詹姆斯“兄弟蛋糕”爱德华兹加入JavaScript Live团队

tech2023-12-29  98

Everyone is abuzz here at SitePoint HQ. Our JavaScript Live course is a completely new, different, and exciting concept! (Learn about it here.) Never before have you had the opportunity to learn directly from the best in the business for a bargain basement price. I know, it’s amazing.

每个人在SitePoint总部都很热闹。 我们的JavaScript Live课程是一个全新的,不同的,令人兴奋的概念! ( 在此了解。 )您从未有过以低廉的地下室价格直接向业内精英学习的机会。 我知道,太神奇了。

Hold onto your hat — it gets better.


James “brothercake” Edwards has joined the JavaScript Live team. James is a renowned JavaScript expert, SitePoint author, blogger, and all around great guy. He will be joining us as a mentor in the private forums (accessible only by JavaScript Live students) each day to answer questions, chime in on discussions, solve problems, and share his extensive knowledge and experience.

詹姆斯“ 兄弟蛋糕 ”爱德华兹加入了JavaScript Live团队。 詹姆斯(James)是著名JavaScript专家,SitePoint作者,博客作者,并且都是很棒的人。 他将每天在私人论坛(只有JavaScript Live学生可以访问)中作为导师加入我们,以回答问题,参与讨论,解决问题并分享他的广泛知识和经验。

We know you’re looking forward to squeezing every last ounce of JavaScript knowledge out of Kevin Yank’s brain. Now, we’re throwing James into the mix. Wow! Imagine the power created when these two JavaScript masterminds get together (it’s actually kinda scary now I think about it …)

我们知道您很期待从Kevin Yank的大脑中挤出每一盎司JavaScript知识。 现在,我们将James纳入其中。 哇! 想象一下,当这两个JavaScript策划者聚在一起时所产生的力量(现在我想起来实际上有点吓人……)

If you haven’t signed up for JavaScript Live yet, you can get started for $10 here.

如果您尚未注册JavaScript Live,则可以10美元开始 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/james-brothercake-edwards-joins-the-javascript-live-team/
