浏览器渲染类型2d 3d

tech2023-12-25  80

浏览器渲染类型2d 3d

Google has released a new experimental browser plugin that makes it possible to display and animate detailed graphical 3D objects and environments directly in the browser.


3D browser-based technologies appear to be on the rise. Mozilla are working on a similar 3D plugin project and ID Software recently released Quake Live, a web-based version of their ground-breaking game.

基于3D浏览器的技术似乎正在上升。 Mozilla正在进行类似的3D插件项目,ID软件公司最近发布了Quake Live ,这是他们突破性游戏的基于网络的版本。

Google’s project provides an additional approach and the company hopes that applications such as Google Earth will eventually run directly from the web. Their open-source cross-browser plugin directly utilizes hardware-accelerated rendering. Developers can import 3D objects using the open-standard COLLADA format which is supported by SketchUp, 3ds Max, and Maya. Those objects can then be manipulated using a JavaScript API.

Google的项目提供了另一种方法,该公司希望诸如Google Earth之类的应用程序最终将直接从网络上运行。 他们的开源跨浏览器插件直接利用了硬件加速渲染。 开发人员可以使用SketchUp,3ds Max和Maya支持的开放标准COLLADA格式导入3D对象。 然后可以使用JavaScript API操纵这些对象。

Although this offers another 3D technology, Google admits that a standardized 3D web API is likely to be several years away and developers should only use O3D for experimentation at this early stage. However, they suspect O3D and the Mozilla Canvas 3D extension could eventually converge to create a single unified platform.

尽管这提供了另一种3D技术,但Google承认标准化的3D Web API可能还有数年之遥,开发人员应在此早期阶段仅使用O3D进行实验。 但是,他们怀疑O3D和Mozilla Canvas 3D扩展最终可能会融合成一个统一的平台。

3Ddéjàvu? (3D déjà vu?)

Browser-based 3D is not new. In the mid-1990’s, VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) was heralded as being the next big thing on the web, but the technology never became as widespread as expected.

基于浏览器的3D并不是新的。 在1990年代中期,VRML(虚拟现实建模语言)被誉为网络上的下一件大事,但该技术从未像预期的那样普及。

Developing 3D applications is not easy, but perhaps these projects will highlight the potential of a 3D web environment? It is another matter whether web users can see the benefits and are ready to make the leap from 2D.

开发3D应用程序并不容易,但是也许这些项目将突出3D Web环境的潜力? 网络用户是否可以看到好处并准备从2D跃升是另一回事。



Google O3D project, samples and video

Google O3D项目,示例和视频

O3D technical overview


O3D developer’s guide


Will you try experimenting with 3D web development? Could your web application make use of the technology?

您会尝试尝试3D网站开发吗? 您的Web应用程序可以利用该技术吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-3d-browser-plugin/

浏览器渲染类型2d 3d
