centos who

tech2023-12-28  96

centos who

The BBC has unveiled the new logo for its long running science fiction show Doctor Who. The show is pretty much an institution in this part of the world and the new series has a new writer and producer, a new Doctor and as mentioned a new logo. The new design was created by Red Bee Media.The logo features the letters D and W molded together to form the shape of the Tardis with a futuristic flashing police light on top. The type and the tardis have a strong metallic feel in blue and dark purple tones.  Like the very best logos, it’s simple, it’s relevant and it’s aesthetically pleasing.  Personally, I love it.According to Red Bee Media, the new identity aims to align the Doctor’s brand with blockbuster sci-fi and super hero film emblems, such as Superman, Star Trek and Batman, which are universally recognized.The design uses the same base color as the original designs from the 1950s and “explores light and dimension to depict the adventure and mystery that is synonymous with the alien time-travelling Doctor”.Steven Moffat, the new Lead Writer and Executive Producer, said:

英国广播公司(BBC)为其长期运作的科幻节目“ 神秘医生”(Who)揭开了新的标志。 该节目几乎是这个世界上的一个机构,新的系列有一个新的作家和制片人,一个新的Doctor以及一个新的徽标。 新设计是由Red Bee Media创造的。徽标的字母D和W模压在一起,形成了Tardis的形状,顶部闪烁着未来派的警灯。 型号和行李架具有蓝色和深紫色调的强烈金属感。 就像最好的徽标一样,它很简单,很有意义,而且美观。 我个人很喜欢,根据Red Bee Media的说法,新标识旨在使Doctor's品牌与广受好评的科幻电影和超级英雄电影标志(如超人,星际迷航和蝙蝠侠)保持一致。与1950年代的原始设计相同的基色,“探索光线和尺寸来描绘冒险和神秘感,这是外来的时间旅行医生的代名词”。 新的首席作家兼执行制片人史蒂文·莫法特 ( Steven Moffat)说:

The 11th logo for the 11th Doctor – those grand old words, Doctor Who, suddenly looking newer than ever. And, look at that, something really new – an insignia! DW in TARDIS form! Simple and beautiful, and most important of all, a completely irresistible doodle. I apologise to school notebooks everywhere, because in 2010 that’s what they’re going to be wearing.

第11位医生的第11个徽标–那些宏大的旧词,神秘博士,突然看起来比以往任何时候都新。 而且,请看一下,确实很新的东西–徽章! TARDIS格式的DW! 简单而美丽,最重要的是,一个完全无法抗拒的涂鸦。 我向世界各地的学校笔记本致歉,因为在2010年,这将是他们要使用的笔记本。

I have to admit the last time I watched the programme was when Tom Baker was Doctor Who, which was probably around 1980-ish. Eek! The logo in those days looked like this;The new logo is the eleventh Dr Who logo in the 47 years the show has been running. Below you can see some of the previous iterations of the logo, beginning at the top left with the orange/gold logo which has just been replaced.

我不得不承认,我上一次观看节目的时间是汤姆·贝克 ( Tom Baker)是《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)时,大概是1980年代左右。 ek! 当时的徽标看起来像这样;新徽标是该展会运行47年以来的第11个Dr Who徽标。 在下面,您可以看到徽标的一些先前版本,从左上角开始以刚被替换的橙色/金色徽标开始。

What do you think of the New Logo? Is it a good change or should the old one have been left alone?

您如何看待新徽标? 这是一个很好的变化,还是应该让旧的变化不容忽视?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-logo-design-for-dr-who/

centos who
