
tech2023-12-30  108

Episode 28 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第28集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ),Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。

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您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #28: Artisanal Bread (MP3, 36MB)

SitePoint播客#28:手工面包 ( MP3,36MB )

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


RSS Goes Real Time with RSS Cloud


RSS Cloud


WordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-time with RSSCloud (ReadWriteWeb)

WordPress借助RSSCloud (ReadWriteWeb) 实时制作了数百万博客

RSS in the Clouds (

云中的RSS (

Should you host your own blog or forum?


How to Keep WordPress Secure (

如何保持WordPress安全 (

Blogs and Baked Goods (John August)

博客和烘焙食品 (约翰·奥古斯特)

Host Spotlights:


Patrick: The 5 Big Myths Of Social Media (Influential Marketing Blog)

帕特里克: 社交媒体的5大神话 (有影响力的营销博客)

Stephan: NES Ringtone Pack (Charles Williams)

斯蒂芬: NES铃声包 (查尔斯·威廉姆斯)

Kevin: Blueprint’s compress.rb: A Walkthrough (Joshua Clayton)

凯文: 蓝图的compress.rb:演练 (约书亚·克莱顿)

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: September 18th, 2009. RSS goes real time with RSS Cloud, and the pros and cons of hosting your own blog. This is the SitePoint Podcast #28: Artisanal Bread.

凯文(Kevin): 2009年9月18日。RSS通过RSS Cloud实时运行,以及托管自己的博客的利弊。 这是SitePoint播客#28:手工面包。

Kevin: Hello, hello, and welcome to another SitePoint podcast. Just three of us today. It’s me and Stephan Segraves and Patrick O’Keefe. Brad is away speaking about WordPress and it turns out, by coincidence, that’s a lot of what we’ll be speaking about today. Brad should be back next episode but I think Patrick, you’ve got some travel coming up, is that right?

凯文:您好,您好,欢迎收看另一个SitePoint播客。 今天只有我们三个。 是我,还有斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯和帕特里克·奥基夫。 布拉德(Brad)不在谈论WordPress,事实是,巧合的是,这就是我们今天要谈论的很多内容。 布拉德应该在下一集回来,但我想帕特里克,您的旅行即将来临,对吗?

Patrick: Yes it is. Good guess. October 1st and 4th I’ll be at iZEAFest at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. From October 15th to 17th I’ll be at Blog World Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’ll be speaking and doing a book signing there and then on October 23rd in Durham, North Carolina, I’ll be speaking at Social Media Business Forum. So if you’re within range for any of those events, definitely, let me know; blog comments, Twitter, whatever and I’ll be glad to meet up.

帕特里克:是的。 不错的猜测。 10月1日至4日,我将在佛罗里达州奥兰多市海洋世界的iZEAFest上。 从10月15日到17日,我将参加内华达州拉斯维加斯的Blog世界博览会 。 我将在那里演讲并签名,然后在10月23日在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市的社交媒体业务论坛上演讲 。 因此,如果您在所有这些事件的范围内,肯定要告诉我; 博客评论,Twitter,等等,我将很高兴见面。

Kevin: Yeah. It would be great to get some face-to-face time with our listeners. What was that first one, Izea Fest did you say?

凯文:是的。 与我们的听众进行面对面的交流真是太好了。 你说的第一个是什么,伊萨·费斯特?

Patrick: I-Z-E-A-F-E-S-T.


Kevin: What is that about?


Patrick: Well, it’s a conference that’s put on by the company iZEA which has some word of mouth marketing products, you could say. They’ve been somewhat controversial in the past but mainly I’m going because there is good quality of speakers, because I won a pass (that’s a big one)…

帕特里克:嗯,这是由iZEA公司举办的一个会议,您可以说它有一些口碑营销产品。 过去他们一直存在争议,但主要是我要发言,因为演讲者的素质很高,因为我赢得了通行证(这是一个很大的成绩)……

Kevin: That will do it.


Patrick: Yeah and because it’s at SeaWorld and it will be an interesting experience. Plus, it’s a very economical conference for the speakers involved and the quality of the programming. Even if I had to buy a pass which I again I probably wouldn’t have gone if I didn’t win it, but the pass itself you can get a 50% off. It’s only like $112. It includes a pass to SeaWorld, two conference days. It’s just really good value.

帕特里克:是的,因为它在海洋世界,这将是一次有趣的经历。 另外,对于相关发言人和节目质量而言,这是一次非常经济的会议。 即使我不得不再次购买通行证,但如果我没有赢得通行证,我可能也不会走,但是通行证本身可以享受50%的折扣。 只需$ 112。 它包括两个会议日的海洋世界通行证。 这真是物超所值。

Kevin: Yes, especially if you live in the neighborhood that would be great. Without further ado, let’s dive into the show today. As I mentioned, we’re going to be talking a bit about some of the WordPress security issues and some of the lessons and questions that came out of it over the past few weeks. But first, let’s talk about RSS Cloud. Everyone’s really excited about RSS Cloud which is, as far as I can tell, it’s sort of an extension to the RSS 2.0 protocol that Dave Winer has come up with. And in fact, reading his notes about it, the idea and at least initial implementations of it have been around for almost as long as RSS has been around. But, he’s sort of getting back into it in the light of the popularity of services like Twitter. Now it looks like he’s trying to prove that the right way to run a service like Twitter is not to have a centralized service that’s going to go down every couple of days and that everyone relies on and everyone has clients constantly pinging to find out if there’s new content available but rather to change the model and 1) not have a centralized service. Rather, empower every publisher to run their own content syndication service and then rather than have interested subscribers constantly pinging to check for new content, have a subscribe/publish model where the interested party can just register. They’re interested in receiving new updates and then the publishing server will contact everyone who has subscribed when there is content available, pushing it out proactively.

凯文:是的,特别是如果你住在附近的话,那会很棒。 事不宜迟,让我们今天深入探讨一下这个节目。 正如我提到的,我们将谈论一些有关WordPress安全性的问题,以及过去几周从中产生的一些教训和问题。 但首先,让我们谈谈RSS Cloud 。 每个人都对RSS Cloud感到非常兴奋,据我所知,它是Dave Winer提出的RSS 2.0协议的扩展。 实际上,只要阅读他的笔记,它的想法和至少最初的实现就已经存在了很长时间,就像RSS一样。 但是,鉴于Twitter等服务的普及,他有点重新加入其中。 现在看来,他正在努力证明,运行Twitter之类的服务的正确方法是不要每隔两天就关闭一次集中式服务,并且每个人都依赖于此,每个人都不断地探访客户,以找出是否存在可以使用新内容,但要更改模型,并且1)没有集中服务。 相反,授权每个发布者运行自己的内容联合服务,然后让感兴趣的订阅者可以在其中进行注册,而不是让感兴趣的订阅者不断地ping检查新内容,而无需订阅/发布模型。 他们有兴趣接收新的更新,然后发布服务器将在有可用内容时与所有订阅的人联系,并主动将其推出。

What seems to have everyone really excited is that has gone and added support for this RSS Cloud extension to all of its RSS feeds. Many blogs all of a sudden are publishing in this RSS Cloud format. So the race is on for RSS feed readers. Things like NetNewsWire that I use and Google Reader that a lot of people use online. The race is on for these to begin supporting RSS Cloud. So guys, are you dying to get real time updates to your RSS feeds? That’s my question.

