
tech2023-12-25  102


Mozilla Firefox is 5 years old today.

Mozilla Firefox已有5岁了。

Firefox 1.0 was released on 9 November 2004. The browser quickly gained the adoration of web developers and their enthusiasm spread throughout the world. Firefox has been downloaded more than one billion times and is the world’s second most popular browser after Internet Explorer. (You could make the case that Firefox 3.x is the most-used browser since IE’s market share is split between IE6, IE7 and IE8).

Firefox 1.0于2004年11月9日发布。该浏览器Swift获得了Web开发人员的热爱,其热情遍布全球。 Firefox已被下载超过十亿次,是仅次于Internet Explorer的全球第二受欢迎的浏览器。 (您可以假设Firefox 3.x是最常用的浏览器,因为IE的市场份额被划分为IE6,IE7和IE8)。

Firefox’s history goes back a few years further and it rose from the smoldering ashes of Mozilla’s buggy and bloated browser suite. The project, aptly named “Phoenix”, was started in 2002 by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross. Their objective was to produce a stable, lightweight, and fast standalone web browser using Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine. The name was subsequently changed to “Firebird” and finally “Firefox”.

Firefox的历史可以追溯到几年前,它源于Mozilla的越野车和肿的浏览器套件的阴霾。 这个名为“凤凰”的项目由Dave Hyatt和Blake Ross于2002年启动。 他们的目标是使用Mozilla的Gecko渲染引擎来生产稳定,轻便和快速的独立Web浏览器。 随后将名称更改为“ Firebird” ,最后更改为“ Firefox” 。

Mozilla soon released Firefox was the future and the browser attained widespread awareness with their innovative marketing campaigns. Complimentary reviews followed and people began to realize that Firefox was not only a viable alternative to IE, but it beat the aging Microsoft browser by a considerable margin.

Mozilla很快发布了Firefox是未来,而浏览器凭借其创新的营销活动赢得了广泛的关注。 随后进行了免费评估,人们开始意识到Firefox不仅是IE的可行替代品,而且还以相当大的优势击败了老化的Microsoft浏览器。

For developers and power users, Firefox’s greatest appeal is the add-ons system. The browser was enhanced with extensions that made development easier and prompted the rise of Web 2.0 and Ajax applications. Today, it’s almost inconceivable to develop a web application without Firebug, the Web Developer Toolbar, or many of the other essential Firefox add-ons.

对于开发人员和高级用户来说,Firefox的最大吸引力是附加组件系统。 该浏览器进行了扩展,从而使开发变得更加容易,并促使Web 2.0和Ajax应用程序兴起。 如今,没有Firebug,Web Developer Toolbar或许多其他必不可少的Firefox附件来开发Web应用程序几乎是不可想象的。

Perhaps Mozilla’s greatest achievement is that Firefox changed the IT industry. Five years ago, few web applications were considered viable alternatives to the desktop and Microsoft stated that the web browser was dead. Mozilla’s success prompted Apple and Google to enter the market and Microsoft rescinded on their announcement that IE6 would be their last browser.

Mozilla的最大成就也许就是Firefox改变了IT行业。 五年前,几乎没有Web应用程序被认为是台式机的可行替代品,Microsoft表示Web浏览器已死。 Mozilla的成功促使Apple和Google进入了市场,而Microsoft宣布IE6将是他们的最后一个浏览器,对此微软感到震惊。

Happy Birthday Firefox! You’re aging better than many of us!

Firefox生日快乐! 您的年龄比我们许多人都好!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/happy-5th-birthday-firefox/

