
tech2023-12-27  90


Fresh from its successful case against Microsoft, the European Commission has turned its attention to Apple and their mysterious exploding iPhones.

刚刚从针对微软的成功案例中脱颖而出 ,欧洲委员会将注意力转向了苹果及其神秘爆炸的iPhone。

There have been several reports of Apple products exploding or catching fire in the UK, France, Holland, and Sweden. A US television station has also collated evidence of 15 ‘burn and fire-related’ incidents.

在英国,法国,荷兰和瑞典,有数种苹果产品爆炸或着火的报道。 美国一家电视台还整理了15起“烧伤和火灾相关”事件的证据。

Both the iPhone and iPod use sealed lithium ion batteries. If the seal is compromised, exposure to moisture or heat could cause adverse chemical reactions. Taking your gadget to the beach may not be ideal!

iPhone和iPod均使用密封的锂离子电池。 如果密封受损,则暴露于湿气或高温下可能会引起不利的化学React。 将您的小工具带到海滩可能并不理想!

Apple has responded to the EU saying these are isolated incidents and there is not a general problem. Statistically, the company is correct: Apple sell millions of products and a few dozen exploding devices is unlikely to indicate an intrinsic design failure. A recent Japanese Government investigation warned that there may be minor risks but no products were recalled.

苹果公司已经向欧盟做出回应,称这些都是孤立事件,没有普遍问题。 从统计学上讲,该公司是正确的:Apple销售数百万种产品和数十种爆炸性设备,不太可能表明存在固有的设计失败。 日本政府最近的一项调查警告说,可能存在较小风险,但没有召回任何产品。

However, Apple have been slammed for their treatment of customers reporting problems. Ken Stanborough from the UK complained that his daughter’s iPod Touch had exploded. Although Apple offered a refund, they denied liability and wrote to Mr. Stanborough saying that, by accepting the money, he would agree to “keep the terms and existence of this settlement agreement completely confidential” and any breach of his confidentiality “may result in Apple seeking injunctive relief, damages and legal costs against the defaulting persons or parties.”

但是,苹果因对待报告问题的客户而受到抨击。 来自英国的Ken Stanborough抱怨说,他女儿的iPod Touch爆炸了。 尽管苹果提供了退款,但他们拒绝承担责任并写信给斯坦伯先生,他说,接受这笔款项,他将同意“对本和解协议的条款和存在完全保密” ,任何对他保密的违反“都可能导致苹果公司要求对违约的个人或当事方发出禁制令救济,损害赔偿和法律费用。”

Apple — there is a simple way to resolve complaints: apologize and fix the problem. Customer feedback is invaluable and complaints are one of the best sources of information. In addition, a customer who has their issues settled is more likely to buy from you again. It’s a lesson for us all.

Apple –解决投诉的一种简单方法:道歉并解决问题。 客户的反馈是无价的,投诉是最好的信息来源之一。 此外,解决了问题的客户更有可能再次向您购买。 这对我们所有人来说都是一个教训。



相关资源:论文研究 - 欧盟经济波动同步化:来自五个样本欧盟经济体的证据