似乎让每个人都感到真正兴奋的是WordPress.com已经消失,并在其所有RSS feed中增加了对该RSS Cloud扩展的支持 。 突然之间,许多博客都以这种RSS Cloud格式发布。 因此,RSS feed读者的竞赛正在进行中。 我使用的NetNewsWire和许多人在线使用的Google Reader之类的东西。 这些将开始支持RSS Cloud的竞赛。 伙计们,您是否渴望获得RSS源的实时更新? 那是我的问题。

Patrick: Yes and no. I think that there are some times where I get frustrated with the feeds that seem to not show up for a period and all of a sudden there is 50 posts. I don’t know what that issue is. Sometimes it could be a site issue I guess. Sometimes it’s a feed reader issue. I don’t really know and I don’t really care. I just want it work. If this could help with that with better reporting then I like it. But to be honest, just from my usage now, I’m not totally interested in real live of the RSS updates. I check my RSS feed a couple of times a day. I’m not of those people who sits in there and refreshes it. So for those people, I think it’s a boon but for the rest, I don’t know if we’ll notice that much of a difference.

帕特里克:是和否。 我认为有些时候我似乎对一段时间以来似乎没有出现的提要感到沮丧,突然间有50个帖子。 我不知道那是什么问题。 我猜有时候可能是网站问题。 有时这是供稿阅读器问题。 我真的不知道,我也不在乎。 我只是想要它工作。 如果这可以改善报告质量,那么我喜欢它。 但是,老实说,就我现在的使用而言,我对RSS实时更新并不完全感兴趣。 我每天检查我的RSS提要几次。 我不属于那些坐在那里刷新一下的人。 因此,对于那些人来说,我认为这是个福音,但对于其他人,我不知道我们是否会注意到如此大的差异。

Stephan: I like it in theory but I just don’t see it being a competitive tool that we’re all going to use. I think there is going to be a set of people that use it and those that still stick to Twitter and things like that. I just don’t see it catching on with people who don’t have blogs.

斯蒂芬:我在理论上喜欢它,但我只是不认为它是我们都会使用的竞争工具。 我认为将会有一群人使用它,仍然坚持使用Twitter之类的东西。 我只是没有看到它在没有博客的人中流行起来。

Kevin: I guess the idea here would be that services like Twitter could spring up each with their own RSS Cloud server and then you could have a single client that would be able to subscribe to content updates from multiple services like these; all using the same protocol. So the person developing this client wouldn’t have to support lots of different APIs to talk to all these different services. They would all just speak RSS cloud which is kind of nice. The stumbling block for me is that you have to run your own server if you want to run RSS Cloud. WordPress has done this work for all of its users. Everyone who has a blog hosted by the folks at Automattic get these for free because Automattic went to the trouble of building their own RSS Cloud server that runs and accepts subscriptions to people interested in blogs and will send out these pings about new content being available. But if you’re running your own blog, and this is something that will be talking about later in the show, that’s one more that you need to set up now. Ideally, it would be part of whatever blogging software you were using but if you were writing your own thing, this is one more thing that you would have to write and host. I don’t know if people are going to go to that trouble. It seems to me that the polling model we have now is—its one of those cases where it’s not technically ideal but it might just be good enough. I’m not sure the benefit is so big that people are going to make this big leap.

凯文:我想这里的想法是,像Twitter这样的服务可以在各自的RSS Cloud服务器上弹出,然后您可以有一个客户端,可以从诸如此类的多种服务中订阅内容更新。 全部使用相同的协议。 因此,开发此客户端的人不必支持许多不同的API即可与所有这些不同的服务进行通信。 他们都只会说RSS云,这很好。 对我来说,绊脚石是如果您想运行RSS Cloud,则必须运行自己的服务器。 WordPress已为其所有用户完成了这项工作。 每个人都有一个由Automattic的人托管的WordPress.com博客的人免费获得这些文件,因为Automattic麻烦于构建自己的RSS Cloud服务器,该服务器运行并接受对WordPress.com博客感兴趣的人的订阅,并将发出这些ping信息关于新内容可用的信息。 但是,如果您正在运行自己的博客,并且这将在稍后的节目中讨论,那么您现在需要设置更多内容。 理想情况下,它应该是您所使用的任何博客软件的一部分,但是如果您要编写自己的东西,那将是您必须编写和托管的另一件事。 我不知道人们是否会遇到麻烦。 在我看来,我们现在使用的轮询模型是这种情况,它在技术上并不理想,但可能就足够了。 我不确定收益是否太大,以至于人们会做出巨大的飞跃。

Patrick: Right now there is a plug-in available for WordPress, RSS Cloud. A plug-in— I don’t know how easy that makes her or how hard that makes it. I would hope it would be easy but I think its only—the biggest shot at adoption is going to be through plug-ins. I think if you care about RSS Cloud getting spread then you need to write a plug-in for the top 5 blogging applications and more to help it spread.

帕特里克:现在有一个可用于WordPress, RSS Cloud的插件。 一个插件-我不知道这使她多么容易,或者使它多么困难。 我希望这会很容易,但是我认为这是唯一的-采纳的最大方法就是通过插件。 我认为,如果您关心RSS Cloud的传播,那么您需要为前5个博客应用程序编写一个插件,并提供更多插件来帮助其传播。

Stephan: It seems clear that is going to happen.


Patrick: Do you think Kevin that this is kind of starting to bloat RSS, in what RSS was meant for?


Kevin: I think it’s quite a nice addition. It’s a single tag that all it does is adds your RSS feed, a single tag that says, “If you want to get real-time updates to this blog. If you want to be notified when this feed changes, here is how you do it” and it will say, either you need to contact me with an HTTP POST request on this URL” or whatever. It’s nice and simple in that way. I don’t think it’s a bloat issue at all.

凯文:我认为这是一个很好的补充。 它是一个标签,它的全部作用就是添加您的RSS feed,并显示一个标签,“如果您想获得此博客的实时更新。 如果您希望在此Feed发生更改时收到通知,请按以下步骤操作”,它会说:“您需要通过此URL向我提出HTTP POST请求与我联系”。 这样既好又简单。 我认为这根本不是膨胀的问题。

Stephan: It’s vague to me on what the purpose is besides getting push, you know, versus checking your email. There are ups and downs to both of those.

史蒂芬:对我来说,除了获得推送而不是检查电子邮件之外,目的还很模糊。 两者都有起伏。

Kevin: I don’t think this is solving the biggest problem with RSS. I think that’s clear. People aren’t screaming for this in relation to RSS. In fact, that’s why this feature has been proposed for RSS since the beginning has never really caught on. But Dave Winer who is working on this with renewed vigor seems to believe that this is a good answer to the problems with microblogging services like Twitter. It would be interesting to see if that catches on. It’s certainly not the only game in town. We have things like which they’ve gone and built their solution on top of the Jabber protocol, with federated servers and all this sort of— it’s a lot more heavyweight solution. Whereas RSS Cloud is much simpler. Well, let’s take something that works, something that there is a lot of good software out therefore are ready RSS and add one little thing to it. And maybe that is just as good a solution. We’ll see.

