当心“ Google”骗子

tech2023-12-29  89

An increasing number of my clients and associates have reported cold calls from individuals purporting to work for Google. The callers typically offer to place the company’s website at the top of search results. The cost for this service varies, but it’s typically around $150 per month.

我越来越多的客户和同事报告说,有一些自称为Google工作的人打来电话。 呼叫者通常会提出将公司网站放在搜索结果的顶部。 这项服务的费用各不相同,但通常每月约为150美元。

These calls are not necessarily to large multi-national corporations. In fact, most appear to target mid-sized companies and sole traders. Bizarrely, the callers insist on leaving a telephone number – not an email or any other form of Internet communication address.

这些呼吁不一定是针对大型跨国公司的。 实际上,大多数似乎针对中型公司和个体交易者。 奇怪的是,呼叫者坚持要留下电话号码,而不是电子邮件或任何其他形式的Internet通信地址。

Of course, it’s a con. The callers are simply selling AdWords adverts; they will spend some money on an online campaign and keep a large proportion of the monthly subscription for themselves. They could even use highly-specific keywords and only target the client’s immediate area to ensure AdWords costs are kept to a minimum.

当然,这是一个骗局。 来电者只是在销售AdWords广告; 他们将花费一些钱进行在线广告活动,并为自己保留大部分的每月订阅费用。 他们甚至可以使用具有高度针对性的关键字,并且仅定位客户的直接区域,以确保将AdWords费用保持在最低水平。

Most legitimate SEO and marketing companies provide AdWords assistance, but the practice of masquerading as Google makes the offer appear more trustworthy, legitimate and cost-effective. At best, the callers are trading under false pretences. At worst, it’s fraud.

大多数合法的SEO和营销公司都会提供AdWords协助,但由于Google伪装的行为使报价看起来更可信赖,合法且具有成本效益。 充其量,呼叫者的交易是虚假的。 最坏的情况是欺诈。



Google does not sell good positions in their search engine: search results would be worthless if they did. They do offer sponsored links through their AdWords system, but be wary if the caller fails to mention it.

Google的搜索引擎排名不高:如果搜索结果不错 ,它们将毫无价值。 他们确实通过AdWords系统提供了赞助商链接,但请注意如果呼叫者未提及该链接。

The caller should be able to answer basic questions about the service they offer, e.g. What keywords will be targeted? Will the search result appear locally or globally? Who should I make payment to?

呼叫者应该能够回答有关他们提供的服务的基本问题,例如,将针对哪些关键字? 搜索结果会显示在本地还是全局? 我应该向谁付款? If a Google “employee” contacts you, they should be able to provide an internal email address – not a @gmail or @googlemail account.


Unfortunately, the Internet has more than it’s fair share of criminals and hustlers. Helping your clients avoid the swindlers is another service you should offer.

不幸的是,互联网所拥有的罪犯和骗子不只是其应有的份额。 帮助客户避免骗子是您应该提供的另一项服务。

Have you been approached by Google cold-callers? Did you smell a swindler or were they actually legitimate?

Google打电话给您打过电话吗? 您闻到骗子的味道了吗?还是他们真的合法?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-swindlers/
