
tech2023-12-27  95

Episode 38 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第38集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #38: A Brain of Cats (MP3, 48.1MB)

SitePoint播客#38:猫脑 (MP3,48.1MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


301Works Plans to Save Short URLs


SitePoint Podcast #24: Those Frames are Ironic (SitePoint)

SitePoint Podcast#24:那些框架具有讽刺意味 (SitePoint)

SHORTURL FEUD: Slams Twitter and, Goes Open Source (Mashable)

简短内容:Tr.im抨击Twitter和,成为开源 (可混搭)

URL shorteners working with Internet Archive for long-term preservation (Internet Archive)

URL缩短器与Internet存档一起用于长期保存 (Internet存档)

Internet Explorer 9: Early Days

Internet Explorer 9:早期

An Early Look At IE9 for Developers (Microsoft)

面向开发人员的IE9的早期查看 (Microsoft)

Channel 9 videos:


Standards & Interoperability


IE9’s New JavaScript Engine


GPU-accelerated Graphics in IE9


Proposed Standard for Resource Packages


Making browsers faster: Resource Packages (Alexander Limi)

使浏览器更快:资源包 (Alexander Limi)

AOL Rebranding


New Branding and Logos for AOL (SitePoint)

AOL (SitePoint)的新品牌和徽标

Win $800 for redesigning the London 2010 Olympic Logo (SitePoint)

重新设计伦敦2010年奥运会徽标 (SitePoint) 可获得800美元的奖励

AOL’s New Brand Identity Comes to Life in Animation (AOL)

AOL的新品牌标识在动画 (AOL) 中变得栩栩如生

New Corporate Identity for Melbourne (SitePoint)

墨尔本的新企业标识 (SitePoint)

ANZ Bank Rebrand – A Super Regional Bank? (Truly Deeply/Madly)

澳新银行更名–超级区域银行? (深深地/疯狂地)

Are iPhone Developers Stupid?


Apple is not evil. iPhone developers are stupid. (QuirksMode)

苹果并不邪恶。 iPhone开发人员很愚蠢。 (QuirksMode)

Airfoil Speakers Touch 1.0.1 Finally Ships (Rogue Amoeba)

机翼扬声器Touch 1.0.1最终出货 (Rogue Amoeba)

Apple’s Schiller Defends iPhone App Approval Process (Business Week)

Apple的Schiller捍卫i​​Phone的审批流程 (商业周刊)

Airfoil Speakers Touch 1.0.2 Is Now Available (Rogue Amoeba)

翼型扬声器Touch 1.0.2现已上市 (Rogue Amoeba)

Native iPhone apps vs. Web apps (QuirksMode)

本机iPhone应用程序与Web应用程序 (QuirksMode)

iPhone Developers are not arrogant and stupid :) (Dion Almaer)

iPhone开发人员并不傲慢愚蠢:) (Dion Almaer)

iPhone Developers Aren’t Stupid, PPK (Faruk Ate?)

iPhone开发人员不是愚蠢的PPK (Faruk Ate?)

Host Spotlights:


Stephan: I Love Charts

斯蒂芬: 我爱图表

Kevin: Support Details

凯文: 支持详细信息

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: November 27th, 2009. The Internet Archive comes to the rescue of short URLs; Microsoft provides a sneak peek at what’s coming in IE9; and AOL gets a new logo … or does it? This is the SitePoint Podcast #38: A Brain of Cats.

凯文(Kevin): 2009年11月27日。互联网档案馆开始提供简短的网址; 微软对IE9的功能进行了简要介绍。 AOL得到了一个新徽标…还是? 这是SitePoint播客38:猫的大脑。

And welcome to another episode of the SitePoint Podcast. We have a shortage of hosts this week, just me and Stephan Segraves joining you today, but luckily, there’s no shortage of stuff to talk about, Stephan. We’ve got, the new AOL logo, some whisperings of what’s coming in Internet Explorer 9 and someone asking if iPhone developers are stupid—all that and more on the show today. But let’s start with the 301Works because it’s something we’ve talked about before way back in podcast 24, right, Stephan?

欢迎收看SitePoint播客的另一集。 本周我们缺少主持人,只有我和Stephan Segraves今天加入您的行列,但幸运的是,Stephan并没有什么可以谈论的东西。 我们已经有了,新的AOL徽标,对Internet Explorer 9即将发布的消息的耳语,以及有人问iPhone开发人员是否愚蠢-今天的节目以及所有这些。 但是,让我们从301Works开始,因为这是我们早在播客24中就已经讨论过的,对,斯蒂芬?

Stephan: Yep, we sure did. We talked about what’s going to happen if—, at the time, had gone away and the URLs had disappeared and has shown up and they have come up with a way, or have come up with a plan, I should say, to bring back the URLs or give us a historical archive of the URLs if something should happen to another URL shortening service.

史蒂芬:是的 ,我们当然做到了。 我们讨论了如果tr.im当时消失了,URL消失了,并且301Works.org已经出现并且他们想出了办法或想出了一个计划,该怎么办?应该说,如果另一个URL缩短服务有问题,请带回URL或为我们提供URL的历史存档。

Kevin: So to refresh the memories of our listeners, this all has to do with short URLs that have become popular because of Twitter—because Twitter limits the number of characters you can put in a message—and so the shorter the URL the better. So all these services like trim, like, which is the market leader, let you create short URLs that redirect to long URLs. So, yeah, as you say, there’s concern and we saw it with It almost shut down and at that time was something that had been dreamed up by and trim in its death throes at the time, took a shot at 301Works. They called it “little more than a public relations stunt.”

凯文:因此,为了刷新我们的听众的回忆,这与因Twitter而流行的短URL有关-因为Twitter限制了您可以在消息中输入的字符数-因此URL越短越好。 因此,所有这些服务(如trim)(如市场领先者 )都可以让您创建重定向到长URL的短URL。 所以,是的,正如您所说,我们一直在关注。 它几乎关闭了,那时301Works.org曾被bit.ly梦到,并在其死亡之喉中修剪,在301Works上开枪。 他们称其为 “不只是一点点公关st头”。

Stephan: I think they’re just angry about being the Twitter’s de facto standard at the time.


Kevin: Yeah. I can’t say it was a very classy move. It got me wondering. I wondered if they were right that 301Works really was just a way of saying everyone else is ‘fly-by-night’ and if anything goes wrong, we’ll take care of it for you.

凯文:是的。 我不能说这是一个非常经典的举动。 我很纳闷。 我想知道301Works是否确实是对的说法,只是说别人都在“夜间飞行”,如果有什么问题,我们会为您解决。

Stephan: Well, it looks like this is actually moving forward, which is impressive. I mean they’ve got archive, what is it, now behind it and they’re coming up with a plan, so I think it looks legitimate that they’re really trying to make this work.

史蒂芬:嗯,看来这实际上正在向前发展,这令人印象深刻。 我的意思是他们已经有了档案,这是什么,Archive.org现在正在其背后,并且他们正在提出一个计划,因此我认为他们确实在努力使这项工作看起来是合法的。

Kevin: Maybe it was a public relations stunt at the time but it looks like it has come a long way and if it’s got the support of, color me impressed. There’s this announcement on the web site saying that the domain and that the responsibility for that has been handed over to So in the case of any URL shortening service that is a member of this working group; in the case that any one of these goes down or goes away or goes out of business, everyone who’s signed on to this has pledged to hand over the keys to their domain to and meanwhile, is keeping a running archive of all of these short URLs that are being created so that if they ever need to, if any one of these players goes out of business, can take over responsibility for that domain and continue redirecting all those URLs for as long as necessary—which is forever, basically. So this is great.

凯文:也许这在当时是个公共关系特技,但看起来已经走了很长一段路,如果得到Archive.org的支持,我的印象会很深刻。 在Archive.org网站上有此公告,称301Works.org域及其责任已移交给。 因此,对于属于该工作组成员的任何URL缩短服务而言; 如果其中任何一个发生故障,崩溃或倒闭,则每个签署此协议的人都承诺将其域的密钥移交给,与此同时,Archive.org会保留一个正在运行的存档创建的所有这些短URL中,以便如果有需要的话,如果其中任何一个播放器停业,Archive.org可以接管该域的职责,并在必要时继续重定向所有这些URL。 -基本上是永远的。 所以这很棒。

Stephan: It is good news. It’s really good news. I was looking at the participating companies I don’t see on the list.

斯蒂芬:这是个好消息。 这真是个好消息。 我当时在看参加名单的公司,但没有看到。

Kevin: No.


Stephan: And so it’s kind of like, “Well, everyone should be participating, why not?”


Kevin: Yeah, and trim at the time said— Well, extended an olive branch, as they put it and said, “trim, if you’re going out of business, we’ll take care of you under the 301Works initiative,” and trim said, “Nuts to that. We’re just going to sell our service.” And if memory serves, they couldn’t find anyone willing to pay what it was worth without effectively spamming all the users of the service in return and so they went into business for themselves—or they open sourced it and promised that they would continue funding it for as long as necessary to keep it running. I’m not sure how well that’s working out for them.

凯文:是的,当时修剪说—好吧,按位延伸橄榄枝,就像他们说的那样:“修剪,如果您要倒闭,我们会在301Works的帮助下照顾您主动,”特里姆说,“这很重要。 我们将出售我们的服务。” 而且,如果有记忆,他们将找不到愿意支付其价值的人,而不会有效地向服务的所有用户发送垃圾邮件,因此他们会自己做生意—或者他们开源并承诺将继续提供资金保持运行所需的时间。 我不确定这对他们的效果如何。

Stephan: So that leads to the question of do you think this leads to us being more reliant on the URL shorteners—the services—or do you think we should still do it ourselves because we were having a discussion, should we do it ourselves or should we use a service. I was wondering what you thought about that.