凯文:我认为这不能解决RSS的最大问题。 我认为这很清楚。 人们并没有为此而尖叫。 实际上,这就是为什么从一开始就没有真正为RSS提出过此功能的原因。 但是正在以新的活力进行研究的Dave Winer似乎认为,这是对Twitter之类的微博客服务问题的很好的答案。 看看是否会流行起来会很有趣。 当然,这不是城里唯一的游戏。 我们拥有像Identi.ca这样的东西,他们已经离开了,并在Jabber协议的基础上构建了解决方案,并使用了联合服务器和所有这类解决方案,这是重量级的解决方案。 而RSS Cloud则要简单得多。 好吧,让我们采取一些行之有效的方法,其中包含许多优秀的软件,因此可以使用RSS并为其添加一点内容。 也许这就是一个很好的解决方案。 我们拭目以待。

But speaking of hosting your own WordPress blog and the benefits and pitfalls that come with that, that’s the main thing we want to talk about this episode. Over the past few weeks, there have been some security scares for anyone with a WordPress blog but this isn’t an issue that is limited to just WordPress. I know for long time everyone who ran a bulletin board using software like phpBB was constantly living under the threat of a security hole in their open source, third party software being discovered and the hackers taking advantage of it before they could get around to updating their software. In the wake of these fresh attacks on WordPress blogs that have affected some pretty high profile sites, a lot of people are justifiably asking the question, should everyone be running their own WordPress blog? Or are there really good reasons to avoid it? Patrick, do you run your own software by and large?

但是谈到托管自己的WordPress博客以及由此带来的好处和陷阱,这就是我们要谈论的这一集的主要内容。 在过去的几周中,对于拥有WordPress博客的任何人来说,都有一些安全隐患,但这不仅仅限于WordPress。 我知道很长一段时间,每个使用phpBB之类的软件来运行公告栏的人都一直生活在开源漏洞中,发现了第三方软件,并且黑客利用了它,然后才得以更新自己的安全。软件。 在对WordPress博客进行的这些新攻击影响了一些知名度很高的网站之后,很多人有理由提出这个问题,每个人都应该运行自己的WordPress博客吗? 还是真的有很好的理由避免它? 帕特里克(Patrick),您是否总体上运行自己的软件?

Patrick: I do run my own software pretty much in totality. I don’t know that I use any remotely hosted services. I do use phpBB, WordPress, Nucleus CMS. I’ve run which is the largest unofficial phpBB resource for about 8-1/2 years. It’s something that I’ve definitely I had to contend with for almost a decade.

帕特里克:我确实完全可以运行自己的软件。 我不知道我使用任何远程托管服务。 我确实使用phpBB,WordPress, Nucleus CMS 。 我已经运行 ,这是大约8-1 / 2年以来最大的非官方phpBB资源。 这绝对是我近十年来一直必须面对的问题。

Kevin: Especially with these WordPress attacks, WordPress has done a good job of making it really easy to update WordPress. When it comes to a PHP script that can be installed on just about any web host out there, you couldn’t ask for much better than the one-click upgrade that works on most hosts. Back when we were talking about phpBB which hasn’t seem much in the way of security holes lately. It seems like they’ve done a pretty good job of locking down that code. When you had to upgrade phpBB, you were sometimes making— hand-coding that changes for the updates because you had applied hacks and you couldn’t just drop the new code into place. It was a real pain and yet if you were serious about running a site with phpBB powering it, that’s what you had to do, right?

凯文:尤其是通过这些WordPress攻击,WordPress在简化WordPress更新方面做得很好。 对于几乎可以安装在任何Web主机上PHP脚本,您都无法要求比大多数主机上都能使用的一键式升级好得多。 早在我们谈论phpBB时,最近似乎还没有太多安全漏洞。 看起来他们在锁定该代码方面做得很好。 当您必须升级phpBB时,您有时会在做一些手工操作,以便对更新所做的更改进行编码,因为您已经应用了hacks,而不能只是将新代码放到位。 这确实是一个痛苦,但是如果您真的想使用phpBB来运行一个站点,那是您必须要做的,对吧?

Patrick: It was, and at, we had code changes and they were released by actually an author at one point who wasn’t part of phpBB but a hack author who had released code changes for each release and we’d have those at our site and they were a popular resource because you had to do that. I remember being on vacation and being passed with the latest version and there was a time where it was insecure and it wasn’t that they weren’t working on it necessarily but I was on vacation and the site was getting hacked and this included the database being wiped clean. Those are scary moments especially at that time when it’s mostly a dial-up connection situation. There is no high speed. You’re messing with these huge SQL files. You’re trying to make sure you have backups in place. And luckily I did, thankfully, to my host. But it’s a scary thing. phpBB 2 got better and phpBB 3 has been very solid. There really hasn’t been any major security issue.

帕特里克(Patrick):在,我们进行了代码更改,并且实际上是由某个作者发布的,该作者不是phpBB的一部分,而是一位hacker作者,他为每个发行版都发布了代码更改,这些都是我们网站上的资源,它们是受欢迎的资源,因为您必须这样做。 我记得当时正在度假并使用最新版本,有时它并不安全,不是因为他们不一定在进行此工作,而是我在度假并且网站遭到黑客攻击,其中包括数据库被清除干净。 这些时刻很恐怖,尤其是在那时候主要是拨号连接的情况下。 没有高速。 您搞砸了这些巨大SQL文件。 您正在尝试确保已备份到位。 幸运的是,我对主持人做了。 但这是一件可怕的事情。 phpBB 2变得更好,并且phpBB 3非常稳定。 确实没有任何重大的安全问题。

Kevin: We have a blog post by John August here who compares running your own WordPress installation to baking your own bread. He says, “Yeah, you can go and you can get the flour and you can knead it up in your kitchen and most people, if they follow the instructions, can get a perfectly edible loaf of bread but you could also just go down to the corner store and buy a loaf of bread and for 90% of the people, that’s all they want out of their bread and that’s all they need out of their bread. So why go to the trouble of making your own?” He compares this to these software like forums and blogs and if you are in the 90% of people who only need what a hosted solution will give you, you should really avoid setting it up on your own hosting environment where you have to maintain it and stay on top of security updates and so on and so forth. As apt as this comparison is, it seems obvious that a lot of people aren’t taking this advice right now. Stephan, what do you think the attraction is to running your own installation of something like WordPress versus using a hosted solution?

凯文:我们在约翰·奥古斯特(John August)上发表了一篇博客文章 ,比较了运行自己的WordPress安装与烘烤自己的面包。 他说:“是的,您可以走了,您可以拿走面粉,并且可以在厨房里揉成面粉,大多数人都可以按照他们的指示拿到一块可食用的面包,但是您也可以直接下到在街角商店购买一条面包,对于90%的人们来说,这就是他们想要的全部面包,而这正是他们需要的全部面包。 那么,为什么要自己制造麻烦呢?” 他将此与诸如论坛和博客之类的软件进行了比较,如果您中的90%只需要托管解决方案能为您提供的功能,那么您应该真正避免在需要维护它的托管环境中进行设置。始终关注安全更新等等。 尽管这种比较是恰当的,但似乎很明显很多人现在都没有采纳这个建议。 史蒂芬(Stephan),您认为吸引人的是运行自己的WordPress之类的安装而不是使用托管解决方案?

