
tech2023-12-24  99


The recent Google downtime affected several of their core services including search, GMail, YouTube, Analytics and their advert systems. The fault lasted around an hour and Google estimated that 14% of users suffered slow or interrupted access. This follows a couple of bouts of GMail disruptions earlier in the year.

Google最近的停机时间影响了他们的一些核心服务,包括搜索,GMail,YouTube,分析和广告系统。 故障持续了大约一个小时,Google估计有14%的用户访问缓慢或中断。 在此之前,今年早些时候发生了几次GMail中断事件。

Most of us have experienced some sort of server hardware or software failure. Service disruptions are inevitable no matter how much planning or contingency you put in place: unexpected events will always occur. However, few of us are responsible for services that total 5% of all Internet traffic.

我们大多数人都经历过某种服务器硬件或软件故障。 无论您进行了多少计划或应急,服务中断都是不可避免的:意外事件将始终发生。 但是,我们中很少有人负责所有互联网流量的5%。

To be fair, Google has experienced few periods of downtime in over a decade of continuous service. Unfortunately, when Google does go down, it can take other systems with it. Many people experienced problems with business-critical websites, such as online banks, because they relied on services such as Analytics.

公平地说,在十年的持续服务中,Google经历了很少的停机时间。 不幸的是,当Google崩溃时,它可能会与其他系统一起使用。 许多人在关键业务网站(例如在线银行)上遇到问题,因为他们依赖于Analytics(分析)之类的服务。

Take a look at your own portfolio. Even if you are not using Google’s website platforms, such as Google Sites or, do you depend on Analytics, Google account login, Google Checkout, Google Maps, YouTube videos, AdSense, or Feedburner? Or does your business rely on Google Docs, GMail, AdWords, News, Reader, or Trends?

看一下自己的投资组合。 即使您未使用Google网站平台(例如Google Sites或,您是否依赖于Analytics(分析),Google帐户登录,Google Checkout,Google Maps,YouTube视频,AdSense或Feedburner? 还是您的业务依赖于Google文档,GMail,AdWords,新闻,阅读器或趋势?

During the downtime, Google stated that people could switch to competing systems. If users could not access Google search, they could easily use Yahoo,, Ask or one of the many other search providers. But how could GMail users switch services? How could an online shop using Google Checkout switch to PayPal for an hour or two.

在停机期间,谷歌表示人们可以切换到竞争系统。 如果用户无法访问Google搜索,则可以轻松使用Yahoo,,Ask或许多其他搜索提供商之一。 但是GMail用户如何切换服务? 使用Google Checkout的在线商店如何将PayPal切换一两个小时。

The situation is likely to become worse. Google’s business model is to provide great online tools and services for zero cost; many of us have benefited from that policy. However, would you now choose to develop an Analytics-like web statistics system or any other service that Google gives away for free? Both Microsoft and Yahoo have tried and neither has been particularly successful. Google’s tools are better and cost nothing: will there be any Analytics competitors in five years time?

情况可能会变得更糟。 Google的商业模式是以零成本提供出色的在线工具和服务; 我们许多人都从这项政策中受益。 但是,您现在是否选择开发类似于Google Analytics(分析)的网络统计系统或Google免费提供的其他任何服务? 微软和雅虎都曾尝试过,但都没有特别成功。 Google的工具更好,而且一无所获:五年后会不会有任何Google Analytics(分析)竞争对手?

The Internet may be a distributed network, but Google is rapidly becoming a single point of failure.


Were your sites affected by the downtime? Has Google become too dominant? Are we too reliant on their services? Do Google failures cause a tsunami effect across the whole Internet?

您的网站是否受到停机时间的影响? Google变得过于主导了吗? 我们是否过于依赖他们的服务? Google失败是否会在整个互联网上引起海啸影响?


