
tech2023-12-26  80


Today marks the 50th anniversary of the first showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Psycho in New York. The story of Norman Bates, his mother and the spooky motel is hailed as one of the most influential suspense movies of all time. So why do I mention it here on the design blog? Well nearly every film has opening titles and the Psycho credits were created by another highly influential individual, graphic designer Saul Bass. This is as good a time as any to look back at his wonderful title design work.

今天是Alfred Hitchcock的电影Psycho在纽约首映50周年。 诺曼·贝茨,他的母亲和幽灵般的汽车旅馆的故事被誉为有史以来最有影响力的悬疑电影之一。 那么,为什么在设计博客上提到它呢? 几乎每部电影都有开场片头,《 Psycho》的荣誉是由另一位极具影响力的个人平面设计师Saul Bass创作的。 现在是回头看看他出色的标题设计工作的好时机。

The opening credits are deceptively simple. A combination of vertical and horizontal bars move across the screen revealing the credits with Bernard Hermann’s dramatic score adding tension. The names are sliced and pulled apart and moved rapidly up and down the screen, possibly conveying the idea of a split personality like Norman Bates.

开头学分看似简单。 垂直和水平条的组合在屏幕上移动,伯纳德·赫尔曼(Bernard Hermann)的戏剧性配乐增加了紧张感,从而显示了学分。 这些名称被切开并拉开,并在屏幕上快速上下移动,可能传达了诺曼·贝茨(Norman Bates)这样的分裂个性的想法。

Psycho was the third and final collaboration between Saul Bass and Alfred Hitchcock. Bass also worked as an advisor on the movie, drawing setups and scenes for some of the movie’s sequences including the famous shower scene.

Psycho是Saul Bass和Alfred Hitchcock之间的第三次也是最后一次合作。 巴斯还担任电影的顾问,为电影的某些片段(包括著名的淋浴场景)绘制设置和场景。

Image via and.splinder


The Psycho Movie Posters


While I was reading up for this piece, I found a huge variety of Psycho movie posters. I’m fairly sure that they were not all (if any) designed by Saul Bass but they’re all pretty interesting to look at and include the instantly recognisable torn logo.

在阅读本文时,我发现了各种各样的Psycho电影海报。 我相当确定它们不是由Saul Bass设计的(如果有的话),但是它们看起来非常有趣,并包含可立即识别的撕裂徽标。

(Note: I couldn’t find credits for many of these posters so suffice to say copyright belongs to the creators which I believe is Universal Pictures.)

(请注意:我找不到许多此类海报的荣誉,因此可以说版权属于我认为是Universal Pictures的创作者。)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/happy-50th-birthday-psycho/