Stephan: Going back to my history in blogging. I kind of wrote my own back in 2000-2001 and that was fun. It was like a little experiment and I think I still have it somewhere out on the Web Archive. And as time went on, I realized it was no longer a learning tool for me. It was more of—where I put my thoughts. So for the hosted solution for me, makes sense but then again having my own WordPress installation means I can do whatever I want to it without having—I can change code, I can change behind the scenes stuff because that’s my background. But then there are people that they don’t have any background in coding and they don’t need ever to look at the code. I think for the hacker, the guy who likes to get down and dirty and play in the code, I think that that’s the real attraction of hosting your own.

斯蒂芬:回到我的博客历史。 我有点在2000-2001年写自己的书,这很有趣。 这就像一个小实验,我想我仍然可以在Web Archive上找到它。 随着时间的流逝,我意识到它不再是我的学习工具。 我的想法更多。 因此,对于我来说,托管解决方案很有意义,但是再次拥有自己的WordPress安装意味着我可以做任何我想做的事而无需-可以更改代码,可以在后台进行更改,因为那是我的背景。 但是,有些人却没有任何编码背景,也不需要看任何代码。 我认为对于喜欢编写代码的黑客这个家伙来说,那是托管自己的真正魅力。

Patrick: There are a lot of advantages to hosting your own site. Just to name a few; advertising is one with a lot of these hosted solutions; you’re limited in your advertising. Now that doesn’t affect you if you’re just setting up a personal blog, but for anyone who wants to turn this into a business, obviously, that’s a consideration. Customization is a big thing as well. allows you a lot of plug-ins I know but there are restrictions on that. It’s a situation where if you wanted to do whatever you want to your site, you have to host it. Sometimes you want to do all of these things but you don’t have the knowledge and that’s a situation that I was in way back when where I just had to learn. I started doing things and I started messing with code and installing hacks. There was a time when I couldn’t install phpBB. I had to be walked through it three or four times. I figured it out from there and it takes some experience and some time to get to know the software and you need to have someone there who can take care of it. I think in this day and age, especially, you need to understand the full commitment but there are clear benefits to installing the software yourself. And also you shouldn’t take remotely hosted solutions lightly. You really need to investigate them and look into what they offer you and their access to your data and so on and so forth as well. So there are good and bad sides to both.

帕特里克:托管自己的网站有很多好处。 仅举几个; 广告就是其中一种托管解决方案。 您的广告有限。 现在,即使您只是建立个人博客也不会影响您,但是对于任何想将其转变为业务的人来说,这显然是一个考虑因素。 定制也是一件大事。 WordPress.com允许您使用很多我知道的插件,但是对此有限制。 在这种情况下,如果您想对网站做任何事情,就必须托管它。 有时您想做所有这些事情,但您却不了解,这就是我不得不学习的时候。 我开始做事,开始弄乱代码并安装hack。 曾经有一段时间我无法安装phpBB。 我不得不经过三四次。 我从那里弄清楚了,需要一些经验和时间来了解该软件,您需要在那儿找一个可以照顾它的人。 我认为,在当今时代,尤其是您需要了解全部承诺,但是自己安装软件有明显的好处。 而且,您也不应该掉以轻心。 您确实需要调查它们,并研究它们为您提供了什么以及它们对您的数据的访问权限等等。 因此,双方都有好和坏的一面。

Kevin: At SitePoint we use WordPress. We host it ourselves in a couple of places. The blogs, most people can’t realize because it is such a customized installation but it is WordPress running behind the scenes. We have developed our own plug-ins that integrate with the user database for our forums so you can use the same login to comment on our blogs as you do to participate in the SitePoint Forums. When this latest spate of attacks came out, we had a close look at it and although technically our code was vulnerable for a short time until we got the upgrade installed, the degree of customization that we had done to our site meant that the tools that hackers were using to take advantage of these security holes were protecting us to some extent. And that makes me think if you’re going to host it yourself, maybe you should avoid the really popular solutions like if you’re going to host your own blog, maybe there is something to be said for avoiding WordPress because it’s the popular one that’s going to get attacked and chose something a little more obscure.

凯文:在SitePoint,我们使用WordPress。 我们将自己托管在几个地方。 大多数人无法意识到sitepoint.com博客,因为它是这样的定制安装,但是WordPress在后台运行。 我们已经开发了自己的插件,这些插件与论坛的用户数据库集成在一起,因此您可以像参与SitePoint论坛一样使用相同的登录名对博客发表评论。 当这一系列最新的攻击出现时,我们进行了仔细研究,尽管从技术上讲,在安装升级之前,我们的代码在短时间内容易受到攻击,但是我们对网站进行的自定义程度意味着该工具可以黑客利用这些安全漏洞在一定程度上保护了我们。 这让我想到,如果您要自己托管它,也许您应该避免使用真正流行的解决方案,例如如果您要托管自己的博客,也许有人应该避免使用WordPress,因为它是最受欢迎的一种将会受到攻击,并选择了一些晦涩难懂的东西。

Patrick: The problem with that is, you want something as good as WordPress and that’s not to say the other options out there aren’t as good. But I’ve used different things I came to WordPress. I didn’t start with WordPress. I started with Nucleus CMS which is a very good piece of software. I enjoyed it. I don’t think I was hacked once. Actually, I think I was hacked once at some point but I had a good experience with it. But I went to WordPress because there are benefits as far as the plug-in community which is tremendous, as far as the SEO benefits of the software which out of the box is solid. Just the entire support community around this software is excellent. That’s what drives people towards it. It is the quality of the software and then the quality of the community. It’s hard to find those two things in any other piece of software. I’m not saying anything bad about this offerings that Six Apart has has I’m sure they’re very good. Plenty of good, really great sites run them. But from my experience, from my time and money I put writing on my network, at this time, I chose WordPress and it’s hard to say, “Choose a solution that you don’t think is as good just because it’s not as widely used and it won’t be hacked.” That’s something that could be applied to a lot of technology yet you want to use the best piece of software.

