
tech2023-12-24  99

Now I hope I don’t upset anyone, but we need to face the inevitable. IE6 — a browser we’ve all learned to love — won’t be around forever. It’s survived longer than any of us could have expected and it still has a larger market share than Chrome, Safari, and Opera combined. Whilst some smaller web sites have dropped support for the 8 year-old browser, none of the bigger companies dared cut off a fifth of their users. Until now.

现在,我希望我不会让任何人感到沮丧,但我们需要面对不可避免的情况。 IE6(一个我们都学会了爱的浏览器)不会永远存在。 它的生存时间超出了我们任何人的预期,并且它的市场份额仍然超过Chrome,Safari和Opera的总和。 虽然一些较小的网站已经放弃了对使用8年之久的浏览器的支持,但没有哪个较大的公司敢砍掉五分之一的用户。 到现在。

YouTube, the Google-owned video sharing web site, is phasing out IE6 support. YouTube is one of the largest and most popular web sites on the net, so this action could have a massive impact on user numbers.

Google拥有的视频共享网站YouTube正在逐步淘汰IE6支持。 YouTube是网络上最大和最受欢迎的网站之一,因此此操作可能会对用户数量产生巨大影响。

IE5.5 and IE6 visitors to YouTube are now confronted with the following message and helpful IE8, Firefox and Chrome download links:


click to view full size


Google have also added a Chrome download link in the sidebar when you visit with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera or any other browser. This idea was recently suggested on SitePoint to help increase Chrome’s popularity.

当您使用IE7,IE8,Firefox,Safari,Opera或任何其他浏览器进行访问时,Google也在边栏中添加了Chrome下载链接。 最近在SitePoint上提出了这个想法,以帮助提高Chrome的受欢迎程度。

There is some evidence that IE usage has dropped within the past month, although the new releases of Firefox and Safari are partially responsible for that shift. However, the YouTube announcement could certainly persuade many private IE6 users to upgrade their browser. xBox360

有证据表明,过去一个月IE使用率有所下降,尽管新版本的Firefox和Safari是造成这种转变的部分原因。 但是,YouTube的发布肯定会说服许多IE6私人用户升级其浏览器。 xBox360

Unfortunately, YouTube is not heavily used within the corporate sector. The current economic climate and legacy IE6 applications have prevented many businesses upgrading their browsers. We can only hope that more businesses either update their applications or adopt Windows 7 so they can run IE6 in XP mode when necessary.

不幸的是,YouTube在企业界并未得到广泛使用。 当前的经济形势和旧版IE6应用程序阻止了许多企业升级其浏览器。 我们只能希望更多的企业更新其应用程序或采用Windows 7,以便他们在必要时可以XP模式运行IE6 。

Finally, there are rumors that Digg are on the verge of dropping the browser. The hard-hitters have had enough — is this the beginning of the end for IE6?

最后,有传言说Digg即将放弃浏览器。 辛苦的人已经受够了–这是IE6终结的开始吗?

