Opera 10 Final发布

tech2023-12-26  85

Following a few months of beta testing, Opera 10 has finally been released and is available for download.

经过几个月的beta测试, Opera 10终于发布了并可以下载 。

We previewed the new features and performance in June, but the main additions you can expect are:

我们在6月预览了新功能和性能 ,但是您可以期望的主要新增功能是:

an improved interface

改进的界面 a re-sizable tab bar with page previews

具有页面预览的可调整大小的标签栏 in-line spell checking

在线拼写检查 webmail integration

网络邮件集成 HTML email composition

HTML电子邮件组成 auto-updates

自动更新 crash recovery

崩溃恢复 Opera Turbo — a new proxied compression system that can speed up a slow Internet connection.

Opera Turbo —一种新的代理压缩系统,可以加快慢速的Internet连接。

Even better — they’ve improved the application logo (about time!)


Developers can also utilize several new facilities including:


a better DragonFly; Opera’s Firebug-like development and debugging console

更好的蜻蜓 Opera的类似Firebug的开发和调试控制台 web fonts

网络字体 HSL (Hue, Saturation and Luminosity) colors in CSS

CSS中的HSL(色相,饱和度和亮度)颜色 CSS opacity within RGB and HSL declarations

RGB和HSL声明中CSS不透明度 JavaScript DOM element selection using CSS-like syntax

使用类似于CSS的语法JavaScript DOM元素选择 improved SVG support

改进的SVG支持 rudimentary HTML5 support


My first impressions are good. Opera 10 is slick and looks better than the competition. It feels just as fast as Chrome or Safari with many of the customization options and power tools in Firefox. It’s early days, but I’m increasing tempted to use Opera as my default browser … I recommend you try it for yourself.

我的第一印象很好。 Opera 10光滑,看起来比竞争对手更好。 使用Firefox中的许多自定义选项和强大工具,感觉就像Chrome或Safari一样快。 虽然还处于初期,但我越来越想将Opera用作默认浏览器……我建议您自己尝试一下。



Download Opera 10

下载Opera 10

Opera 10 press release

Opera 10新闻稿

Opera website


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/opera-10-final-released/