史蒂芬(Stephan):因此,这就引出了一个问题,您是否认为这导致我们更加依赖URL缩短器(服务)?还是您认为我们还是应该自己做,因为我们正在讨论,应该自己进行还是要进行讨论?我们应该使用服务吗? 我想知道你对此有何想法。

Kevin: Yeah, it’s a good question.


Stephan: I’m kind of like wanting to go back to and just use for everything now.


Kevin: I think, technically, the right approach is for people to shorten their own URLs using an open standard like the one that we saw that let you put a <link> tag in your pages saying ‘the short URL to this page is the following’, and that way, everyone’s responsible for maintaining their own URLs, it’s a sharing of the load. If your short URLs stop working, it’s because you fell asleep at the wheel, you didn’t care enough about keeping your content permalinked, but that doesn’t affect the internet as a whole.

凯文:我认为,从技术上讲,正确的方法是让人们使用一种开放标准来缩短自己的URL,就像我们看到的那样,您可以在页面中放置<link>标记,说“此页面的短URL是”,这样,每个人都有责任维护自己的网址,这是负担的分担。 如果您的短网址停止工作,那是因为您睡着了,就没有在意保持内容永久链接了,但是这并没有影响整个Internet。

Stephan: Gotcha.


Kevin: Unfortunately, on the Web, the best technical solution isn’t always the one that wins out. Sometimes it’s the one that’s the most convenient and so I think people will end up relying on services like and the fact that is stepping in… You know,—this is the business they’re in. They’re in the business of preserving the history of the Web despite the fact that people are lazy and people will let their sites go away and giant sites like GeoCities will shut down because of financial concerns with no thought to the permanent record. So I think if we were all doing the right thing, if everyone chose the right course by history, then there wouldn’t be a need for, but I think there is that need and I’m glad they’re there.

凯文:不幸的是,在网络上,最好的技术解决方案并不总是成功的。 有时这是最方便的一种,所以我认为人们最终将依赖bit.ly这样的服务,而Archive.org正在介入这一事实……您知道, –这是他们所从事的业务。尽管人们很懒惰并且人们会让他们的站点消失,并且诸如GeoCities之类的巨型站点由于财务方面的考虑而被关闭,但他们却一直在保留Web的历史,但他们并没有想到永久记录。 因此,我认为如果我们都在做正确的事情,如果每个人都根据历史选择了正确的课程,那么就不需要,但是我认为有这种需要,我很高兴他们在那里。

Stephan: Yeah, I agree.


Kevin: Interesting though at the very end of the announcement, they provide a link to the 301Works web site and it’s a typo–they put a link to So someone clever jumped on that and put a site up at with some Google ads on it but they were nice enough to actually write on this web site about URL shortening, about why it’s a risky thing and why the 301Works initiative is a good one and they then provide a link to the actual 301Works site. I’m quoting here. They say, “ is absolutely not the organization that’s needed. In fact, it is a pathetic, confusing, and cheap for-profit-please web site that aims to take advantage of an honest and simple typo. These guys are douches. If however, you really are interested in the longevity of shortened URLs, we suggest you visit” So they have a sense of humor about themselves and that’s great.

凯文:尽管在Archive.org公告的最后,有趣的是,它们提供了到301Works网站的链接,这是一个错别字-他们链接到 。 因此,有人巧妙地跳了进去,并在310Works.org上放置了一个网站,上面放有一些Google广告,但是他们很不错,可以在该网站上实际写有关URL缩短,为什么这是危险的事情以及为什么301Works计划是好人,然后他们提供了到实际301Works网站的链接。 我在这里引用。 他们说:“ 310Works.org绝对不是所需的组织。 实际上,这是一个可悲,令人困惑且廉价的营利性网站,旨在利用诚实和简单的错字。 这些家伙是混蛋。 但是,如果您真的对缩短URL的寿命感兴趣,建议您访问。” 因此他们对自己有幽默感,这很棒。

Stephan: That was nice of them to give a link.


Kevin: Yeah. Next thing we’re looking at is Internet Explorer 9. We joked about Internet Explorer 9 in my recordings that I did at Web Directions South a couple of months back. One of the attendees there was smart-cracking that was he was really excited about on the web at the moment was Internet Explorer 9, which at the time didn’t even exist. But now Microsoft has come out and provided a sneak peek at what they’re working on for Internet Explorer 9 and what especially interested me in this case is that they’re actually calling it Internet Explorer 9. At this point in the development of IE 7 and IE 8, they said, “Yeah, the marketing people haven’t made a final decision on what it’ll be called so we can’t call it anything other than the next version of Internet Explorer.” So we started calling it IE Next. But it seems like they’ve lightened up or at least they already know that it’s going to be Internet Explorer 9 when they’re done with it, but yeah, here we have on the Internet Explorer blog a look at what’s coming. Stephan, correct me if I’m wrong but you weren’t too impressed by this.

凯文:是的。 接下来要看的是Internet Explorer9。几个月前,我在Web Directions South的录音中对Internet Explorer 9开玩笑。 与会者中有一位非常聪明,他当时对Internet感到非常兴奋,当时Internet Explorer 9当时还不存在。 但是,现在Microsoft已经出来,并为他们在Internet Explorer 9上的工作提供了一个偷看的机会 ,在这种情况下,我特别感兴趣的是他们实际上将其称为Internet Explorer 9。在7和IE 8中,他们说:“是的,市场营销人员尚未决定将其称为什么的最终决定,因此我们只能将其称为下一版Internet Explorer。” 因此,我们开始将其称为IE Next。 但是似乎他们已经减轻了负担,或者至少他们已经知道完成后将是Internet Explorer 9,但是,是的,在Internet Explorer博客上我们可以看到即将发生的事情。 史蒂芬(Stephan),如果我错了,请纠正我,但您对此并不太感动。

Stephan: No, I mean I don’t use Internet Explorer to begin with, but the first thing that I saw was the lack of ability to pass the Acid3 Test—just caught my eye—and I’m like oh…

史蒂芬:不,我的意思是说我一开始并不使用Internet Explorer,但是我看到的第一件事是缺乏通过Acid3测试的能力-引起了我的注意-我就像是…

Kevin: Yeah, they’re bragging about the fact that their current internal build has achieved 32 out of 100 on the Acid3 Test.


Stephan: Maybe they just haven’t got around to the other 68, I don’t know.


Kevin: And I say bragging. I say bragging and that’s a loaded term so I could be seen as accusing them of pounding their chests and saying, “Look how great Internet Explorer is,” and I hate to make that implication but that’s really how a lot of this blog post reads. It’s written in this tone of, “Here are the amazing things that are coming in Internet Explorer 9. We’re going to have better support for the Acid3 Test,” where browsers like Opera now have released a version that passes Acid3, 100 out of 100. “We’re going to have support for CSS rounded corners,” hallelujah!

凯文:我说吹牛。 我说的是吹牛,这是一个满载的名词,所以我可以看作是指责他们猛击他们的胸部,然后说:“看看Internet Explorer有多棒”,我不愿暗示这个含义,但实际上,这是本博文中的许多内容。 它用这样的语气写着:“这是Internet Explorer 9中即将出现的令人惊奇的东西。我们将更好地支持Acid3 Test,其中Opera等浏览器现在发布了可通过Acid3(100分)的版本。 100。“我们将为CSS圆角提供支持,” hallelujah!

Stephan: Finally.


Kevin: Finally but that’s not impressive. That’s, “Wow, at last, you got around to it!” sort of thing.

凯文:最后,但这并不令人印象深刻。 那就是“哇,终于,你明白了!” 那类的东西。

Stephan: It’s a little bit of cheerleading; I think is what I what I see.

斯蒂芬:有点啦啦队。 我认为这就是我所看到的。

Kevin: It is a bit of cheerleading and I am wondering if Microsoft feels that they have earned the right to cheerlead their browser, whereas in the Internet Explorer 7 timeframe, that entire release, they were hat in hand. They were, “We’re really sorry. We know we screwed up by stopping development on Internet Explorer. Please take Internet Explorer 7 as a token of our apology in this matter.” IE8, they were kind of like, “Yeah, we’ve addressed the most important issues for developers and this is a big step forward in bringing Internet Explorer closer to the competition and catching up on the stuff that we fell behind on.” I’m not seeing a lot of that contrite tone in what they’re talking about in IE9. They’ve posted three videos on the Channel 9 web site, which is kind of a Microsoft developer outreach community site and their interviews with the engineers that are working on this showing off demos of the stuff; and they’re continually saying throughout the video “it’s very early days”. Its’ clear, this is not the complete feature set or the final performance of what we’re going to see in Internet Explorer 9. I think it’ll be interesting to count the number of times they mention the fact that this is an early build, this is early days, we’re just getting started here—this is just a taste of what’s to come.