帕特里克(Patrick):问题在于,您想要的东西与WordPress一样好,但这并不是说其他​​选项不如WordPress好。 但是我曾经使用过与WordPress不同的东西。 我不是从WordPress开始的。 我从Nucleus CMS开始,这是一个非常好的软件。 我很喜欢它。 我不认为我曾经被黑客入侵过。 实际上,我认为我曾经在某个时候被黑客入侵过,但是我对此有很好的经验。 但是我之所以选择WordPress,是因为插件社区有很多好处,而开箱即用的软件可以为SEO带来很多好处。 围绕该软件的整个支持社区都非常出色。 这就是促使人们朝着它前进的原因。 这是软件的质量,然后是社区的质量。 在其他任何软件中都很难找到这两件事。 我不会说“ 六合会”所提供的这些产品有什么不好的,我敢肯定它们非常好。 有很多很好的,非常好的网站在运行它们。 但是根据我的经验,从我投入网络的时间和金钱上,这一次,我选择了WordPress,很难说:“选择一个您认为不那么好的解决方案,只是因为它没有得到广泛使用而且不会被黑客入侵。” 那是可以应用到许多技术上的东西,但是您想使用最好的软件。

Kevin: Yeah, definitely. Speaking about the hosted solution, I had a close look at what they offer and what the limitations are. If you are tossing up right now between hosting your own blog and hosting it in or even if you’re thinking about making the move one way or the other, what gives you is the WordPress software and a certain amount of customization that you can do depending on how much you pay them. So the free account you can chose from a selection of themes that they’ve set up in their system. You can’t install custom themes. You can’t install custom WordPress plug-ins either. What you can do is put widgets into your site. So the themes that they provide have these spots in them, usually in the sidebar, where you can add in your own selection of widgets. So you can have pieces of text. You can have your Twitter feed or your Flickr photos—whatever the case maybe. And they have a nice collection of widgets. And I know services like Blogger from Google offer the same sort of functionality—pick a theme and then add your own collection of widgets. With if you pay for a certain commercial level of support, you can then customize the CSS that’s applied to the theme and they have a particular theme called the Sandbox theme which is really for people who know what they’re doing with CSS. It provides a lot of styling hooks in the HTML code which still you are not able to modify but the HTML code is so rich with these styling hooks that you can then use your custom CSS abilities to make it look pretty much any way you want. If you need more than that, you are looking at hosting it yourself. How does that compare with the world of hosted forums, Patrick?

凯文:是的,当然。 在谈到WordPress.com托管解决方案时,我仔细研究了它们提供的功能和局限性。 如果您现在正在托管自己的博客与将其托管在WordPress.com之间进行折腾,或者即使您正在考虑以一种或另一种方式进行迁移,那么WordPress.com给您的是WordPress软件和一定数量的软件您可以根据自己支付的价格进行定制。 因此,您可以从他们在系统中设置的主题中选择一个免费帐户。 您无法安装自定义主题。 您也不能安装自定义WordPress插件。 您可以将小部件放入您的站点。 因此,它们提供的主题通常位于侧边栏中,可以在其中添加这些点,您可以在其中添加自己选择的小部件。 这样您就可以得到一些文本。 无论情况如何,您都可以拥有Twitter feed或Flickr照片。 他们有一个很好的小部件集合。 我知道Google的Blogger之类的服务提供了相同的功能-选择一个主题,然后添加您自己的小部件集合。 如果您需要支付一定的商业级别的支持费用,则可以使用WordPress.com定制适用于该主题CSS,并且他们有一个名为Sandbox主题的特定主题,该主题确实适用于了解CSS用途的人。 它在HTML代码中提供了很多样式钩子,您仍然无法对其进行修改,但是这些样式钩子使HTML代码变得如此丰富,以至于您可以使用自定义CSS功能使它看起来几乎任何您想要的样式。 如果您还需要更多,则可以自己托管。 与托管论坛的世界相比,帕特里克如何?

Patrick: With forums, it’s something that I get asked a lot is what software to use and what about these for mostly hosted sites. You can throw Ning into that category, Lefora, and there are tons of small ones and they all have their pluses and minuses but the two main things that I always tell people is first of all, make sure you can get your data out in a way that you can actually use. In my experience, the majority of remotely hosted forum solutions do not give you your data in a way you can use. So for example, if you give me a CSV file or a text database of my posts on your individual software like Ning. Ning isn’t something you can download. Ning is its own software. If you give me that, I have no idea what to do with that. I have to hire a programmer to put that into some database that I can use with another piece of software. Most people fall into that category. You want your data in something you can use like phpBB. From phpBB, you can convert to pretty much everything because phpBB is so popular that all the software has converters.

帕特里克(Patrick):在论坛上,我经常被问到要使用什么软件以及在大多数托管网站上使用这些软件是什么。 您可以将Ning归入Lefora类别,并且有成千上万个小型实例 ,它们都有其优缺点,但是我总是告诉人们的两个主要方面是首先,请确保您可以在您可以实际使用的方式。 根据我的经验,大多数远程托管的论坛解决方案都无法以您可以使用的方式为您提供数据。 例如,如果您在个人软件(例如Ning)上给我一个CSV文件或我的帖子的文本数据库, 宁不是您可以下载的东西。 宁是自己的软件。 如果你给我那个,我不知道该怎么办。 我必须雇用一名程序员将其放入可以与另一软件一起使用的数据库中。 大多数人都属于这一类。 您希望将数据放在可以使用的东西中,例如phpBB。 从phpBB可以将几乎所有内容转换为phpBB,因为phpBB非常流行,以至于所有软件都有转换器。

So being able to get your data out first and foremost is important because so many solutions don’t offer that and you think of leaving your posts in one solution forever. It’s just in this day and age, that’s not acceptable yet that’s how a lot of people jump into these solutions. They say, “Okay, it takes two seconds to get started. Let’s go.” They accumulate hundreds of thousands of posts, millions of posts, one day and they want to move off it but they can’t. So that’s the big thing. I think the other thing is for most people who want to control their online presence; you want a service that allows you to have a domain name. WordPress does that with their hosted solution if you pay a little extra. And many forum solutions do as well. But the importance of that is simply controlling the URL because if you are they own that forever. You cannot take that with you. Where if you own your own domain name, you can always take that with you in some form and can redirect those old links even with a catchall redirect rather than losing all the traffic.

因此,首先要获取数据很重要,因为很多解决方案都没有提供此功能,并且您考虑将帖子永远保留在一个解决方案中。 只是在这个时代,这是不可接受的,但是这就是很多人跳入这些解决方案的方式。 他们说:“好的,开始需要两秒钟。 我们走吧。” 他们每天累积成千上万的帖子,数百万的帖子,他们想离开它,但他们不能。 所以那是大事。 我认为对于大多数想要控制其在线状态的人而​​言,这是另一回事。 您想要一个允许您拥有域名的服务。 如果您多付一些钱,WordPress会使用其托管解决方案来实现。 许多论坛解决方案也是如此。 但这只是控制URL的重要性,因为如果您是,他们将永远拥有它。 你不能随身携带。 如果您拥有自己的域名,则始终可以以某种形式携带该域名,并且即使使用全面重定向,也可以重定向那些旧链接,而不会丢失所有流量。

Stephan: Well I think one other thing about hosting your own solution versus having a hosted solution somewhere is security is it’s a false thing with the hosted solution somewhere off site with Tumblr or someone else. It’s false security because they’re just as vulnerable to a hacking attack as someone that’s hosting their own solution. And it just depends on how on their toes they are. If they’re kind of slacking back and not really paying attention, someone comes in and just wipes out all the Tumblr accounts, well, you just lost your blog. And there is no recourse. What are you going to do? If someone hacks my blog because I wasn’t paying attention to the updates, then I really can’t blame anybody but myself, right?

