
tech2023-12-27  109

The new standard logo for the American Super Bowl XLV was unveiled today by the NFL and there’s a buzz on Twitter and some design blogs about it, although not very many images. There has been a new logo every year for the Superbowl but starting with the 2011 Super Bowl, the logo will basically remain almost the same. The only difference is that the Roman numerals and the stadium backdrop and will change for every year thereafter.

NFL今天揭开了美国超级碗XLV的新标准徽标的面纱,尽管并没有很多图片,但Twitter和一些设计博客对此颇为关注。 超级碗每年都有一个新徽标,但从2011年超级碗开始,徽标将基本保持不变。 唯一的区别是罗马数字和体育场背景会在以后每年更改。

Image From ESPN


The silver XLV logo features the Lombardi Trophy, Roman Numerals and the Cowboys Stadium.  Mark Waller, chief marketing officer for the NFL, said that this logo will be the permanent design for the Super Bowl, with each host city allowed to regionalize the logo. Waller said there will be a style guide for the logo which can be customized with the colors of the city.  If you’re not up to scratch with your roman numerals XLV is 45.

银色XLV徽标上印有Lombardi Trophy,罗马数字和牛仔体育场。 NFL首席营销官马克·沃勒 ( Mark Waller)表示,该徽标将是超级碗的永久性设计,每个主办城市都可以对徽标进行区域化。 沃勒说,将有一个徽标样式指南,可以根据城市的颜色进行定制。 如果您不满意罗马数字XLV为45。

Last years logo, a big, brasher, bolder affair was designed by Attik and was designed to look like a football whizzing through the goal posts with the Roman Numeral XLIV sitting either side.


Below you can see the schematic Attik have released giving an overview of how their logo was built up.


Any thoughts on the new logo? How do you think the shiney silver look compares with last years colorful, more brash logo?

对新徽标有何想法? 您如何看待闪亮的银色外观与去年的色彩缤纷,更醒目的徽标?

*Update: Apologies, in my excitement with the new logo I pressed publish on this before the post was finished with a pic of the new logo!*


