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tech2023-12-25  79

disconf apps

Google has announced they are dropping support for Internet Explorer 6.0 within Docs and Sites from March 1, 2010. After that time, key functionality may fail in IE6 and other antiquated browsers.

Google宣布自2010年3月1日起将不再对“文档和网站”中的Internet Explorer 6.0提供支持。此后,IE6和其他过时的浏览器中的关键功能可能会失效。

The search giant has justified the action because “many other companies have already stopped supporting older browsers”. That’s certainly true and YouTube is a high-profile example. (I’m sure it’s a co-incidence Google owns YouTube!)

这家搜索巨头已经证明了这一行动的合理性,因为“许多其他公司已经停止支持较旧的浏览器”。 确实是这样, YouTube是一个备受瞩目的例子。 (我肯定这是Google拥有YouTube的偶然机会!)

Google has good commercial reasons encourage IE6’s demise. Their future strategy and web applications depend on newer web technologies such as HTML5 which do not work in older browsers. Dropping IE6 may also persuade a number of individuals and companies to switch to Google Chrome.

Google有充分的商业理由鼓励IE6的灭亡。 他们的未来策略和Web应用程序依赖于HTML5等较新的Web技术,而这些技术在较旧的浏览器中不起作用。 放弃IE6可能还会说服许多个人和公司改用Google Chrome 。

The company’s announcement states users have several alternatives such as IE7+, Firefox 3.0+, Chrome 4.0+ and Safari 3.0+. Opera is not mentioned, but I suspect that’s a press release oversight — Google Docs works in version 10.10 and I doubt Google are purposely snubbing the browser. SynBay

该公司的公告指出,用户有多种选择,例如IE7 +,Firefox 3.0 +,Chrome 4.0+和Safari 3.0+。 没有提到Opera,但我怀疑这是新闻发布的疏忽-Google文档的版本为10.10,并且我怀疑Google是否故意抑制了浏览器。 欣贝

As a developer, I welcome Google’s stance on IE6. However, there are a few unusual aspects to their statement:

作为开发人员,我欢迎Google在IE6上的立场。 但是,它们的声明有一些不寻常的方面:

IE6 has a worldwide market share of 15%. It’s only around 5% in the US and Europe, but it’s still used by more people than Google Chrome. Google has immense power, so should they be able to dictate which browsers people use — especially when they’re biased toward their own software?

IE6在全球的市场份额为15%。 在美国和欧洲,它的使用率仅为5%左右,但仍比Google Chrome浏览器使用的人更多。 Google具有强大的功能,因此他们应该能够决定人们使用哪种浏览器-尤其是当他们偏向于自己的软件时? In my experience, IE7 causes just as many development headaches as IE6. There’s little reason for users not to upgrade to IE8, so why not drop IE7 too?

以我的经验,IE7与IE6一样引起许多开发难题。 用户没有理由不升级到IE8,那么为什么也不要放弃IE7? I would be a little annoyed if I were using Docs in a corporate environment where IE6 is enforced — especially if I’d paid for the Google Apps. I’ve no idea how many people that affects but I bet it’s more than none!

如果我在强制执行IE6的企业环境中使用Docs会感到有些烦恼,尤其是如果我为Google Apps付费的话。 我不知道有多少人会受到影响,但我敢打赌,比没有影响的多! Google Docs currently works in IE6. Like YouTube, I doubt the service will suddenly stop working on March 1. Newer features may cause problems, but it’ll be several years before IE6 becomes unusable.

Google文档当前可在IE6中使用。 与YouTube一样,我怀疑这项服务会在3月1日突然停止工作。较新的功能可能会引起问题,但要等到IE6失效,还要等上几年。

Perhaps I’m being overly analytical? Any news which prompts people to upgrade can’t be a bad thing! See Google’s full announcement for further details…

也许我正在过度分析? 任何提示人们升级的新闻都不是一件坏事! 有关更多详细信息,请参阅Google的完整公告 …

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-drops-ie6-support/

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