a greater chance of succeeding. It could occur before the year end.

欧盟可能会要求进一步的担保,但是Oracle与Sun的交易似乎有更大的成功机会。 它可能在年底之前发生。

Are you reassured by Oracle’s statements? Do you share Michael Widenius’ concerns?

您对Oracle的声明感到放心吗? 您是否也认同Michael Widenius的担忧?


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