
tech2023-12-26  119


Google Analytics, the world’s most popular website statistical analysis system, could be illegal in Germany. Government officials responsible for national data protection are attempting to ban Analytics on the grounds that it breaches privacy laws.

Google Analytics(分析 )是世界上最受欢迎的网站统计分析系统,在德国可能是非法的。 负责国家数据保护的政府官员正试图以违反隐私法为由禁止分析。

Collating detailed web statistics used to be a time-consuming task. Site owners either resorted to rudimentary page counters or web server log analyzers such as AWstats or WebTrends. Although these provide valuable data, the information is generally better suited for systems administrators rather than Internet marketers.

整理详细的Web统计信息曾经是一项耗时的任务。 网站所有者要么求助于基本的页面计数器,要么求助于Web服务器日志分析器,例如AWstats或WebTrends 。 尽管它们提供了有价值的数据,但是这些信息通常更适合系统管理员而不是Internet营销人员。

Google acquired Analytics from Urchin Software in April 2005. Although it was originally a commercial package, Google re-branded the system and permitted unlimited free use from 2006. Rather than analyzing log files, Analytics uses a JavaScript snippet which is placed on every page of a website. The code collects visitor data and sends it to Google’s servers for processing.

Google于2005年4月从Urchin Software收购了Analytics(分析)。尽管它最初是商业软件包,但Google对该系统进行了重新命名,并从2006年开始允许无限制地免费使用。Analytics(分析)而不是分析日志文件,而是使用JavaScript片段,该片段位于一个网站。 该代码收集访问者数据,并将其发送到Google的服务器进行处理。

The real power of Analytics is evident in the reports. Data is normally processed within hours of collation and the system offers a huge range of analysis tools. The dashboards and attractive charts are a dream for marketers and statisticians. Today, it’s tough to find a major site that does not use Google Analytics, including an estimated 13% of German publishers.

在报告中可以明显看出Analytics(分析)的强大功能。 数据通常在整理后的几个小时内处理,并且系统提供了广泛的分析工具。 仪表板和有吸引力的图表是营销人员和统计人员的梦想。 如今,很难找到一个不使用Google Analytics(分析)的主要网站,其中包括大约13%的德国发布商。

The success of Google Analytics causes concern for German privacy protection officials. Conceivably, Google would be able to track an individual’s movements throughout the web and collate information from websites that hold personal data, such as banks and insurance companies. In theory, Google could create profiles that include information about a person’s interests, career, lifestyle, wealth, health, political and sexual preferences. If that individual has a Google account, the company could match a profile against a known user.

Google Analytics(分析)的成功引起德国隐私保护官员的关注。 可以想象,谷歌将能够追踪个人在整个网络中的活动,并从银行和保险公司等拥有个人数据的网站整理信息。 从理论上讲,Google可以创建个人资料,其中包含有关一个人的兴趣,职业,生活方式,财富,健康,政治和性取向的信息。 如果该个人拥有Google帐户,则该公司可以将个人资料与已知用户进行匹配。

The German authorities are also concerned data is moved away from the country and stored on US servers. Privacy protection laws are different in the US and, potentially, Google could move information to countries where such laws are non-existent.

德国当局还担心数据被转移到国外并存储在美国服务器上。 在美国,隐私保护法有所不同,而且Google可能会将信息移至不存在此类法律的国家。

There’s no evidence Google is profiling users in this way, but the company is secretive about how data is collated, processed and used. A Google spokesman argued that users could opt-out of data collection by disabling JavaScript or refusing cookies.

没有证据表明Google以这种方式对用户进行了配置,但是该公司对如何整理,处理和使用数据保密。 谷歌发言人认为,用户可以通过禁用JavaScript或拒绝Cookie来选择退出数据收集。

Unfortunately, German lawyers are already drooling at the prospect of anti-privacy cases. One claimed that German websites using Google Analytics could be fined up to US$75,000.

不幸的是,德国律师已经对反隐私案件的前景感到垂涎三尺。 有人声称,使用Google Analytics(分析)的德国网站可能会被罚款75,000美元。

Do you use Analytics on your websites? Are you concerned about potential privacy breaches? Or is the system so useful that privacy no longer matters?

您是否在网站上使用Google Analytics(分析)? 您是否担心潜在的隐私侵害? 还是该系统如此有用以至于隐私不再重要?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/germany-considers-google-analytics-ban/