凯文(Kevin):有点拉拉队,我想知道微软是否认为他们已经获得拉拉队拉拉队的权利,而在Internet Explorer 7的整个框架中,他们都在手。 他们是,“我们真的很抱歉。 我们知道我们通过停止Internet Explorer上的开发而搞砸了。 在此问题上,请以Internet Explorer 7为我们道歉的标志。” IE8有点像,“是的,我们已经为开发人员解决了最重要的问题,这是使Internet Explorer更接近竞争对手并赶上我们落后的重要一步。” 我在他们在IE9中谈论的内容中没有看到很多con悔的语气。 他们在Channel 9网站上发布了三个视频,这是一个Microsoft开发人员外展社区网站,他们对正在从事此工作的工程师的采访展示了这些东西的演示。 他们在整个视频中不断说“现在还很早”。 很明显,这不是完整的功能集,也不是我们将要在Internet Explorer 9中看到的最终性能。我认为对他们提到这是一个早期事实的次数进行计数会很有趣。构建,这是早期,我们才刚刚开始-这只是对即将发生的事情的了解。

Stephan: Well, I wonder if this is kind of like the positive marketing spin that we’ve seen kind of with Windows 7 where they’re trying to meet the Apple, “We’re positive—we’re doing good things,” standard and they’re not trying to be negative or making up for something that they’ve done wrong in the past. That’s kind of what it comes off to me as. They want to be— “We’re doing something cool. This is new.” They want to be out there and that’s fine as long as their product actually delivers on what they’re promising.

斯蒂芬:嗯,我想知道这是否像我们在Windows 7上看到的积极营销那样,他们试图与苹果见面,“我们很积极-我们做得很好”。标准,他们并没有试图消极或弥补过去做错的事情。 这就是我的想法。 他们想成为-“我们正在做一些很棒的事情。 这是新的。” 他们希望在那里,只要他们的产品能够真正兑现他们的承诺就可以了。

Kevin: What they’re promising so far isn’t a lot. They say that Internet Explorer 9 will have JavaScript performance on par with Firefox 3.7. And for those not keeping track, Firefox 3.6 is currently in beta, 3.7 is kind of a next alpha version that’s coming; and one of the biggest things it has in it is an enhanced JavaScript engine. So IE 9 is aiming to match Firefox 3.7’s JavaScript performance and they say that will bring them much closer to the industry leader, Chrome and browsers like…

凯文:到目前为止,他们所承诺的并不多。 他们说Internet Explorer 9将具有与Firefox 3.7相当JavaScript性能。 对于那些不了解的人,Firefox 3.6当前处于beta中,而3.7是即将发布的下一个alpha版本。 它最大的优点之一就是增强JavaScript引擎。 因此IE 9的目标是匹配Firefox 3.7JavaScript性能,他们说这将使它们更接近行业领导者,Chrome和类似的浏览器。

Stephan: Safari.

史蒂芬: Safari。

Kevin: Like Safari are also quite fast in the JavaScript stakes. So they’re not aiming to match the leader of the pack, they’re aiming to catch up with the next one.

凯文(Kevin):像Safari一样,在JavaScript方面也相当快。 因此,他们的目标不是与之匹敌,而是追赶下一位。

Stephan: The stragglers.


Kevin: Yeah, the last of these stragglers. They also say they’re working on passing the Acid3 Test although they’re not making any promises there. They demoed CSS rounded corners and they mentioned that they’ve got a lot of new support for CSS 3 Selectors. So congratulations on all that stuff. We’re eagerly anticipating news of what else is going to be in IE 9. So far we’re nodding along but we’re not that impressed.

凯文:是的,这些游荡者中的最后一个。 他们还说尽管他们没有做出任何承诺,但他们正在努力通过Acid3测试。 他们演示了CSS圆角,并提到他们对CSS 3选择器有了很多新的支持。 所以恭喜所有这些东西。 我们热切期待IE 9中还会有其他消息。到目前为止,我们一直在点头,但印象并不深刻。

The other big thing that they mentioned was enhanced rendering performance using Direct2D. So rather than using the slow API that is used to draw buttons and menus and text labels in the Windows user interface—which is GDI—they are moving something closer to the Direct3D, hardware-accelerated 3D rendering engine, only this is a 2D version of that. So they’re going to be using the brains and power of your computer’s graphics processor to smooth out the rendering of fonts and texts and animations within Internet Explorer 9. And I think we’ve seen a lot of similar work from Apple because they rely so much on their Safari rendering engine to provide smooth animations in user interfaces throughout their operating system and to some extent, on the iPhone. That technology is key to Apple’s flagship polish—or Apple’s noted polish in the user experience—and so it’s clear that Microsoft has taken note and they’re trying to bring the same sort of thing to Internet Explorer 9 so that animated web applications will look just as smooth in IE 9 as they do in other browsers. The demo they showed showed just a piece of text slowly getting bigger, and how in IE 8 it kind of gets bigger one whole pixel at a time and therefore it’s kind of a jumpy animation, whereas the Direct2D has sub-pixel rendering and so it’s a very smooth, cinematic experience. It’s all good stuff but I think we agree there’s a lot more work to be done for Internet Explorer to be considered the leader in the market again.

他们提到的另一件大事是使用Direct2D增强了渲染性能。 因此,与其使用用于在Windows用户界面(即GDI)中绘制按钮,菜单和文本标签的慢速API,它们将更接近Direct3D,硬件加速的3D渲染引擎,仅这是2D版本其中。 因此,他们将利用计算机图形处理器的大脑和力量来平滑Internet Explorer 9中字体,文本和动画的渲染。而且我认为我们已经从Apple那里看到了许多类似的作品,因为它们依赖在Safari渲染引擎上进行了大量的操作,以在整个操作系统中以及在一定程度上在iPhone上的用户界面中提供流畅的动画。 这项技术是Apple旗舰级抛光(或用户体验中Apple著名的抛光)的关键,因此很明显,Microsoft已经注意到了这一点,他们正在尝试将相同的东西引入Internet Explorer 9,以便动画Web应用程序看起来像在IE 9中就像在其他浏览器中一样流畅。 他们展示的演示仅显示了一段文本逐渐变大的情况,以及在IE 8中如何一次变大一个完整像素,因此这是一种跳跃的动画,而Direct2D具有亚像素渲染,因此非常流畅的电影体验。 这些都是好东西,但我认为我们同意要做更多工作才能使Internet Explorer再次被认为是市场的领导者。

A browser that’s doing more interesting work in advancing the leading edge of web technology is Firefox and there’s this proposal that I caught sight of earlier this week and it’s a proposal for resource packages. This is clearly a proposal that’s supposed to attract the attention of other browser makers and eventually lead to a standard but this is something that’s being implemented in Firefox 3.7 again and they say, “What if there was a backwards compatible way to transfer all of the resources that are used on every single page in your site—CSS, JavaScript, images, anything else—in a single HTTP request at the start of the first visit to the page? This is what resource package support in browsers will let you do.”

Firefox在提升Web技术的领先地位方面做得更加有趣,这是我本周早些时候注意到的一项提议 ,它是关于资源包的一项提议 。 显然,这是一个应该引起其他浏览器制造商注意并最终形成标准的提议,但这是在Firefox 3.7中再次实现的提议,他们说:“如果有一种向后兼容的方式来传输所有在您第一次访问该页面时,在单个HTTP请求中在网站的每个页面上使用的资源(CSS,JavaScript,图像或其他任何资源)? 这就是浏览器中资源包支持将使您做到的。”

Stephan, have you ever had to worry about performance issues that come as a result of static things like CSS, JavaScript—all those requests bugging down the browser?


Stephan: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean sometimes I’ll be sitting there loading something and it will take longer than what I would expect for my high bandwidth connection to load and it’s not even the connection. It’s actually the browser is having trouble parsing it all out really quickly. So it’s a mixed thing. My connection is slow and then my browser is slow, at the same time. I do have that problem and this sounds like a great way to get around that to me. It sounds like its common sense.

斯蒂芬:哦,是的。 是的,我的意思是有时我会坐在那里加载一些东西,这将比我为高带宽连接加载所需的时间更长,甚至连连接也没有。 实际上,浏览器无法真正快速解析所有内容。 因此,这是一件复杂的事情。 同时,我的连接速度很慢,然后浏览器速度也很慢。 我确实有这个问题,这听起来像是解决该问题的好方法。 听起来像是常识。

Kevin: For a couple of years now, Yahoo! have really been pushing this agenda that if you want to speed up your sites, you don’t need to focus exclusively on the speed of your PHP page rendering—that a lot of headway can be made just by minimizing the number of files that your browser needs to request to display a page—and that a lot of the waiting time when you’re loading a web page is the browser making its initial connection, and also, browsers tend to put limits on how many things they’ll download at once from a given web site. So if you’ve got 20 files that need to be loaded for your homepage, your typical browser is only going to download, say, four of them at a time and then move on to the next four and then the next four and as a result, that time adds up. And so tools like YSlow—which is a plug-in for Firebug and it spots performance issues that are visible from the client side of your site—they’ve put heavy emphasis on pointing out when you’ve got multiple CSS files, when you’ve got multiple JavaScript files and how these things can be combined into one. And if you really want to take this to extremes, you can do something called CSS Sprites where you try and combine all of the images on your page into a single big image that has them all sort of pasted side by side, and then you use CSS to only display the portion of that master image in each spot on your site so that the browser’s only downloading one image but you’re displaying different parts of it in different parts of your page. I don’t think that’s something your average web site needs to worry about, but if you are a massive media site, if you’re or something like that, this kind of work can really make a huge difference to the performance your users see.

