
tech2023-12-28  107

The gloves are off! Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, has hit back following Steve Jobs’ accusations that Flash is buggy and Adobe developers are lazy. He makes several interesting comments on the official Adobe blog…

手套掉了! Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch在史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)指责Flash漏洞百出且Adobe开发人员懒惰的指责之后反击。 他在Adobe官方博客上发表了一些有趣的评论……

Flash was originally designed for pen computing tablets, about 15 years before that market was ready to take off.


I hadn’t realized that. Flash evolved from SmartSketch, a drawing application for PenPoint OS — an early tablet-based operating system.

我还没意识到。 Flash是从SmartSketch演变而来的,SmartSketch是PenPoint OS的绘图应用程序-一种早期的基于平板电脑的操作系统。

By augmenting the capabilities of HTML, Flash has been incredibly successful in its adoption, with over 85% of the top web sites containing Flash content and Flash running on over 98% of computers on the Web.


A 98% adoption rate sounds reasonable, but 85% of the top websites? I guess it’s probably correct given the top 20 will include YouTube, Facebook and several others featuring video and annoying adverts. However, Flash has a far smaller penetration when you consider global website technology statistics.

98%的采用率听起来很合理,但是85%的顶级网站呢? 我想这可能是正确的,因为前20名将包括YouTube,Facebook和其他一些具有视频和烦人广告的特色。 但是,当您考虑全球网站技术统计信息时,Flash的渗透率要小得多。

We are now on the verge of delivering Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones with all but one of the top manufacturers.

除了一家顶级制造商以外,我们现在几乎可以为智能手机提供Flash Player 10.1。

I wonder who he means?


So, what about Flash running on Apple devices?


Ahh, them!


We have shown that Flash technology is starting to work on these devices today by enabling standalone applications for the iPhone to be built on Flash … some of these apps are already available in the Apple App Store … This same solution will work on the iPad as well.

我们已经证明,通过使iPhone的独立应用程序能够在Flash上​​构建,Flash技术今天已开始在这些设备上运行……其中一些应用程序已经在Apple App Store中提供了……同一解决方案也将在iPad上运行。

I don’t doubt it. Apple can hardly claim Flash is too slow for their platform when it works on less powerful devices.

我毫不怀疑。 在功能不强的设备上运行时,Apple几乎不能说Flash对于他们的平台来说太慢了。

Longer term, some point to HTML as eventually supplanting the need for Flash, particularly with the more recent developments coming in HTML with version 5. I don’t see this as one replacing the other, certainly not today nor even in the foreseeable future.


If HTML could reliably do everything Flash does that would certainly save us a lot of effort, but that does not appear to be coming to pass. Even in the case of video … the coming HTML video implementations cannot agree on a common format. With the ability to update the majority of Web clients in less than a year, Flash can make this innovation available to our customers much more quickly than HTML across a variety of browsers.

如果HTML能够可靠地完成Flash的所有工作,那肯定会节省我们很多精力,但这似乎并没有实现。 即使在视频的情况下,即将到来HTML视频实现也无法就通用格式达成共识。 由于能够在不到一年的时间内更新大多数Web客户端,因此Flash可以比跨各种浏览器HTML更快地向我们的客户提供这项创新。

Well, he would say that — especially with Adobe shareholders listening — but Kevin has a point. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and other standards-based technologies have the potential to supersede Flash. However, the specifications are in a state of flux and cross-browser development is currently impossible. In addition, mature Flash tools are available which allow designers to create effects without programming knowledge. The same cannot be said for HTML5.

好吧,他会这样说-尤其是在Adobe股东的聆听中-但凯文(Kevin)有道理。 HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript和其他基于标准的技术有可能取代Flash。 但是,规格处于不断变化的状态,目前无法跨浏览器开发。 此外,还提供成熟的Flash工具,使设计人员无需编程知识即可创建效果。 HTML5不能这样说。

Open access has proven to be more effective in the long term than a walled approach, where a manufacturer tries to determine what users are able to see or approves and disapproves individual content and applications. We strongly believe the Web should remain an open environment with consistent access to content and applications regardless of your viewing device.

从长远来看,开放访问比壁挂式方法更有效,在壁挂式方法中,制造商试图确定哪些用户能够看到或批准和拒绝个人内容和应用程序。 我们坚信,无论您使用哪种浏览器,Web都应该保持开放的环境,可以持续访问内容和应用程序。

This is a good point. Apple want to provide a great user experience to their customers, but should any OS manufacturer be able to dictate which applications are developed for and used on their platform?

这是个好的观点。 Apple希望为客户提供出色的用户体验,但是任何OS制造商都应该能够决定为其平台开发和使用哪些应用程序吗?

That said, Apple has made some valid criticisms. Flash is bloated and buggy on some systems, with the Mac OS X version receiving a high number of complaints. While Flash may be ubiquitous, it’s not an open standard — Adobe have their own “walled approach”.

也就是说,苹果公司提出了一些有效的批评。 在某些系统上,Flash肿且存在漏洞,Mac OS X版本收到了大量投诉。 尽管Flash可能无处不在,但它不是一个开放标准-Adobe有自己的“围墙做法”。

But the public mud-slinging will not benefit Apple or Adobe. Users who agree with Apple now have a negative opinion of Flash technology. Those that consider Flash to be an essential part of modern web browsing won’t buy an iPad. Both companies will lose.

但是,公开的混帐将不会使苹果或Adobe受益。 现在,同意Apple的用户对Flash技术持否定态度。 那些认为Flash是现代网络浏览的重要组成部分的人不会购买iPad。 两家公司都会输。

In my opinion, Apple should let their users decide. Permit Adobe to produce an iPhone/iPad Flash player and allow anyone to install it at will. They’ll soon uninstall the software if it’s bloated, buggy or slow. Whether Apple are eager to give up their App Store monopoly is another matter.

我认为,Apple应该让用户决定。 允许Adobe生产iPhone / iPad Flash播放器,并允许任何人随意安装。 如果软件过时,出现故障或运行缓慢,他们将很快卸载该软件。 苹果是否渴望放弃对App Store的垄断是另一回事。

