24天内达成24笔交易。 让倒计时开始……

tech2023-12-26  97

With the festive season just around the corner, and the close of another year looming, we wanted to finish 2009 on a high. Last year we released a special hard cover edition of The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, which were all snapped up in a week. This year we’ve got something bigger up our sleeve…

随着节日的临近,又临近临近的一年,我们希望在2009年取得高收。 去年,我们发行了《美丽的网页设计原理》 ( The Principles of Beautiful Web Design)的特别精装版,并在一周内全部抢购。 今年,我们有了更大的收获……

We’re very excited to present:


2009年SitePoint圣诞降临Calandar。 (The 2009 SitePoint Christmas Advent Calandar.)

For those who have never had the pleasure of owning an advent calendar, this is the way it works. For each day of the calandar, you open up a little door and receive a special gift. Usually the surprise is in the form of a trinket, or sweet treat.

对于从未拥有过日历的人来说,这就是它的工作方式。 每天,您都要打开一扇小门并收到一份特别的礼物。 通常,惊喜是小饰品或甜食的形式。

But this webby advent calendar is a little different. Every day, from December 1st until Christmas Eve, we’ll unveil a new 24-hour-only deal on SitePoint goodies. Each day’s deal will be different, with a grand finale on the 24th.

但是此webby出现日历略有不同。 从12月1日到圣诞节前夕,我们每天都会推出一项新的24小时全天候SitePoint特价商品。 每天的交易都会有所不同,最终结局将于24日结束。

Signing up to our email updates will guarantee that you don’t miss out on this December to remember. It will ensure the latest deal is delivered to your inbox the moment it’s available.

注册我们的电子邮件更新将确保您不会错过这个十二月的记忆。 它将确保最新交易在可用时立即发送到您的收件箱。

To give you a taste of what’s up for grabs, our top selling 5-PDFs-for-the-price-of-1 deal is sure to make a return at some stage, as will our 2-kits-for the-price-of-1 deal. But you’ll also see huge discounts on some of our most popular titles, and bundles so cheap, that resistance will be futile. :)

为了让您尝鲜,我们最畅销的1-PDF价格为1的PDF文件一定会在某个阶段获得回报,而2套件的价格-共1笔交易。 但是您也会在某些最受欢迎的游戏上看到巨大的折扣,而且捆绑包如此便宜,以至于抵抗将是徒劳的。 :)

Make sure you don’t miss out on a bargain — sign up now!


For more information, or to see the countdown, visit: http://sale.sitepoint.com

有关更多信息或查看倒计时,请访问: http : //sale.sitepoint.com

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/24-deals-in-24-days-let-the-countdown-begin/