凯文:几年来,雅虎! 实际上一直在推动这一议程,即如果您想加快站点速度,就不必只专注于PHP页面呈现的速度-只需减少您的文件数量就可以取得很多进展浏览器需要请求显示一个页面-加载网页时,很多等待时间是浏览器建立了初始连接,而且,浏览器往往会限制它们在以下位置下载的内容一次来自给定的网站。 因此,如果您的首页需要加载20个文件,则典型的浏览器一次只会下载其中四个文件,然后再转到接下来的四个文件,然后再转到接下来的四个文件,结果,那段时间加起来了。 因此,诸如YSlow之类的工具(它是Firebug的一个插件,它可以发现从网站客户端可见的性能问题),它们特别着重指出当您具有多个CSS文件时,有多个JavaScript文件,以及如何将这些文件合并为一个文件。 而且,如果您确实想将其发挥到极致,则可以执行CSS Sprites,将页面上的所有图像合并为一个大图像,并排粘贴所有这些图像,然后使用CSS仅在您网站的每个位置显示该主图像的一部分,以便浏览器仅下载一个图像,但是您在页面的不同部分显示了它的不同部分。 我认为您不必担心一般的网站,但是如果您是大型媒体网站,如果您是CNN.com或类似的网站,这种工作确实会对性能产生巨大的影响您的用户可以看到。

And it looks like the person who wrote this proposal had something to do with YouTube because they point out the need, for example, that YouTube is constantly displaying thumbnails of related videos down the side and those dynamically generated thumbnails—it’s a different combination of thumbnails for every page on YouTube and as a result, they can’t do clever things like CSS Sprites in order to save load time.

看起来,撰写此提案的人与YouTube有某种关系,因为他们指出了这样的需求,例如YouTube不断在侧面显示相关视频的缩略图和动态生成的缩略图-这是缩略图的不同组合因此,对于YouTube上的每个页面,他们都无法执行CSS Sprites之类的巧妙操作来节省加载时间。

And it’s nice and backwards compatible. The idea is you make a web page just as you would before but then you put a <link> tag again–a magical <link> tag–at the top of your page that says, “Before you start downloading any of the CSS, JavaScript, and images referenced in this page, download this one file first and this file is a ZIP file, which contains as many of these static resources as you can fit in there.” It downloads this one file, it figures out where all of these files are linked from—where they belong in your site—and then as it processes your page and it sees an image that it would load otherwise, it goes, “Oh, I’ve already got that from the resource package. I don’t need to download it again.” And so at an extreme, you can download a whole web page with two HTTP requests: one for the web page and one for the resource package.

它很好并且向后兼容。 这个想法是,您像以前一样制作网页,然后在页面顶部再次放置一个<link>标记(一个神奇的<link>标记),上面写着:“在开始下载任何CSS之前, JavaScript和此页面中引用的图像,请首先下载该文件,该文件是ZIP文件,其中包含您可以容纳的尽可能多的静态资源。” 它下载了一个文件,找出了所有这些文件的链接源(它们在您网站中的位置),然后在处理您的页面时,它会看到要加载的图像,否则,“哦,我已经从资源包中得到了。 我不需要再次下载。” 因此,在极端情况下,您可以下载带有两个HTTP请求的整个网页:一个用于网页,一个用于资源包。

Stephan: It seems like it’s a great idea, right? I wonder why we haven’t been doing this before. The only thing I wonder about is the ZIP file and security things that. Do you think anything about that or do you think I’m kind of… I was just wondering. We see cross-eyed scripting, things that were people have gone and they’ve gone and done things behind the scenes and that seems like something that if someone figured out a way to put a harmful ZIP file there or change the path for that ZIP file—that we could see something that’s infecting people’s machines, maybe, or browser. I don’t know. I’m just thinking outside the box.

斯蒂芬:看来这是个好主意,对吗? 我想知道为什么我们以前没有这样做过。 我唯一想知道的就是ZIP文件和安全性。 您对此有任何想法吗?还是您觉得我有点……我只是想知道。 我们看到了交叉眼的脚本,人们已经走了,他们已经走了,在幕后做了一些事情,如果有人想出了一种在其中放置有害ZIP文件或更改该ZIP路径的方法,这似乎是一种东西文件-我们可以看到某些东西正在感染人们的机器,也许是浏览器。 我不知道。 我只是在跳出框框思考。

Kevin: Yeah. I don’t quite see it because it’s downloading the ZIP file just as it would download any other things, so if you can replace that ZIP file, you can already wreak a whole lot of havoc. It might be a way of compromising a site in a way the developer might not notice right away. I can see that. The developer goes and looks at it as JavaScript file and goes, “Well, looks fine to me. I can’t see anything wrong with my site,” but meanwhile, the hacker has replaced the ZIP file with a version that contains a malicious copy of that JavaScript file. So I could kind to see that but I don’t think it’s a real risk here. The biggest risk I see here—it’s not a security one, and we mentioned it earlier—that I don’t think the technically correct approach always wins on the Web. I suspect this is one of those things that looks great on paper, solves all the problems, but is any real world developer actually going to go to the trouble of creating these resource packages and keeping them up-to-date whenever they make changes to the files on their site?

凯文:是的。 我不太清楚,因为它正在下载ZIP文件,就像下载其他东西一样,因此,如果您可以替换该ZIP文件,则已经造成了很大的破坏。 这可能是一种以开发人员可能不会立即注意到的方式破坏网站的方法。 我理解了。 开发人员将其视为JavaScript文件,然后说道:“嗯,对我来说很好。 我看不到我的网站有什么问题。”但是与此同时,黑客已将ZIP文件替换为包含该JavaScript文件的恶意副本的版本。 因此,我很乐意看到这一点,但我认为这并不是真正的风险。 我在这里看到的最大风险-这不是安全性,而我们前面已经提到过-我认为技术上正确的方法并不总是在网络上胜出。 我怀疑这是在纸面上看起来很不错的东西,可以解决所有问题,但是任何现实世界的开发人员实际上都会麻烦创建这些资源包并在对它们进行更改时保持最新状态。他们网站上的文件?

Stephan: Well, it seems like it’s a much more compact way of managing a site. To me, it makes sense even if I’m— I’m not a developer, I’m not a CSS developer, but if I was trying to organize my site into a single file, it seems that that makes sense. We already use tools—like I use Coda—and I already use that tool to organize my site. This seems like this would be a great way to just have a plug-in for Coda and package it all up and ZIP it up and upload it–when I’m done editing.

史蒂芬:嗯,看来这是一种管理站点的更为紧凑的方法。 对我来说,即使我不是开发人员,也不是CSS开发人员,这也是有道理的,但是,如果我尝试将网站组织成一个文件,那似乎是有道理的。 我们已经使用了工具(就像使用Coda一样),并且已经使用该工具来组织我的网站。 似乎这是一种很好的方式,只需为Coda拥有一个插件并将其打包并压缩并上传即可-当我完成编辑时。

Kevin: Okay, yeah. If the development tools start generating these resource packages automatically, that would be pretty cool, I have to say.

凯文:好的,是的。 我必须说,如果开发工具开始自动生成这些资源包,那将非常酷。

Stephan: I think that’s a long ways off though. I think since we’re still on paper here, first you’ve got to get the browsers to pick it up. Are they going to really want to write the browser to do this?

斯蒂芬:我认为这还有很长的路要走。 我认为,由于我们仍在纸上谈兵,因此首先必须让浏览器将其拾起。 他们真的要编写浏览器来做到这一点吗?

Kevin: Well, Firefox is leading the way. They’re going to put this in and I guess see how it works and it’s nice that it’s backwards compatible. So just for the sake of argument, let’s say every browser implemented it except one—and I’m not pointing any fingers here—it would make the sites a lot faster on the browsers that did support it, and those that didn’t support it would continue to download the static files the normal way. So yeah, it’s good in that way; the backwards compatibility I applaud. I mean if you were able to drop this backwards compatibility issue, you could quickly make this even more effective by just—you know in Internet Explorer when you save a web page, it gives you the option of saving it as a single file like a compiled web page file that contains everything in it?

凯文:好吧,Firefox处于领先地位。 他们将把它放进去,我想看看它是如何工作的,并且它向后兼容是很好的。 因此,仅出于论证的目的,我们可以说每个浏览器都实现了它,除了一个(我在这里没有指责)之外,这将使支持它的浏览器和不支持它的浏览器的网站速度更快它将继续以正常方式下载静态文件。 是的,那样很好。 向后兼容我鼓掌。 我的意思是,如果您能够解决这个向后兼容的问题,则可以通过以下方式使此方法更加有效:您在Internet Explorer中知道保存网页时,可以选择将其保存为单个文件,例如包含所有内容的已编译网页文件?

Stephan: Yeah.


Kevin: You could put up web pages in that format on the web or something open source and similar but right now, this proposal is talking about cutting it to two requests per page for a fully optimized page, but the natural thing to ask is why don’t you just cut it back to one—make it a single file that contains everything—and then you lose that backwards compatibility because older browsers won’t be able to read those single page packages or those single file packages. So yeah, looking forward to seeing this implemented and for tools to start getting on board as well. I think that is a really important point. CSS Sprites, for example, is really a case of taking extreme measures for performance and the reason for that is there are no tools for automating it. It is a labor intensive thing to do.

凯文:您可以将这种格式的网页放在网络上或其他类似开放源代码的网页上,但是现在,此提案是在谈论将其削减到每页两个请求,以获得完全优化的网页,但是自然要问的是为什么难道您不只是将其切成一个文件-使其包含所有内容的单个文件-然后就失去了向后兼容性,因为较旧的浏览器将无法读取这些单个页面程序包或单个文件程序包。 是的,我们期待看到这一实现,以及一些工具也将开始使用。 我认为这是非常重要的一点。 例如,CSS Sprites实际上是采取极端措施以提高性能的一种情况,原因是没有自动化它的工具。 这是一项劳动密集型的工作。

Stephan: Yep and if you can take out the labor part of this, then there’s a little bit of an incentive besides just performance, it’s also organization. So it makes sense.

