icann 新后缀没有

tech2023-12-30  93

icann 新后缀 没有

SitePoint is fortunate to receive visitors from all over the world. However, the vast majority are from the US, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. As native English speakers, it’s easy to forget the billions of Russian, Chinese, Arabic and other computer users who do not speak the language. OS manufacturers make considerable efforts to internationalize their systems, yet entering a web address requires everyone to use the same 26-letter Latin alphabet for domain name suffixes such as .com, .org and .net.

SitePoint很幸运能接待来自世界各地的访客。 但是,绝大多数来自美国,英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚和新西兰。 作为讲英语的人,很容易忘记数十亿不讲该语言的俄语,中文,阿拉伯语和其他计算机用户。 操作系统制造商为使系统国际化做出了巨大努力,但输入网址要求每个人都使用相同的26个字母的拉丁字母表示域名后缀,例如.com,.org和.net。

All that will change on 16 November 2009. The board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has agreed a proposal that allows governments to apply for a domain name suffix using their own language and character set. The proposal was unopposed by the 15 voting members and received a standing ovation at the summit in Seoul, South Korea.

所有这些都将在2009年11月16日发生变化。互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)董事会已同意一项提案,该提案允许政府使用自己的语言和字符集申请域名后缀。 该提案没有受到15个投票成员的反对,并在韩国首尔举行的峰会上受到了常备的鼓掌。

ICANN CEO Rod Beckstorm stated:

ICANN CEO Rod Beckstorm表示:

This represents one small step for ICANN but one big step for half of mankind who use non-Latin scripts, such as those in Korea, China and the Arabic-speaking world as well as across Asia, Africa, and the rest of the world.


The Chinese government are expected to be one of the first applicants and ICANN expect the new addresses to be available in early 2010. Several rules will apply:


Countries may only apply for one domain name suffix.

国家/地区只能申请一个域名后缀。 The suffix must represent the name of the country or an abbreviation.

后缀必须代表国家名称或缩写。 Non-Latin versions of .com and .org will not be permitted yet, but ICANN is considering the implications further.


How long will it be before someone applies for a Klingon suffix?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/icann-international-domain-suffix/

icann 新后缀 没有