斯蒂芬:嗯,我认为关于托管自己的解决方案与在某个地方托管解决方案的另一件事是安全性,因为托管解决方案在Tumblr或其他人不在现场的地方是不对的 。 这是错误的安全性,因为它们就像托管自己的解决方案的人一样容易受到黑客攻击。 而这仅取决于他们的脚趾如何。 如果他们有些懈怠而没有真正注意,那就有人进来,只是消灭所有Tumblr帐户,好吧,您只是失去了博客。 而且没有追索权。 你会怎样做? 如果有人因为我没有关注更新而黑客入侵我的博客,那么我真的不能怪别人,只有我自己,对吧?

Kevin: You can assume pretty much that a reputable service is going to be doing a certain level of backups. So that in the worst case, like one that you had described, Tumblr would be able to recover from a backup that it might be 24 hours old but your content is coming back. Whereas, if you host it yourself, people get lazy and maybe you don’t keep backups for a month or so and you assume that your web host is doing that for you but when things go wrong, they point to the clause in the contract that said, “We’ll make a best effort but we can’t guarantee it.” And, they’ll say, “Actually, yeah, your backup stopped working two months ago because of something funky in the way that you set up your site being incompatible with our automated backup systems.”

凯文:您几乎可以假设信誉良好的服务将进行一定程度的备份。 这样一来,在最坏的情况下(如您所描述的那样),Tumblr便可以从可能已使用24小时但您的内容又恢复了的备份中恢复。 而如果您自己托管它,人们会变得很懒惰,也许您一个月左右都没有保留备份,并且您假定您的虚拟主机正在为您这样做,但是当出现问题时,他们会指向合同中的条款那就是说:“我们会尽力而为,但我们不能保证。” 而且,他们会说:“实际上,是的,您的备份在两个月前就停止了工作,原因是您的网站设置与我们的自动备份系统不兼容,这很时髦。”

Stephan: The great example against that is Ma.gnolia. Because everyone expected that to be an easily retrievable set of links, “Oh, we have your backups.” No, they didn’t have anybody’s backups and those people were screwed. It’s not fair to the people that are putting their stuff up there and expecting a service.

斯蒂芬:反对的最好的例子是Ma.gnolia 。 因为每个人都希望这是一组易于检索的链接,所以“哦,我们有您的备份。” 不,他们没有任何人的备份,这些人被搞砸了。 对于将东西放在那儿并期望得到服务的人们来说,这是不公平的。

Patrick: I would say that no service is immune to this.


Stephan: No, I’m not trying to single out different people. I see that the security that people feel when they’re on a hosted service because they expect other people to be watching over it but at the same time, they’re just as vulnerable as I am to a WordPress…

斯蒂芬:不,我不是想挑出不同的人。 我看到人们在使用托管服务时会感到安全,因为他们希望其他人可以监视它,但是与此同时,他们像WordPress一样容易受到攻击……

Patrick: Yeah, and that speaks to having access to your data. Not trusting someone to back it up for you. If you’re paying a remote host, even if you’re paying a host, it’s still no guarantee. A lot of the remotely hosted solutions probably don’t guarantee backups either. So, it’s just as important to have access to your data and to be able to back it up yourself and something I feel like I should say or we should say is that, it’s not as scary as it seems. There is always a breakout of this sort of thing. A popular piece of software gets hacked and a lot of people didn’t upgrade probably when they should have. And then the whole quality of open source software or of installing your own software gets called into question. It happens every four, six months or more but if you take the time to learn the software and don’t hack it up like crazy. Don’t modify it to insanity where you’re not comfortable with it. Use the basic software. Figure out how to install it and upgrade it and how to monitor upgrade notifications through the software, through RSS, through email, wherever. Go ahead and install those upgrades. Most of the time, you are going to be perfectly fine. This rash of WordPress hackings at least when it caught news it was September 4th or 5th. According to Matt Mullenweg, it didn’t affect version 2.8.3 which was released on August 3rd. So you’re talking about a month in between a release and all this rash of hackings, supposedly. Even if it was a few weeks after. If you want to run your own site, just monitor those upgrades and make sure they get installed and you’ll be fine.

帕特里克:是的,这就是说可以访问您的数据。 不信任某人为您备份它。 如果您要支付远程主机费用,即使您要支付主机费用,也仍然无法保证。 许多远程托管的解决方案也可能都不保证备份。 因此,访问您的数据并能够自己备份数据同样重要,我觉得我应该说或应该说的是,这并不像看起来那样可怕。 这类事情总是有突破的。 一种流行的软件被黑客入侵,很多人可能在应有的时候没有进行升级。 然后,开源软件或安装自己的软件的整体质量就受到质疑。 它每四,六个月或更长时间发生一次,但是如果您花时间学习该软件并且不要疯狂地破解它。 不要将其修改为您不满意的疯狂。 使用基本软件。 弄清楚如何安装和升级它,以及如何通过软件,RSS,电子邮件(无论何时何地)来监视升级通知。 继续安装这些升级。 大多数时候,您会过得很好。 至少在9月4日或5日收到新闻时,这种WordPress骇客攻击就大行其道。 根据Matt Mullenweg的说法 ,它不会影响8月3日发布的2.8.3版本。 因此,您所说的是在发布与所有此类黑客攻击之间的一个月。 即使已经过了几周。 如果您想运行自己的站点,只需监视这些升级并确保已安装它们就可以了。

Stephan: WordPress lets you know when you log in, so I don’t know.

史蒂芬: WordPress会在您登录时通知您,所以我不知道。

Patrick: In WordPress nothing is easier. I’ve used a lot of different software and WordPress is the easiest to upgrade of any of them. And I never even use the automatic upgrade because I only need to have a copy of the files on my computer. I always download it and upload it. So call me old school or whatever but its still is very quick and easy to do. Coming from that phpBB system we’re used to have to install code changes for it to take two minutes literally is a joy first and foremost. So it’s just something where you take the time to invest in your site if you want it to be around.

帕特里克:在WordPress中,没有比这更容易的事情了。 我使用了许多不同的软件,而WordPress是其中任何一个软件中最容易升级的。 而且我什至从未使用过自动升级,因为我只需要在计算机上拥有文件的副本即可。 我总是下载并上传它。 所以叫我老学校或其他,但是它仍然是非常快捷和容易的。 来自那个phpBB系统,我们习惯于安装代码更改,因为它花两分钟的时间才是最重要的。 因此,只要您愿意,它就会花时间在您的网站上进行投资。

Kevin: The irony for me is that the thing that as you say for vanilla WordPress installation that you setup yourself upgrading it is a one-click affair and you’re reminded every time you login and it’s a no-brainer. But the reason you choose to run your own WordPress installation is because you want to customize it. You want to write your own plug-ins or you want to install third party plug-ins and inevitably what happens is that WordPress will tell you, you need to upgrade for security reasons but your plug-ins are not compatible with that new version or the plug-ins you’ve written yourself won’t work in the new version and you need to take the time to upgrade them. So it’s ironic to me that the thing that you need to do most, keep your own WordPress installation up-to-date, is often going to be hampered by this competing priority you want to keep your custom WordPress installation customized. Is there a solution?