斯蒂芬:是的 ,如果您能省掉这部分的劳动,那么除了绩效以外,还有一点激励,它也是组织。 所以这很有意义。

Kevin: AOL is re-branding and it seems like they’re re-branding because Time Warner is splitting them off. After absorbing them several years ago—I’m not sure exactly when—AOL has been operating as a part of Time Warner and it’s being split off into its own company. It’s going to be a content company now. They’re no longer focusing on providing internet access or a richer internet experience. They’re focusing on creating content for the Web. Welcome to the club, guys. And they’ve got a new set of logos, a new brand, and the yellow running man is nowhere to be seen.

凯文:美国在线(AOL)正在重塑品牌,似乎是在重塑品牌,因为时代华纳正在将它们拆分。 在几年前吸收了它们(我不确定确切的时间)之后,AOL一直是时代华纳的一部分,并且正被拆分成自己的公司。 现在它将成为内容公司。 他们不再专注于提供Internet访问或更丰富的Internet体验。 他们专注于为Web创建内容。 大家好,欢迎加入俱乐部。 他们有了一套新的徽标,一个新的品牌,黄色的奔跑者已无处可寻。

Stephan: So does this mean I have to throw away my 4,000 hours? Are those CDs useless now?

斯蒂芬:那这意味着我必须丢掉4000个小时吗? 这些CD现在没用了吗?

Kevin: Yeah. I think they’ve been useless for awhile just between you and me. The logo is kind of a non-logo. It’s really interesting. It’s not so much a logo as a branding approach. So they’ve got the letters A-O-L and the A is still upper case but the O, L are lower case, Aol. So like a word, “Aol” and you can’t really tell if the L is a capital I or not. So it kind of looks like AoI as well, and then a period, a full stop at the end and that’s the logo—and it’s white. So it this logo appears on a white piece of paper, it’s going to be invisible. The idea is, the logo, the text becomes visible by having it against a colored background, a picture, a dynamic image of some kind and the samples they show on the logo announcement have it against a gold fish, against a hand giving the “Rock!” sign, a swirly sort of blue ink thing, some scribbles of various colors and I can’t even make out with that last one is—it looks like someone’s brain made of cats. Use your imagination. But you weren’t too impressed by this?

凯文:是的。 我认为他们只是在你我之间一阵子没用了。 徽标是一种非徽标。 真的很有趣 它不是商标,而是商标方法。 所以他们有字母AOL,A仍然是大写字母,而O,L是小写,Aol。 因此,就像一个单词“ Aol”一样,您实际上无法确定L是否为大写字母I。 因此,它看起来也像AoI,然后是一段,最后是句号,这就是徽标-它是白色的。 因此,如果此徽标出现在白纸上,它将是不可见的。 想法是,徽标,文字通过在彩色背景,图片,某种动态图像上显示而变得可见,并且在徽标公告上显示的样本在金鱼上显示,而在标有“岩!” 标志,一种漩涡状的蓝色墨水,各种颜色的涂鸦,我什至无法分辨出最后一个是-看起来就像是人的大脑是由猫做成的。 动用你的想象力。 但是您对这个印象不是很深刻吗?

Stephan: No. From my understanding, this is actually done by the same company that did the 2012 London Olympics logo.


Kevin: Oh dear.


Stephan: Which if you haven’t seen that is also a piece of work, if I do say so myself.


Kevin: I’m surprised they’re still getting work.


Stephan: If you haven’t seen this, you have to go see it. It’s like bright pink and purple.

史蒂芬:如果您还没有看到它,那么您必须去看看它。 就像鲜艳的粉红色和紫色。

Kevin: I have to say I like this a lot better than the 2012 logo.


Stephan: Oh, yeah. This is better. Maybe that’s how they got the work, I don’t know.

斯蒂芬:哦,是的。 这个更好。 我不知道这就是他们的工作方式。

Kevin: There’s a video version that’s nice and again, they’ve just got that white text but it’s being revealed by interesting videos, paint of two different colors splashing together in the center of the screen to reveal the AOL text that was there all along but it was invisible against the white background. The last one is especially funny—it’s some sort of high impact dance move because it’s a guy standing in the middle and his two friends run up to him and step on his chest and his back as they do a flip in the air at the same time. It’s all very exciting.

凯文:有一个很好的视频版本 ,他们刚得到了白色文本,但是有趣的视频正在显示它们,两种不同颜色的颜料一起溅在屏幕中央,以显示始终存在的AOL文本。但是在白色背景下是看不见的。 最后一个特别有趣-这是一种高冲击力的舞步,因为这是一个男人站在中间,他的两个朋友向他跑来,踩在他的胸部和背部,因为他们同时在空中翻转时间。 一切都非常令人兴奋。

Stephan: I think the video was really cool. What bothers me is the logos that they’ve shown that are still logos. I mean, they’re not logos. What bothers me is they almost look like they’re print—like they should be on like a newspaper because they’re grainy, it doesn’t look refined, it just kind of looks like this threw some crappy fonts…

斯蒂芬:我认为视频真的很棒。 让我感到困扰的是他们所显示的徽标仍然是徽标。 我的意思是,它们不是徽标。 让我感到困扰的是,它们几乎看起来像是印刷品–就像它们应该像报纸一样放在报纸上,因为它们呈颗粒状,看上去并不精致,只是看起来像是扔了一些笨拙的字体……

Kevin: Stock photos.


Stephan: …yeah, on a stock photo. But the video is, like you said, is cool. It’s neat, it’s kind of modern. I like that.

斯蒂芬:是的,在图片上。 但是视频就像您说的那样很酷。 它很整洁,有点现代。 我喜欢。

Kevin: A subtle thing that’s going on in the photo versions at the very least I like is that the white Aol text is never completely revealed by the picture that’s behind it. There’s always sort of a piece of the letter A or a piece of the letter L that’s sticking out over the edge of the photo and connecting with the white background and so the text sort of feels like it’s pulling air into the photo. Do you see what I mean? It keeps that connection with the wide open white space?

凯文:至少我喜欢在照片版本中发生的一件微妙的事情,就是白色Aol文字永远不会被背后的图片完全显示出来。 总会有一些字母A或字母L伸出照片的边缘并与白色背景相连,因此文本的感觉就像是在将空气吸入照片中。 你明白我的意思吗? 它与开放的空白区域保持这种联系吗?

Stephan: Yeah. It’s like infinite even though it’s connected. Yeah, I see that.

斯蒂芬:是的。 即使已连接,也像无限一样。 是的,我明白了。

Kevin: I like it. I’ve seen recent re-brandings, the city of Melbourne, the ANZ Bank—the Australian New Zealand bank down here in Australia—we’ve had a couple of high profile new rebrandings happening and both of those are right up there with the 2012 Olympics. They’re pretty horrendous and I will congratulate AOL for their creativity and for creating something interesting here, but no one seems particularly blown away by this.

凯文:我喜欢。 我已经看到了最近的品牌重塑, 墨尔本市 , 澳新银行(ANZ Bank) -澳大利亚在这里的澳大利亚新西兰银行-我们已经进行了两次备受瞩目的新品牌重塑,而这两个品牌都在这里2012年奥运会。 他们非常恐怖,我要祝贺AOL的创造力和在这里创造有趣的东西,但是似乎没有人特别为此感到震惊。

Stephan: There’s not a lot of fondness for it.


Kevin: Well, what it lacks is a clear visual brand like something that you’re going to recognize at a great distance driving down the freeway as you see it on a billboard. The brand that they’ve created is a non-brand here. It’s something that you’re going to have to squint and discover anew every time you see it.

凯文:好吧,它缺少的是清晰的视觉品牌,就像您在广告牌上看到沿着高速公路驶向很长一段距离时会认出来的那样。 他们创建的品牌在这里是非品牌。 每当您看到它时,都必须斜视一下并重新发现。

Stephan: That’s a good way to put it. Yeah, it’s not like a font that you know right off the bat as AOL or it’s not the bold letters like we used to see with the running man, it’s none of that; so you really got to think about if for a second. When I first saw it I was like, “What kind of one-sentence word is that?”

斯蒂芬:那是个好方法。 是的,它不像是您马上就知道的AOL字体,也不是像我们以前在奔跑的人身上看到的那种粗体字母,仅此而已。 所以你真的要考虑一下。 当我第一次看到它的时候,我会想:“那是一个单句的单词?”

Kevin: Yeah.


Stephan: What kind of one-word sentence is that, sorry.


Kevin: Yeah, exactly, AOL.


Stephan: AOL.


Kevin: Or it’s not even AOL. It’s Aol.

凯文:或者甚至不是美国在线。 是Aol

“Are iPhone developers stupid?” asks Peter-Paul Koch. In fact, his initial blog post didn’t even ask it. He just came out and said it. “Apple is not evil. IPhone developers are stupid.” And this has to do with something that we haven’t actually mentioned in the podcast before. It’s been on our radar and that’s the furor surrounding the process that an iPhone developer has to go through to get their application approved for sale in the Apple App Store. Without going over every single example because we’d be here all day, there are many examples of developers who’ve put in months of work in some cases on an app, spent thousands if not millions of dollars in development and preparing their marketing push for launch day and then they put this app to Apple and Apple goes, “Nah. Rejected. Rejected because it will confuse users,” and they’re rarely more specific than that.

