
tech2023-12-24  102


We’ve received a few questions regarding our 5-for-1 sale, but three main topics keep cropping up. I hope this helps to make it clear.

我们收到了一些有关“ 5对1”销售的问题 ,但三个主要主题不断涌现。 我希望这有助于弄清楚。

这笔交易到底能给我什么? (What exactly am I getting with this sale?)

When you order five books, you’ll receive three digital formats to download: PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. So in a way, you’re really getting 15 books. Five of our books are available in PDF format only; these books were created in a different application to the majority of our titles. Translating these titles to the new formats will happen later. We’ve included a little PDF-only icon in the top-right corner of each book’s  cover on the landing page so that it’s clear. It’s also worth noting that this is all about ebooks, not print books. It’s simply impossible financially for SitePoint to print five books for $30 — so it’s a deal I could never do.

订购五本书时,您将收到三种数字格式供下载:PDF,EPUB和MOBI。 因此,从某种意义上说,您实际上可以获得15本书。 我们的五本书仅以PDF格式提供; 这些书籍是针对我们大多数书名的应用程序而创建的。 稍后将这些标题转换为新格式。 我们在着陆页的每本书封面的右上角都包含一个仅PDF的小图标,以使其清晰可见。 还值得注意的是,这全都与电子书有关,而不是印刷书籍。 对于SitePoint来说,在财务上根本不可能以30美元的价格印刷五本书,所以这是我永远做不到的交易。

如果我已经有了PDF版本,可以免费获得新格式吗? (Can I receive the new formats free if I already have the PDF version?)

Just like you pay separately for print and pdf format books. These new epub and mobi formats are different to PDFs, and are not free. Originally, this 5-for-1 sale was scheduled for around September/October this year, but we chose to bring it forward due to the availability of the new formats. Basically, we wanted to give you all the cheap starting point to extend your collection of SitePoint books. When the sale is over we’ll return to normal pricing, and while we’re yet to finalize the exact details, prices will be in the range of $20-$30 for the three formats. We felt it was a fair compromise for the release of these new formats.

就像您分别为印刷版和pdf格式的书付费一样。 这些新的epub和mobi格式不同于PDF,并且不是免费的。 最初,这5对1的销售计划于今年9月/ 10月左右进行,但由于新格式的推出,我们选择将其推广。 基本上,我们希望为您提供所有便宜的起点,以扩展您的SitePoint图书的收藏范围。 当销售结束时,我们将恢复正常定价,尽管我们尚未敲定确切的细节,但三种格式的价格将在20到30美元之间。 我们认为这是发布这些新格式的公平妥协。

如何在iPhone上获取这些书? (How do I get these books on my iPhone?)

When we launched the deal, SitePoint staffer Andrew Tetlaw published a post and video on how to load your books on the Kindle and iPhone. We’ve realized that the level of detail, particularly for the iPhone, was a little short. So later today, Andrew’s going to release a more detailed set of instructions for the iPhone. I’ll update this post with a link when it’s published.

当我们发起交易时,SitePoint员工Andrew Tetlaw发布了有关如何在Kindle和iPhone上加载图书的帖子和视频。 我们已经意识到细节水平,尤其是iPhone的细节水平有些短。 因此,今天晚些时候,安德鲁将发布有关iPhone的更详细的说明集。 发布后,我将通过链接对其进行更新。

If you have any further questions please free to contact support.

如果您还有其他疑问,请随时与支持部门联系 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/answering-3-common-questions-about-our-5-for-1-sale/