凯文:具有讽刺意味的是,就像您说的那样,您自行升级香草WordPress安装时,它是一键式的事情,每次登录时都会提醒您,这很容易。 但是您选择运行自己的WordPress安装的原因是因为您想要对其进行自定义。 您想编写自己的插件或安装第三方插件,不可避免地会发生什么,WordPress会告诉您,出于安全原因需要升级,但您的插件与该新版本不兼容,或者您自己编写的插件在新版本中将无法使用,因此您需要花一些时间来升级它们。 因此,具有讽刺意味的是,您最需要做的事情(保持您自己的WordPress安装最新)经常会因为您想保持自定义WordPress安装自定义的竞争优先级而受阻。 有解决方案吗?

Patrick: That’s a good point and here is what I do. If an upgrade comes out and they say something about security in it, I install that upgrade as soon as I can. What I do is I make sure all my plug-ins are up-to-date and then what you can do is you can easily disable all of them and enable them one by one. I have really not run into many plug-in issues. I know some have. I think by and large, it has turned out okay for me. I think you can disable the plug-ins and re-enable them one by one. When security pops up, security is always the priority. If they say, it’s a security upgrade, you need to install it. If they don’t, you can wait a week or two and let plug-ins be upgraded because oftentimes that’s when new plug-in versions will be released, right after a new release of WordPress or right around that time. So you install those new versions. You disable the plug-ins and you just enable them one by one and I think for the most part, it will go well. Yes, that’s the benefit of having WordPress is customization but at the same there is obviously a security responsibility as well. So you have to balance those two things but I find that the WordPress plug-in community tends to be pretty strong.

帕特里克:很好,这就是我要做的。 如果出现升级,并且他们说了一些有关安全性的信息,我会尽快安装该升级。 我要做的就是确保所有插件都是最新的,然后您可以轻松禁用所有插件并逐个启用它们。 我真的没有遇到很多插件问题。 我知道有些。 我认为总的来说,对我来说还可以。 我认为您可以禁用插件,然后逐个重新启用它们。 当安全性弹出时,安全性始终是优先事项。 如果他们说这是安全升级,则需要安装它。 如果不这样做,则可以等待一两个星期,然后让插件升级,因为通常是在新版本的WordPress之后或大约在该时间发布新的插件版本。 因此,您安装了这些新版本。 您禁用这些插件,然后一个接一个地启用它们,我认为在大多数情况下,它将运行良好。 是的,拥有WordPress的好处是自定义,但同时显然还有安全责任。 因此,您必须权衡这两件事,但我发现WordPress插件社区往往非常强大。

Kevin: I guess the more you can stick to these well supported plug-ins that are actively maintained the better. But a lot of these plug-ins, they’re left alone after a while. The author loses interest or goes on a holiday and suddenly you’re faced between the choice of running an insecure blog or running a blog where your blog is all about polling people, posting polls and suddenly the polling plug-in that you rely on is not compatible with the new WordPress version…

凯文:我想您可以坚持使用这些受良好支持且积极维护的插件的能力越强。 但是,其中许多插件在一段时间后就被留下来了。 作者失去兴趣或去度假,突然之间您会面临选择运行一个不安全的博客或运行一个博客的问题,而您的博客全都涉及民意调查,发布民意测验以及突然您依赖的民意测验插件与新的WordPress版本不兼容…

Stephan: And its kind of like what I was—I was running a blog and I was using the AsideShop plug-in which gives you the little asides, just a single link or whatever and if you click on it, it lets people comment on the link. I like the functionality because I didn’t always have time to post a full post but I had a little short blurb and link. That’s what I wanted to post. That plug-in after the 2.8.1, I think, update just stopped working. In fact if you activated it, it killed WordPress. So, I had to disable it and I lost the biggest functionality of my blog that I used and now, I stopped blogging for a little while and I’m trying to get back into it because my method of blogging was taken away because someone doesn’t update their plug-in.

史蒂芬(Stephan):就像我当时一样-我正在运行一个博客,当时我在使用AsideShop插件,该插件为您提供了一些小帮助,只是一个链接或任何链接,如果您单击它,人们可以在上面评论链接。 我喜欢此功能,因为我并不总是有时间发布完整的帖子,但是我有一些简短的内容和链接。 这就是我要发布的内容。 我认为2.8.1之后的插件刚刚停止工作。 实际上,如果您激活它,它将杀死WordPress。 因此,我不得不禁用它,并且失去了我使用的博客的最大功能,现在,我停止了一段时间的博客,而我试图重新使用它,因为我的博客方法被取消了,因为有人不会更新其插件。

Patrick: But here is what you have got to weigh that against I think. If you want do they have the asides plug-in, could you do that?

帕特里克:但是,这就是我认为必须权衡的。 如果您想要,他们是否有asside插件,您可以这样做吗?

Kevin: No. No.


Patrick: So here is the question then. You probably used customizations or you might. Maybe you only used that one plug-in but a lot of people use more than one where not all the plug-ins are going to be incompatible that’s why you do them one by one. So you’re still taking advantage of those customizations. But like I said, weigh it against the hosted solution, would you be using this on WordPress? Would you have access to this on WordPress? Yes, you may have to do without it for a period but security always takes precedent. So if you have to disable that for a little while. You say, “I’m sorry, we have disable this.” You get on your hustle. You get on the WordPress forums. You ask for a poll plug-in that works and you make it work. If you’re not a programmer like I am, you have to hustle and you have to make it work and that’s just what running a web site is about, especially if you’re not a programmer.

帕特里克:那么这就是问题。 您可能使用了自定义,也可能使用了。 也许您只使用了一个插件,但是很多人使用了一个以上的插件,因为并非所有插件都不兼容,这就是为什么您要一个一个地做它们。 因此,您仍在利用这些自定义设置。 但是就像我说的那样,将其与托管解决方案进行权衡,您会在WordPress上使用它吗? 您可以在WordPress上访问它吗? 是的,您可能需要一段时间不使用它,但是安全始终是首要的。 因此,如果您必须禁用它一会儿。 您说:“很抱歉,我们已禁用此功能。” 你忙得不可开交。 您进入WordPress论坛。 您要求一个可以正常工作的民意测验插件。 如果您不是像我这样的程序员,那么您就必须忙碌起来并使它正常工作,而这正是运行网站的目的,特别是如果您不是程序员。

Kevin: Going back to the bread analogy. Once upon a time, most people did make their own bread because we didn’t have supermarkets yet or the bread that you could get that other people would make for you was just nowhere near as good as the stuff that you could make yourself. And over time, mass-produced bread has gotten better. We’ve seen the same thing happening in the progress that we’ve made from the days of phpBB where you would have to hack files by hand to keep your customized site up-to-date, to today, where WordPress even heavily customized with tons of third-party plug-ins still supports a one-click upgrade that often and most often will not break anything. So over time, I think these automated solutions for keeping your site up-to-date, whether it’s the one click upgrade in your customized solution or whether it’s the types of widgets and level of customization that you can get in a hosted solution like, these things are getting better and better and so requiring us less and less to bake our own bread. Is that fair to say?

凯文:回到面包类比。 曾几何时,大多数人都是自己做面包的,因为我们还没有超市,或者别人可以为您制作的面包远不及自己制作的面包好。 随着时间的流逝,大量生产的面包变得越来越好。 We've seen the same thing happening in the progress that we've made from the days of phpBB where you would have to hack files by hand to keep your customized site up-to-date, to today, where WordPress even heavily customized with tons of third-party plug-ins still supports a one-click upgrade that often and most often will not break anything. So over time, I think these automated solutions for keeping your site up-to-date, whether it's the one click upgrade in your customized solution or whether it's the types of widgets and level of customization that you can get in a hosted solution like, these things are getting better and better and so requiring us less and less to bake our own bread. 这公平吗?