“ iPhone开发人员愚蠢吗?” 彼得·保罗·科赫问。 实际上, 他最初的博客文章甚至都没有问。 他只是出来说。 “苹果并不邪恶。 iPhone开发人员很愚蠢。” 这与我们之前在播客中实际上没有提到的东西有关。 这已经成为我们的关注焦点,而这正是iPhone开发人员在Apple App Store中批准其应用程序销售所必须经过的过程。 因为我们整天待在这里,所以没有遍历每个示例,有很多开发人员在某些情况下花了几个月的时间在应用程序上花费了数千甚至数百万美元来开发和准备营销工作的例子在发布当天,然后他们将这个应用程序发布给了苹果公司,然后苹果公司说:“不。 拒绝。 被拒绝,因为它会使用户感到困惑”,而且他们很少比这更具体。

Stephan: Yeah, it’s pretty bad in my opinion. I’m kind of more on the side of Apple choose to open the store and just monitor it for people who are sending out bad apps or apps that are dangerous to the phone rather than choosing which apps get on the store and which apps don’t. I don’t know. It seems like it’s counter-intuitive.

斯蒂芬:是的,我认为这很糟糕。 对于苹果,我更愿意选择开设商店并仅对其进行监视,以便那些发送不良应用程序或对手机有害的应用程序的人,而不是选择哪些应用程序进入商店以及哪些应用程序不在商店中t。 我不知道。 似乎违反直觉。

Kevin: I’m going to make a big bet here because this thing seemed to be coming to a head. We’re at the point in the past week— did you see the Airfoil debacle?

凯文:我要在这里下大赌注,因为这件事似乎即将到来。 过去一周我们处于关键时刻–您看到机翼的崩溃了吗?

Stephan: I did not.


Kevin: Well, Airfoil is this application for the Mac and for Windows, but mainly Mac users use it and it’s this app that lets you grab the audio from any application on your computer or all the audio for your computer and transmit it either to another computer running their free Airfoil Speakers application, or to an AirPort Express or an Apple TV and these devices have built-in music streaming capabilities so you can send music from iTunes. Well, Airfoil lets you send it from any application to these devices and they have an application Airfoil Speakers for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This app has been on the App Store for almost a year now if not longer and it just lets you receive this stream of audio from any computer running Airfoil. And no problem, you might think, and the 1.0 application has been very successful for them and Apple approved it and kept it in the App Store and then shortly after they found a few bugs so they wanted to release version 1.0.1.

凯文:好吧, Airfoil是适用于Mac和Windows的此应用程序,但主要是Mac用户使用它,而该应用程序可让您从计算机上任何应用程序或计算机上所有音频中获取音频,然后将其传输到另一个运行其免费Airfoil Speakers应用程序的计算机,或者运行AirPort Express或Apple TV的计算机,这些设备具有内置的音乐流功能,因此您可以从iTunes发送音乐。 好吧,Airfoil允许您将其从任何应用程序发送到这些设备,并且它们具有适用于iPhone和iPod Touch的应用程序Airfoil Speakers。 这个应用程序已经在App Store上使用了将近一年,甚至更长的时间,它只是让您从任何运行Airfoil的计算机上接收此音频流。 And no problem, you might think, and the 1.0 application has been very successful for them and Apple approved it and kept it in the App Store and then shortly after they found a few bugs so they wanted to release version 1.0.1.

Well, what happens is with the App Store, you have to submit updates as a new application to be approved and Apple denied that update. Even though it contained some critical fixes to an application that Apple had previously approved and continued to keep in the App Store after they rejected 1.0.1 and the reason they rejected it is because at a glance, Airfoil Speakers contained images of Apple hardware. So if you were receiving audio from an iMac, it would show a picture of an iMac in the Airfoil Speakers application. But what was happening was that they were using Apple’s own APIs to provide these images. The Airfoil application running on the iMac would say, “I need to send a picture of this computer to the receiving end to let them know what this computer looks like.” And so they ask Mac OS X. They say, “Mac OS X, you’ve got a documented way for me to get a picture of the computer I’m running on, can you give me that picture?” And Mac OS X gives it that picture and they send it to Airfoil Speakers and Airfoil Speakers displays it.

Well, what happens is with the App Store, you have to submit updates as a new application to be approved and Apple denied that update. Even though it contained some critical fixes to an application that Apple had previously approved and continued to keep in the App Store after they rejected 1.0.1 and the reason they rejected it is because at a glance, Airfoil Speakers contained images of Apple hardware. So if you were receiving audio from an iMac, it would show a picture of an iMac in the Airfoil Speakers application. But what was happening was that they were using Apple's own APIs to provide these images. The Airfoil application running on the iMac would say, “I need to send a picture of this computer to the receiving end to let them know what this computer looks like.” And so they ask Mac OS X. They say, “Mac OS X, you've got a documented way for me to get a picture of the computer I'm running on, can you give me that picture?” And Mac OS X gives it that picture and they send it to Airfoil Speakers and Airfoil Speakers displays it.

So this is a feature in Apple’s operating system that Apple provides and yet when Airfoil Speakers used it, Apple rejected that application for the fact that they were using images of Apple hardware–even though they had previously approved a version of the application that did the exact thing, that just had more bugs in the application.

So this is a feature in Apple's operating system that Apple provides and yet when Airfoil Speakers used it, Apple rejected that application for the fact that they were using images of Apple hardware–even though they had previously approved a version of the application that did the exact thing, that just had more bugs in the application.

Stephan: Yeah, it’s backwards. That’s backward.

Stephan: Yeah, it's backwards. That's backward.

Kevin: So like I said, we could talk all day telling these stories—and this is a typical one—but things are coming to a head because in response to this, the company behind Airfoil, which is Rogue Amoeba, they posted a big blog post explaining how they finally got their application approved by stripping out all of the images of Apple hardware or stripping out the code that was displaying those images and they got Apple to approve it six months or something after they originally submitted it to Apple. As a result, they are giving up on iPhone development and there have been a few high profile developers who’ve taken this stance that iPhone development is just too hard because Apple’s draconian App Store approval proces—its black box nature—the fact that you can’t predict reliably whether something you’ve written is going to be approved by Apple or not. The rules are vague and their enforcement is inconsistent.

Kevin: So like I said, we could talk all day telling these stories—and this is a typical one—but things are coming to a head because in response to this, the company behind Airfoil, which is Rogue Amoeba, they posted a big blog post explaining how they finally got their application approved by stripping out all of the images of Apple hardware or stripping out the code that was displaying those images and they got Apple to approve it six months or something after they originally submitted it to Apple. As a result, they are giving up on iPhone development and there have been a few high profile developers who've taken this stance that iPhone development is just too hard because Apple's draconian App Store approval proces—its black box nature—the fact that you can't predict reliably whether something you've written is going to be approved by Apple or not. The rules are vague and their enforcement is inconsistent.

So developers with greater and greater profiles have been walking away from the iPhone platform and Apple started doing something about it. Phil Schiller, one of the big muckety-mucks at Apple was speaking to Business Week this week and said that they’re working on these very problems and in fact, Apple turned around and got in touch with Rogue Amoeba as a result of their blog post and said, “Look, you were right, we were wrong, submit yet another version of your app that brings those icons back, those images of Apple hardware back, and we’ll approve it right away.” And they did. They approved it within 24 hours, within one working day.

So developers with greater and greater profiles have been walking away from the iPhone platform and Apple started doing something about it. Phil Schiller, one of the big muckety-mucks at Apple was speaking to Business Week this week and said that they're working on these very problems and in fact, Apple turned around and got in touch with Rogue Amoeba as a result of their blog post and said, “Look, you were right, we were wrong, submit yet another version of your app that brings those icons back, those images of Apple hardware back, and we'll approve it right away.” 他们做到了。 They approved it within 24 hours, within one working day.

So Apple is doing stuff about this but I don’t think their position can hold. The more people that they concede to as a result of angry blog posts, the more angry blog posts they’re going to get and I’m betting that within 12 months Apple is going to have to lift the restriction on iPhone applications that makes it so that applications can only be installed from the iTunes App Store.

So Apple is doing stuff about this but I don't think their position can hold. The more people that they concede to as a result of angry blog posts, the more angry blog posts they're going to get and I'm betting that within 12 months Apple is going to have to lift the restriction on iPhone applications that makes it so that applications can only be installed from the iTunes App Store.

Stephan: You think so?

Stephan: You think so?

Kevin: I think they’ll continue to keep the App Store closed and requiring Apple approval but if you want to distribute your app another way, just put it up on your web site so that people can click on it in mobile Safari and download it and install it. They actually support this now but they really put strong restrictions on it so it can only be used for beta programs by developers. I think there’s a limit on the number of copies of an application that can be distributed this way using ad hoc distribution but I think they’re going to be forced to open that up.

Kevin: I think they'll continue to keep the App Store closed and requiring Apple approval but if you want to distribute your app another way, just put it up on your web site so that people can click on it in mobile Safari and download it and install it. They actually support this now but they really put strong restrictions on it so it can only be used for beta programs by developers. I think there's a limit on the number of copies of an application that can be distributed this way using ad hoc distribution but I think they're going to be forced to open that up.

Stephan: See, I think I disagree because this is a moneymaker for them. I mean, the App Store, they get a percentage of the pie. So I don’t see them wanting to give that up completely.

Stephan: See, I think I disagree because this is a moneymaker for them. I mean, the App Store, they get a percentage of the pie. So I don't see them wanting to give that up completely.

Kevin: But I think the App Store will continue to be the most convenient way for a developer to make money off of their iPhone app. I think if they want to sell it and they don’t want to go through all of the pain of setting up an ecommerce web site to buy it and trying to get people to come and discover their app… Developers will continue to submit stuff to the App Store because it’s the easiest way to make money on the iPhone platform.

Kevin: But I think the App Store will continue to be the most convenient way for a developer to make money off of their iPhone app. I think if they want to sell it and they don't want to go through all of the pain of setting up an ecommerce web site to buy it and trying to get people to come and discover their app… Developers will continue to submit stuff to the App Store because it's the easiest way to make money on the iPhone platform.

