微软从Windows 7中删除IE无效

tech2023-12-24  105

Microsoft will ship European versions of Windows 7 without Internet Explorer when the new OS is launched in October. The decision was made following the European Union’s anti-trust investigation. In an on-going legal case instigated by Opera, the EU’s preliminary statement concluded that Microsoft’s bundling of the browser with Windows violates European competition laws.

十月份推出新操作系统时,Microsoft将发布没有Internet Explorer的Windows 7欧洲版本。 该决定是在欧盟进行反托拉斯调查之后做出的。 在Opera煽动下的一个正在进行的法律案件中 ,欧盟的初步声明得出结论,微软将浏览器与Windows捆绑在一起违反了欧洲竞争法。

According to a leaked communication from the company:


To ensure that Microsoft is in compliance with European law, Microsoft will be releasing a separate version of Windows 7 for distribution in Europe that will not include Windows Internet Explorer.

为确保Microsoft遵守欧洲法律,Microsoft将发布一个单独的Windows 7版本,以在欧洲发行,其中不包括Windows Internet Explorer。

Microsoft will offer IE8 separately and free of charge and will make it easy and convenient for PC manufacturers to preinstall IE 8 on Windows 7 machines in Europe if they so choose. PC manufacturers may choose to install an alternative browser instead of IE 8, and has always been the case, they may install multiple browsers if they wish.

微软将单独免费提供IE8,并且使PC制造商可以轻松方便地在欧洲的Windows 7计算机上预装IE 8。 PC制造商可能选择安装替代浏览器而不是IE 8,并且一直都是这种情况,如果愿意,他们可以安装多个浏览器。

Two flavors of each Windows 7 (Home, Pro, Ultimate, etc.) will be available in EU territories:

每个Windows 7的两种版本(家庭版,专业版,旗舰版等)将在欧盟地区提供:

Windows 7 E: the release without Internet Explorer, and

Windows 7 E :不带Internet Explorer的发行版,以及

Windows 7 N: the release without IE and Windows Media Player.

Windows 7 N :不带IE和Windows Media Player的发行版。

There are several reasons why this is a clever move by the software giant:


1. Microsoft are complying with EU law Windows 7 E/N will have no default browser so Microsoft appears to be committed to upholding competition laws. I’m no legal expert, but I’m sure the EU will have a tough time proceeding with the anti-trust case.

1. Microsoft遵守欧盟法律 Windows 7 E / N将没有默认浏览器,因此Microsoft似乎致力于维护竞争法。 我不是法律专家,但我相信欧盟在处理反托拉斯案方面将遇到困难。

2. IE is still available in XP and Vista XP and Vista users already have IE installed — will upgrading to Windows 7 remove the browser? It seems unlikely and nor would anyone want that to happen.

2. XP和Vista中仍然可以使用IE XP和Vista用户已经安装了IE-升级到Windows 7会删除浏览器吗? 似乎不太可能,也不会有人希望这种事情发生。

3. IE is only hidden Windows depends on browser components for several core services so, although IE can be uninstalled in Windows 7, it only affects the OS at a superficial level.

3. IE仅是隐藏的 Windows依赖于浏览器组件的几种核心服务,因此,尽管可以在Windows 7中将IE卸载 ,但它只在表面上影响操作系统。

Windows 7 E/N is likely to provide IE in an ‘uninstalled’ state. What would you do following a clean installation of the OS? Hunt around for browser installers or quickly re-enable IE and download what you need?

Windows 7 E / N可能以“未安装”状态提供IE。 全新安装操作系统之后,您将如何处理? 寻找浏览器安装程序或快速重新启用IE并下载所需的内容?

4. OEMs will still choose IE Microsoft has made it clear that PC manufacturers can offer an alternative or a choice of browsers. How many OEMs will do that?

4. OEM仍将选择IE微软已经明确表示PC制造商可以提供替代或选择的浏览器。 有多少OEM会这样做?

A browser choice screen requires a custom application and up-to-date installers. Developing and maintaining that software will have a direct cost to the manufacturer.

浏览器选择屏幕需要自定义应用程序和最新的安装程序。 开发和维护该软件将直接给制造商带来成本。 Alternatively, assume that an OEM offered a different browser. Would novices be confused by the absence of the blue ‘e’ icon and complain that their new PC is not Internet-enabled?

或者,假设OEM提供了其他浏览器。 新手会因缺少蓝色的“ e”图标而感到困惑,并抱怨他们的新PC不支持Internet?

Anyone who uses Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Chrome already downloads and maintains their browser of choice so a default IE installation is unlikely confuse them. That is not necessarily true for IE users. Providing an alternative browser will increase the OEM’s support costs and they cannot pass people directly to the Microsoft helpline.

使用Firefox,Opera,Safari或Chrome的任何人都已经下载并维护了他们选择的浏览器,因此默认的IE安装不太可能使他们感到困惑。 对于IE用户而言,不一定是正确的。 提供替代浏览器将增加OEM的支持成本,并且它们无法直接将人员带到Microsoft热线服务电话。

5. Microsoft will not need to promote other browsers The EU and Opera’s preferred solution is a ‘choose a browser’ screen shown during Windows installation and possibly within the Control Panel. That would have been a logistical nightmare for Microsoft and I’m sure vendors would still have complained their browser was shown less prominently than others.

5.微软不需要推广其他浏览器欧盟和Opera的首选解决方案是在Windows安装过程中以及可能在控制面板中显示的“选择浏览器”屏幕。 对于微软来说,那将是一场后勤的噩梦,我敢肯定,供应商仍然会抱怨他们的浏览器不如其他浏览器突出。

The solution also required Microsoft to publicise other browsers. One of the reasons IE’s market share remains high is because users are not aware of alternatives or are unable to install them.

该解决方案还要求Microsoft公开其他浏览器。 IE的市场份额仍然很高的原因之一是因为用户不了解替代方案或无法安装替代方案。

Microsoft’s decision to remove Internet Explorer from the European version of Windows 7 will have an negligible effect on the browser’s market share. That may not be the outcome Opera or the EU wanted, but I suspect the anti-trust battle is at least 10 years too late.

微软决定从欧洲版本的Windows 7中删除Internet Explorer将对浏览器的市场份额产生微不足道的影响。 那可能不是歌剧或欧盟想要的结果,但我怀疑反托拉斯之战至少已经晚了10年。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ie-windows-7-europe/
