Google Gears要去,要去吗?

tech2023-12-28  96

The web has been awash with rumors about Google Gears for the past week or two. It appears Google has quietly dropped development of the system.

在过去的一两个星期里,关于Google Gears的传言充斥着网络。 看来Google已经悄悄放弃了该系统的开发。

Google Gears was released as a browser plug-in in May 2007. It provides a number of useful facilities primarily for offline functionality:

Google Gears于2007年5月作为浏览器插件发布。它提供了许多有用的功能,主要用于离线功能:

a local server for caching and serving applications when offline

脱机时用于缓存和服务应用程序的本地服务器 a SQLite database module for local storage

用于本地存储SQLite数据库模块 a WorkPool module that allows JavaScript thread-like asynchronous processing

一个WorkPool模块,该模块允许进行类似于JavaScript线程的异步处理 a desktop module for OS integration, e.g. shortcut creation

用于OS集成的桌面模块,例如创建快捷方式 a geolocation module for creating location-aware applications.


Great stuff … but a number of issues have surfaced:


The last version to appear was 0.5 in November 2008. It’s rare for a Google project to have such a slow release schedule.

最后一个出现的版本是2008年11月的0.5。对于Google项目来说,如此缓慢的发布时间表是很少见的。 Gears is not supported in Mac versions of Google’s Chrome browser.

Mac版本的Google Chrome浏览器不支持Gears。 Relatively few products have adopted Gears.


However, the biggest reason for sedate progress is HTML5 — the new standard offers many of the facilities introduced by Google Gears. According to Linus Upson, Google’s engineering director, Gears’ time has come and gone. They will continue to support the technology for compatibility reasons, but the system will not be updated or improved:

但是,取得进展的最大原因是HTML5-新标准提供了Google Gears引入的许多功能。 根据Google工程总监Linus Upson所说,Gears的时光已经过去了。 他们出于兼容性原因将继续支持该技术,但是不会对系统进行更新或改进:

We’re very focused on moving HTML 5 forward, and that’s where we’re putting all of our energy. Gears has accomplished its mission very well, in getting these capabilities into HTML 5.

我们非常专注于将HTML 5向前推进,这就是我们投入所有精力的地方。 Gears将这些功能引入HTML 5的过程中,已经很好地完成了任务。

The team that designed Gears was also instrumental in designing the HTML 5 versions of those APIs. You can almost think of what’s in HTML 5, with app cache, and database, and those things, as essentially Gears version 2, and that’s how we view it.

设计Gears的团队还有助于设计这些APIHTML 5版本。 您几乎可以想到HTML 5中的内容,应用程序缓存和数据库,以及这些东西,基本上就是Gears版本2,这就是我们如何查看它的方式。

We want to move all applications to just use standards based HTML 5 APIs, and not focus on Gears going forward. Now that we’re a browser vendor, we can help move HTML 5 forward not as a plug-in, but as part of Chrome.

我们希望将所有应用程序移至仅使用基于标准HTML 5 API,而不是关注Gears的发展。 现在我们是浏览器供应商,我们可以帮助将HTML 5向前发展,而不是作为插件而是作为Chrome的一部分。

I think it’s a wise decision. Few web developers would rely on a third-party plug-in when a standards-based alternative is available. However, HTML5 support remains patchy and there’s no guarantee Microsoft will adopt it in IE. Offline functionality in web applications is some years away at best.

我认为这是一个明智的决定。 当有基于标准的替代方法可用时,很少有Web开发人员会依赖第三方插件。 但是,HTML5支持仍然不完整,并且不能保证Microsoft将在IE中采用它 。 Web应用程序中的脱机功能最多还需要几年时间。

Is Google right to drop Gears? Have you developed an application that uses the plug-in? Do you trust browser vendors to fully implement HTML5 at the earliest opportunity?

Google有权放弃Gears吗? 您是否开发了使用该插件的应用程序? 您是否相信浏览器供应商会尽早完全实施HTML5?


相关资源:Google Gears安装包