Stephan: Yeah.


Kevin: But if you want to do something that Apple isn’t quite happy with or won’t approve for one reason or the other, I think they will provide that alternative and so Apple will then be justified in saying, “Look, it’s our store, we can put what we want in it and what we don’t want in it and if you’re not happy with our policies, start your own store.”

Kevin: But if you want to do something that Apple isn't quite happy with or won't approve for one reason or the other, I think they will provide that alternative and so Apple will then be justified in saying, “Look, it's our store, we can put what we want in it and what we don't want in it and if you're not happy with our policies, start your own store.”

Stephan: I guess the Apple Store could become an exclusive place for your apps. It could become the target of apps.

Stephan: I guess the Apple Store could become an exclusive place for your apps. It could become the target of apps.

Kevin: It’s the boutique. And finally, Apple could throw away all the fart applications and all the gross-out apps that I think everyone agrees are in poor taste but because there’s no rule-breaking going on in these applications, that Apple can’t deny them.

Kevin: It's the boutique. And finally, Apple could throw away all the fart applications and all the gross-out apps that I think everyone agrees are in poor taste but because there's no rule-breaking going on in these applications, that Apple can't deny them.

Stephan: Yeah. Well, I did see a Cha-Ching app that got rejected because it was too simple. You just hit the button and “Cha-Ching!” That’s all it did and it was rejected. There was a guy who made a video about it.

斯蒂芬:是的。 Well, I did see a Cha-Ching app that got rejected because it was too simple. You just hit the button and “Cha-Ching!” That's all it did and it was rejected. There was a guy who made a video about it.

Kevin: Too simple.

Kevin: Too simple.

Stephan: I’ve never heard that before.

Stephan: I've never heard that before.

Kevin: Wow. During the elections, there were apps that all they did was display the logo of the political party that you supported.

凯文:哇。 During the elections, there were apps that all they did was display the logo of the political party that you supported.

Stephan: Yeah.


Kevin: It was like the image application. That’s all they did is display an image when you started them up.

Kevin: It was like the image application. That's all they did is display an image when you started them up.

Stephan: I think it’s because they don’t have internal standards. I think that they give people some vague rules and these people just interpret them however they want and that’s why you get this disparity. But this article…

Stephan: I think it's because they don't have internal standards. I think that they give people some vague rules and these people just interpret them however they want and that's why you get this disparity. But this article…

Kevin: Anyway…

Kevin: Anyway…

Stephan: Oh sorry. We’ve gone off topic.

Stephan: Oh sorry. We've gone off topic.

Kevin: Way off topic.

Kevin: Way off topic.

Stephan: The article that talks about that the iPhone developers are stupid because they should be taking advantage of the web side of the iPhone and the Safari browser and WebKit and all that, and saying that you should use that instead of it—and you don’t have to worry about the App Store at all. And he actually comes back and he wrote another post, I guess, a follow-up to this kind of saying that he was wrong, whatever, but…

Stephan: The article that talks about that the iPhone developers are stupid because they should be taking advantage of the web side of the iPhone and the Safari browser and WebKit and all that, and saying that you should use that instead of it—and you don't have to worry about the App Store at all. And he actually comes back and he wrote another post , I guess, a follow-up to this kind of saying that he was wrong, whatever, but…

Kevin: So yeah, he said if iPhone developers aren’t happy with the App Store (and why would you be), you should just build the web app because web apps can be icons on the iPhone home screen just like native applications can but they’re not subject to any rules or restrictions whatsoever. If you can build a web site, you can build an application for the iPhone and Apple can’t do anything about it. And that was his initial point—IPhone developers are stupid, they are drinking the Kool-Aid. Apple tells them to build native apps and so they build native apps. Dion Almaer of Palm, previously Mozilla and Faruk Ate?, they both wrote strongly-worded posts saying that, “Yeah, you’re not quite right there, PPK”—Peter-Paul Koch was the author of the original article—the reason people build native apps for their iPhone is that web apps aren’t quite there yet. They don’t provide full access to the hardware features that you get on the phone and they don’t provide the same level of user experience—the sleekness of the experience, the integration in the iPhone platform—all those things aren’t quite as polished in a web apps for the iPhone and the reason someone buys an iPhone is because of the polish. And so if you want to stand out on the iPhone platform, you do it with a native app.

Kevin: So yeah, he said if iPhone developers aren't happy with the App Store (and why would you be), you should just build the web app because web apps can be icons on the iPhone home screen just like native applications can but they're not subject to any rules or restrictions whatsoever. If you can build a web site, you can build an application for the iPhone and Apple can't do anything about it. And that was his initial point—IPhone developers are stupid, they are drinking the Kool-Aid. Apple tells them to build native apps and so they build native apps. Dion Almaer of Palm, previously Mozilla and Faruk Ate? , they both wrote strongly-worded posts saying that, “Yeah, you're not quite right there, PPK”—Peter-Paul Koch was the author of the original article—the reason people build native apps for their iPhone is that web apps aren't quite there yet. They don't provide full access to the hardware features that you get on the phone and they don't provide the same level of user experience—the sleekness of the experience, the integration in the iPhone platform—all those things aren't quite as polished in a web apps for the iPhone and the reason someone buys an iPhone is because of the polish. And so if you want to stand out on the iPhone platform, you do it with a native app.

Stephan: I have to say this. I’ve used the Flickr application on the iPhone and I’ve also used the web site, and the web site’s darn good. I mean the web site is cool. I mean it’s got location awareness and everything—like it can find photos that are around me.

Stephan: I have to say this. I've used the Flickr application on the iPhone and I've also used the web site, and the web site's darn good. I mean the web site is cool. I mean it's got location awareness and everything—like it can find photos that are around me.

Kevin: They did a beautiful job with that web application I have to say.

Kevin: They did a beautiful job with that web application I have to say.

Stephan: Oh, they did. They did. And the app though itself—I think is terrible. It’s slow. It takes forever to load a picture. It takes forever to take a picture. It’s not smooth like what I was expecting it. I use the web app almost exclusively and never use the actual iPhone application.

Stephan: Oh, they did. 他们做到了。 And the app though itself—I think is terrible. It's slow. It takes forever to load a picture. It takes forever to take a picture. It's not smooth like what I was expecting it. I use the web app almost exclusively and never use the actual iPhone application.

Kevin: And it seems like because the application came so late, it seems like Flickr were planning on everyone just using their web app.

Kevin: And it seems like because the application came so late, it seems like Flickr were planning on everyone just using their web app.

Stephan: Yeah.


Kevin: And that’s why it’s so good. And the reason the web app wasn’t quite enough is because it doesn’t provide that integration. You couldn’t— Using a web app, you can’t pick photos from your camera roll on your iPhone and upload them to Flickr—and they needed an application to do that. It looks like they did the minimum necessary to provide that picture but I think you’re right. The right way to view photos on Flickr on your iPhone is to use their mobile app.

Kevin: And that's why it's so good. And the reason the web app wasn't quite enough is because it doesn't provide that integration. You couldn't— Using a web app, you can't pick photos from your camera roll on your iPhone and upload them to Flickr—and they needed an application to do that. It looks like they did the minimum necessary to provide that picture but I think you're right. The right way to view photos on Flickr on your iPhone is to use their mobile app.

Kevin: Facebook did something similar. Facebook’s mobile web site for a long time was a shiny example of a mobile web application looking like a native iPhone app, and in fact, the people behind it released their user interface framework so that other people could do the same sort of tricks. But eventually Facebook built their own native application just because they were able to provide an even sleeker, richer experience.

Kevin: Facebook did something similar. Facebook's mobile web site for a long time was a shiny example of a mobile web application looking like a native iPhone app, and in fact, the people behind it released their user interface framework so that other people could do the same sort of tricks. But eventually Facebook built their own native application just because they were able to provide an even sleeker, richer experience.

Stephan: My opinion on this is that people who build them are just trying to build a simple application to do some data entry or something for a web site that they have—it makes sense to just do a mobile iPhone version, not an app. But I think there’s some applications out there that deserves the application treatment. I’m a plane nerd for those listeners who don’t know. I’m a huge airplane nerd and I downloaded the app so I could listen to air traffic control near my home airport; and it’s an amazing app. I mean the thing just streams over 3G air traffic control—and I can’t imagine them trying to do that through the mobile API. Just can’t.

Stephan: My opinion on this is that people who build them are just trying to build a simple application to do some data entry or something for a web site that they have—it makes sense to just do a mobile iPhone version, not an app. But I think there's some applications out there that deserves the application treatment. I'm a plane nerd for those listeners who don't know. I'm a huge airplane nerd and I downloaded the app so I could listen to air traffic control near my home airport; and it's an amazing app. I mean the thing just streams over 3G air traffic control—and I can't imagine them trying to do that through the mobile API. Just can't.

Kevin: So PPK’s follow-up blog posts in response to the criticism he got, he’s basically saying, “I was wrong and yet there are things in my original post that I still think are worthwhile saying,” and this follow-up post I think is a must-read. It really is quite insightful. He’s calmed down and found the nugget of truth that got him angry enough to write the rant that was mostly nonsense. Sorry, PPK.

Kevin: So PPK's follow-up blog posts in response to the criticism he got, he's basically saying, “I was wrong and yet there are things in my original post that I still think are worthwhile saying,” and this follow-up post I think is a must-read. It really is quite insightful. He's calmed down and found the nugget of truth that got him angry enough to write the rant that was mostly nonsense. Sorry, PPK.

