
tech2023-12-25  105

Web developers are rarely happy. We’re big critics of our own work, even bigger critics of others, and are never satisfied with the tools we have for the job.

Web开发人员很少感到高兴。 我们是自己工作的批评家,甚至是其他人的批评家,对我们拥有的工作工具从未感到满意。

Browsers are our biggest bugbear. People never use the right browser and are reluctant to upgrade even if it’s for their own benefit. How can we be expected to move the Web forward when so many users are stuck in the past?

浏览器是我们最大的烦恼。 人们永远不会使用正确的浏览器,并且即使为了自己的利益也不愿意升级。 在过去有那么多用户困扰的情况下,我们如何期望将Web向前发展?

Internet Explorer 6.0 is the bane of the web developer’s life. The application is still used nine years after its introduction in spite of two more recent editions. Why should we struggle for the sake of a few misguided individuals and companies?

Internet Explorer 6.0是Web开发人员生活的祸根。 尽管引入了两个最新版本,但该应用程序在引入九年后仍在使用。 我们为什么要为一些误导的个人和公司而奋斗?

Here’s the thing: it’s partly our fault. We sold the idea of web applications on the basis that they’d solve the distribution and management problems associated with desktop programs. Workers could use a browser and never need any more software or upgrades. Unfortunately, we often neglected to mention that the browser itself would always need updating. That may be easy for us, but novices are less savvy and it’s a major headache for companies with thousands of desktops to support.

事情在这里:部分是我们的错。 我们基于Web应用程序的思想,即解决了与桌面程序相关的发行和管理问题,从而卖出了它。 员工可以使用浏览器,而不再需要任何软件或升级。 不幸的是,我们经常忽略提及浏览器本身总是需要更新。 对于我们来说,这可能很容易,但是新手并不那么精明,对于拥有数千个台式机支持的公司而言,这是一个头疼的问题。

The IE6 problem was partially caused by our own laziness. We took shortcuts. We concentrated on the interesting stuff and avoided the mundane. We wrote applications that worked great in IE6 but failed in all subsequent browsers.

IE6问题部分是由我们自己的懒惰引起的。 我们走捷径。 我们专注于有趣的东西,避免了平凡。 我们编写了在IE6中运行良好但在所有后续浏览器中均失败的应用程序。

I’m sure you’re thinking … ah, but IE6 is different; Microsoft’s dominance and lethargy caused many of the problems we encounter today. IE6-only applications were written because IE6 was the only browser. That’s true, but the same problems can arise in other situations.

我确定您在想...啊,但是IE6有所不同; 微软的统治地位和嗜睡情绪造成了我们今天遇到的许多问题。 因为IE6是唯一的浏览器,所以只编写了IE6应用程序。 是的,但是在其他情况下也会出现相同的问题。

Consider web standards. Just as you think vendors are moving toward a common goal, they start disagreeing and implement their own ideas. There’s already browser divergence with technologies such as HTML5, CSS animation, video formats, and offline functionality. In another few years, could developers be bemoaning Firefox’s lack of support for X or Chrome’s poor handling of Y?

考虑网络标准。 正如您认为供应商朝着一个共同目标迈进一样,他们开始意见分歧并实施自己的想法。 浏览器已经与HTML5,CSS动画,视频格式和脱机功能等技术脱节。 再过几年,开发人员是否会抱怨Firefox缺乏对X的支持或Chrome对Y的不良处理?

So will the end of IE6 make you, me, and everyone else happy? Ten years ago we were calling for Netscape 4 to die (if you thought IE6 was bad, NS4 would have appalled you!). IE6’s death may be imminent, but will we then start demonizing other browsers?

那么IE6的终结会让您,我以及其他所有人感到高兴吗? 十年前,我们呼吁Netscape 4死亡(如果您认为IE6不好,NS4会让您感到震惊!) 。 IE6的死亡可能即将到来,但是我们接下来将开始妖魔其他浏览器吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/no-end-to-browser-upgrades/
