
tech2023-12-25  96


Yes, you did read the title correctly. Dave Heiner, Microsoft Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, has posted an official blog post following Google’s suggestion that the EU antitrust inquiry was instigated by companies with business connections to Microsoft.

是的,您确实正确阅读了标题。 微软副总裁兼副总法律顾问戴夫·海纳(Dave Heiner)在Google建议欧盟反托拉斯调查是由与微软有业务联系的公司发起后发布的,在官方博客中 。

Google’s public response to this growing regulatory concern has been to point elsewhere — at Microsoft. Google is telling reporters that antitrust concerns about search are not real because some of the complaints come from one of its last remaining search competitors.

Google对这种日益增长的监管关注的公众React是指向其他地方-微软。 Google告诉记者,关于搜索的反托拉斯担忧并不真实,因为其中一些投诉来自其最后剩下的搜索竞争对手之一。

It’s worth asking whether Google’s response really addresses the concerns that have been raised. Complaints in competition law cases usually come from competitors.

值得一提的是,谷歌的回应是否真的解决了已经提出的问题。 竞争法案件中的投诉通常来自竞争对手。

This is absolutely correct. If the EU think there’s grounds for an inquiry, Google should take the allegations seriously and conduct a thorough internal investigation. Fabricating conspiracy theories doesn’t answer the questions and won’t impress the regulators. Just because you’re big, profitable, and providing free products doesn’t mean you’re not “doing evil”.

这是绝对正确的。 如果欧盟认为有理由进行调查,则Google应该认真对待这些指控并进行彻底的内部调查。 捏造阴谋论并不能回答问题,也不会给监管机构留下深刻的印象。 仅仅因为您规模大,利润丰厚并提供免费产品,并不意味着您就没有在“做恶” 。

Heiner’s article continues to criticize Google and advises affected companies to contact competition authorities:


As Google’s power has grown in recent years, we’ve increasingly heard complaints from a range of firms — large and small — about a wide variety of Google business practices. Some of the complaints just reflect aggressive business stances taken by Google. Some reflect the secrecy with which Google operates in many areas. Some appear to raise serious antitrust issues. As you might expect, many concerned companies have come to us and asked us for our reaction and even for advice. When their antitrust concerns appear to be substantial, we suggest that firms talk to the competition law agencies.

近年来,随着Google的力量不断增强,我们越来越多地听到了各种规模的公司对Google的各种商业行为的抱怨。 有些投诉只是反映了Google采取的激进业务立场。 有些反映了Google在许多领域开展业务的机密性。 有些人似乎提出了严重的反托拉斯问题。 如您所料,许多有关的公司都来找我们,要求我们做出React,甚至提供建议。 当他们对反托拉斯的担忧似乎很大时,我们建议公司与竞争法机构进行对话。

It’s unusual for Microsoft to engage in public mud-slinging. It’s not in the company’s culture — you don’t need to undermine competitors when you’re at the top:

对于Microsoft来说,进行公共泥浆吊带是不寻常的。 这不是公司的文化,当您处于最高职位时,您无需破坏竞争对手:

Microsoft remains one of the most dominant and profitable IT companies primarily because of ongoing revenues from Windows and Office.

微软仍然是最主要和最赚钱的IT公司之一,主要是因为Windows和Office不断带来收入。 They’ve beaten dangerous competitors by producing better products, reducing costs, or acquiring the company.

他们通过生产更好的产品,降低成本或收购公司击败了危险的竞争对手。 You can’t criticize others when everyone is your customer. I’m sure Google buys Microsoft software — even if it’s just to assess the functionality.

当每个人都是您的客户时,您不能批评他人。 我确定Google会购买Microsoft软件-即使只是为了评估功能。

However, the threat from Google is different; Microsoft is struggling to compete and is yet to make a profit from online ventures. Although Google hasn’t encroached on their territory yet, Chrome OS and Docs have the potential to disrupt Microsoft’s core revenue base.

但是,来自Google的威胁却有所不同。 微软正在努力竞争,但尚未从在线企业中获利。 尽管Google尚未蚕食其领土,但Chrome OS和Docs有可能破坏微软的核心收入基础。

It’s therefore understandable if Microsoft are considering dirty tricks campaigns. But accusations of anti-competitive practices? I guess they must be experts in that field!

因此,如果Microsoft正在考虑进行恶作剧活动,这是可以理解的。 但是,指控是否存在反竞争行为? 我想他们一定是该领域的专家!

Has Google become a monopolistic and anti-competitive? Does Microsoft have a duty to publicize the complaints? Or should both companies just grow up and shut up?!

Google是否已成为垄断和反竞争者? 微软有义务宣传这些投诉吗? 还是两家公司都应该长大然后倒闭?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-google-anti-competitive/