The follow-up post says, first of all, one of the really good reasons for building a native app for the App Store is it’s much easier to make money off of a native app than off of a web application. If you want to sell access to your web application that is custom designed for the iPhone, yeah, it’s going to be much easier to get it on to the device because you don’t have to have it approved by Apple, but getting people to find it, providing a convenient way for people to pay for it—compared to the App Store—there’s no competition there. On the iPhone, you click a link on a web page that points to the App Store, it says, “Do you want to install this? It will cost $0.99.” You say “Yes”, you have spent $0.99 and you’re done. The developer gets 70% of that. Doing that with other web application, you’re going to be dealing with PayPal at the simplest and providing that slick experience to install it, and then explaining to them how to get an icon on their home screen from within mobile Safari is a nightmare. So, making money: much easier using the App Store. Then there are all the issues with a device APIs, which is why Flickr ended up writing their own native app because if you want to hook in to certain features of the iPhone, you can’t do that with web apps yet. He says, “Look, that’s going to be solved. If Apple is not working on improving device integration with web apps, they’re fools,” and so he’s willing to bet on that becoming better in time, but right now he concedes it’s not quite there yet and so native apps have the edge.

The follow-up post says, first of all, one of the really good reasons for building a native app for the App Store is it's much easier to make money off of a native app than off of a web application. If you want to sell access to your web application that is custom designed for the iPhone, yeah, it's going to be much easier to get it on to the device because you don't have to have it approved by Apple, but getting people to find it, providing a convenient way for people to pay for it—compared to the App Store—there's no competition there. On the iPhone, you click a link on a web page that points to the App Store, it says, “Do you want to install this? It will cost $0.99.” You say “Yes”, you have spent $0.99 and you're done. The developer gets 70% of that. Doing that with other web application, you're going to be dealing with PayPal at the simplest and providing that slick experience to install it, and then explaining to them how to get an icon on their home screen from within mobile Safari is a nightmare. So, making money: much easier using the App Store. Then there are all the issues with a device APIs, which is why Flickr ended up writing their own native app because if you want to hook in to certain features of the iPhone, you can't do that with web apps yet. He says, “Look, that's going to be solved. If Apple is not working on improving device integration with web apps, they're fools,” and so he's willing to bet on that becoming better in time, but right now he concedes it's not quite there yet and so native apps have the edge.

Interoperability versus user experience is the big one. If your application calls for polish above all else—if your business goals require you to provide the most polished experience possible on a single device, the iPhone—then native apps are the way to go. However, if interoperability is an important thing on your radar, if being able to build an application that will work with little or no modification across lots of different devices—not just the iPhone—and you’re willing to sacrifice a tiny bit of user experience polish to get that interoperability—quadruple your market in exchange for slightly jerkier animations, for example. If that’s a reasonable trade off, then you should be building web apps and sacrificing the user experience polish that you get with the native APIs on the iPhone.

Interoperability versus user experience is the big one. If your application calls for polish above all else—if your business goals require you to provide the most polished experience possible on a single device, the iPhone—then native apps are the way to go. However, if interoperability is an important thing on your radar, if being able to build an application that will work with little or no modification across lots of different devices—not just the iPhone—and you're willing to sacrifice a tiny bit of user experience polish to get that interoperability—quadruple your market in exchange for slightly jerkier animations, for example. If that's a reasonable trade off, then you should be building web apps and sacrificing the user experience polish that you get with the native APIs on the iPhone.

He closes with a discussion of the fact that it’s interesting that the market leaders in the mobile application space, which are Apple and Google—Apple with iPhone, Google with their Android platform—have bet on native apps or at least a custom software development kit with new languages and new frameworks to build applications specifically for their devices. Whereas the market trailers—the Palms, the Microsofts—they’re all betting on open web technologies, whether it’s actually building web sites that display as applications on the phone or in the case of Android, they just built an SDK that requires web developers to use their existing skills to build native apps for the phone. The market trailers are betting on web standards. And it’s clear: whenever you’re behind you bet on openness, you work together because that openness lets you team up against the market leaders and yet they’re not doing a very good job of developer outreach. They’re betting on these technologies that thrive on the web developer community and then they’re not engaging with that community or at least they haven’t been very good at it so far. So he expresses his frustration there. Great article I think. Really insightful on many fronts and I’m glad he backed down from his extreme initial position in order to give us those insights.

He closes with a discussion of the fact that it's interesting that the market leaders in the mobile application space, which are Apple and Google—Apple with iPhone, Google with their Android platform—have bet on native apps or at least a custom software development kit with new languages and new frameworks to build applications specifically for their devices. Whereas the market trailers—the Palms, the Microsofts—they're all betting on open web technologies, whether it's actually building web sites that display as applications on the phone or in the case of Android, they just built an SDK that requires web developers to use their existing skills to build native apps for the phone. The market trailers are betting on web standards. And it's clear: whenever you're behind you bet on openness, you work together because that openness lets you team up against the market leaders and yet they're not doing a very good job of developer outreach. They're betting on these technologies that thrive on the web developer community and then they're not engaging with that community or at least they haven't been very good at it so far. So he expresses his frustration there. Great article I think. Really insightful on many fronts and I'm glad he backed down from his extreme initial position in order to give us those insights.

Let’s close off the show with just a couple of host spotlights this week.

Let's close off the show with just a couple of host spotlights this week.

Stephan: Yeah. So I’ll go first. I’m a big data visualization fan. I love charts–they just fire me up.

斯蒂芬:是的。 So I'll go first. I'm a big data visualization fan. I love charts–they just fire me up.

Kevin: I love them too. The info graphics that you get in newspapers are really, I geek out on those when they’re well-done.

Kevin: I love them too. The info graphics that you get in newspapers are really, I geek out on those when they're well-done.

Stephan: Yeah. So I found this web site, it’s on Tumblr. It’s They’ve got a bunch of charts of mixed things. Some of them funny, some of them really cool where we are debt-wise, things like that—just random charts. Some of them may be inappropriate, I don’t know but there’s some really good ones—things from the Washington Post, they’ve collected all of them and put them in one place. So it’s a neat little read,

斯蒂芬:是的。 So I found this web site, it's on Tumblr. It's . They've got a bunch of charts of mixed things. Some of them funny, some of them really cool where we are debt-wise, things like that—just random charts. Some of them may be inappropriate, I don't know but there's some really good ones—things from the Washington Post, they've collected all of them and put them in one place. So it's a neat little read,

Kevin: Yeah. I’m just scrolling through here, sorry. I’ve got distracted already. My host spotlight is a site called Support Details and you can find it at The tagline on the site is “tech support anger management” and it’s when someone tells you your site isn’t displaying right in their browser and then you inevitably get into that email back and forth where you’re like, “Well, what browser are you using?” “Oh, I’m using Internet Explorer.” “Well, which version of Internet Explorer?” “Oh, IE 8 I think.” “Okay, what version of Windows are you on? What is your screen resolution? Is your browser window maximized or not?” And next thing you know you’ve sent six emails back and forth and then you realize it’s because they have JavaScript disabled in their browser. This site saves you all of that time because if someone tells you they’re having a problem with their site, you just say, “Okay, go to, fill in your name, your email address, and my email address, and click ‘send details’ and you get an email with their operating system, their screen resolution, the web browser and version they’re using, the size of their browser window, their IP address, their color depth, whether JavaScript is enabled, whether cookies are enabled, and the version of Flash that they’re using. And this will save so much time! I’m really happy I keep a link to this on my desktop because…

凯文:是的。 I'm just scrolling through here, sorry. I've got distracted already. My host spotlight is a site called Support Details and you can find it at . The tagline on the site is “tech support anger management” and it's when someone tells you your site isn't displaying right in their browser and then you inevitably get into that email back and forth where you're like, “Well, what browser are you using?” “Oh, I'm using Internet Explorer.” “Well, which version of Internet Explorer?” “Oh, IE 8 I think.” “Okay, what version of Windows are you on? What is your screen resolution? Is your browser window maximized or not?” And next thing you know you've sent six emails back and forth and then you realize it's because they have JavaScript disabled in their browser. This site saves you all of that time because if someone tells you they're having a problem with their site, you just say, “Okay, go to, fill in your name, your email address, and my email address, and click 'send details' and you get an email with their operating system, their screen resolution, the web browser and version they're using, the size of their browser window, their IP address, their color depth, whether JavaScript is enabled, whether cookies are enabled, and the version of Flash that they're using. And this will save so much time! I'm really happy I keep a link to this on my desktop because…

Stephan: Sounds useful to me.

Stephan: Sounds useful to me.

Kevin: Great site. If you are ever responsible for trying to figure out why your site isn’t displaying quite right in one obscure browser configuration on the other side of the planet, use It’s free and it’s very nicely designed too.

Kevin: Great site. If you are ever responsible for trying to figure out why your site isn't displaying quite right in one obscure browser configuration on the other side of the planet, use . It's free and it's very nicely designed too.

Our signoffs also will be short this week. Stephan?

Our signoffs also will be short this week. 斯蒂芬?

Stephan: Yep. My name is Stephan Segraves, you can find me on and my Twitter is @ssegraves.

斯蒂芬:是的 。 My name is Stephan Segraves, you can find me on and my Twitter is @ssegraves .

Kevin: You can follow me on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom on Twitter. Visit us at for all the new shows and to subscribe using iTunes or whatever podcast listening software you have to get every show automatically.

Kevin: You can follow me on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom on Twitter. Visit us at for all the new shows and to subscribe using iTunes or whatever podcast listening software you have to get every show automatically.

This episode of the SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank. Thanks for listening. Bye-bye.

This episode of the SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I'm Kevin Yank. 谢谢收听。 再见。

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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