Patrick: Wow, analogy crazy.

Patrick: Wow, analogy crazy.

So my mom’s bread is always better than store bread. That’s just saying that, that’s just the way it is and it will always be but I think everything will continually get better. I think both solutions are there for the audience they serve. I think is a very good solution for probably most people but it all comes back to I guess that same analogy where you need to weigh your benefits and if you understand what it means to keep software up-to-date and everything that that entails and you want what you can receive benefits-wise by hosting your own site then go for it. It’s all about effort and commitment. Nothing can be done by flying by the seat of your pants; not managing a community, not managing the software. If you don’t have a tech guy then guess what? You are the tech guy and that’s a role that I had to jump right into because I have nobody. I don’t have money for anybody. So, I learned what I needed to do to get by. I can’t write any code, no. But I can fix the occasional PHP error and I can mess with plug-ins a little bit. And I can upgrade software and I can run a backup system. It’s all about learning what you need to get the job done and if you can’t do that, then yeah, go with a hosted solution.

So my mom's bread is always better than store bread. That's just saying that, that's just the way it is and it will always be but I think everything will continually get better. I think both solutions are there for the audience they serve. I think is a very good solution for probably most people but it all comes back to I guess that same analogy where you need to weigh your benefits and if you understand what it means to keep software up-to-date and everything that that entails and you want what you can receive benefits-wise by hosting your own site then go for it. It's all about effort and commitment. Nothing can be done by flying by the seat of your pants; not managing a community, not managing the software. If you don't have a tech guy then guess what? You are the tech guy and that's a role that I had to jump right into because I have nobody. I don't have money for anybody. So, I learned what I needed to do to get by. I can't write any code, no. But I can fix the occasional PHP error and I can mess with plug-ins a little bit. And I can upgrade software and I can run a backup system. It's all about learning what you need to get the job done and if you can't do that, then yeah, go with a hosted solution.

Kevin: Sounds like your mom makes artisanal bread which is what this blog post calls it. Like the extra special bread that its worth going to the trouble to get.

Kevin: Sounds like your mom makes artisanal bread which is what this blog post calls it. Like the extra special bread that its worth going to the trouble to get.

Patrick: Well, it’s made with love so come on Kevin.

Patrick: Well, it's made with love so come on Kevin.

Kevin: There you go. And if you want to run an artisanal blog that’s made with love then maybe you just have to put up with the headaches that come with it.

凯文:你去。 And if you want to run an artisanal blog that's made with love then maybe you just have to put up with the headaches that come with it.

Let’s close off the show with out host spotlights, guys. Patrick what’s your host spotlight?

Let's close off the show with out host spotlights, guys. Patrick what's your host spotlight?

Patrick: Well my host spotlight is an article by Rohit Bhargava who is an author, all around social media—I don’t want to say expert guru—but a very smart guy. I met him at Blog World last year actually so that’s another reason to come out. But he wrote an article called the 5 Big Myths of Social Media published on September 15th. It’s on his blog, Influential Marketing blog and he discusses five of the myths he encounters the most in his practice and he works at Ogilvy. The five are: you need give up control; two, it is all about going viral; three, someone needs to be managing it fulltime; four, everything has be to open, transparent and public; and five, measurements just include soft metrics. And he goes into the details as far as what those five mean. But it’s definitely a well worth reading article for anyone who is into social media especially anybody from a corporate perspective.

Patrick: Well my host spotlight is an article by Rohit Bhargava who is an author, all around social media—I don't want to say expert guru—but a very smart guy. I met him at Blog World last year actually so that's another reason to come out. But he wrote an article called the 5 Big Myths of Social Media published on September 15th. It's on his blog, Influential Marketing blog and he discusses five of the myths he encounters the most in his practice and he works at Ogilvy. The five are: you need give up control; two, it is all about going viral; three, someone needs to be managing it fulltime; four, everything has be to open, transparent and public; and five, measurements just include soft metrics. And he goes into the details as far as what those five mean. But it's definitely a well worth reading article for anyone who is into social media especially anybody from a corporate perspective.

Kevin: Stephan what’s yours?

Kevin: Stephan what's yours?

Stephan: Well, I have a little tool for all you phone, ringtone junkies. Charles Williams, a blogger web junkie kind of guy released a set of NES ringtones including Duck Hunt, Super Mario Brothers, and Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. Its 99 ringtones from those six NES games. There is a list of them. It’s pretty sweet and it works with the iPhone and they have other phones as well. I’m not sure if it’s legal or what not. It hadn’t been taken out. It’s been up for a few weeks.

Stephan: Well, I have a little tool for all you phone, ringtone junkies. Charles Williams, a blogger web junkie kind of guy released a set of NES ringtones including Duck Hunt, Super Mario Brothers, and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. Its 99 ringtones from those six NES games. There is a list of them. It's pretty sweet and it works with the iPhone and they have other phones as well. I'm not sure if it's legal or what not. It hadn't been taken out. It's been up for a few weeks.

Kevin: Wow, our new community manager, Raena at SitePoint was in a meeting with us yesterday and she had customized her instant messaging program, Adium. She had found a pack of sounds for it with Super Mario Brothers sounds in it. It was hilarious. I definitely am going to show this to her because I think she may just want to change her ringtone.

Kevin: Wow, our new community manager, Raena at SitePoint was in a meeting with us yesterday and she had customized her instant messaging program, Adium . She had found a pack of sounds for it with Super Mario Brothers sounds in it. It was hilarious. I definitely am going to show this to her because I think she may just want to change her ringtone.

My host spotlight, I’ve been researching a topic that I’m giving it Web Direction South in a few weeks. And it’s all about CSS frameworks. The granddaddy of CSS frameworks one might argue is Blueprint. Blueprint CSS is what most people call it. It’s a library of CSS styles that you build on top of or assemble together to build a web site. It can save time over building your own CSS styles from scratch. A lot of people have complained about Blueprint CSS’s code because it forces you or has in the past forced you to use class names that were presentational. So you had to use CSS class names like "span-17" and things like that. That people who cared about the class names in their HTML code really didn’t like. But they’ve actually listened to this feedback and this is something that a lot of people don’t know yet but Blueprint CSS these days comes with a Ruby script. You feed it a little configuration file. You tell it, my class names that I want to use are this; and this is what they should mean in terms of the grid that Blueprint sets up for them and it spits out a customized, compressed version of the Blueprint stylesheets using your own custom class names. So you can use things like header, footer, sidebar, things like that and Blueprint will apply the appropriate styles to those class names instead of forcing you to use the ones that people hate so much. There is a great walkthrough about this that I’ll point to you in the show notes. It’s by Joshua Clayton the lead author of Blueprint. It’s called Blueprint’s compress.rb: A Walkthrough. It sounds scary running a Ruby script to customize your CSS code but if you’re using Blueprint at all, this is a set of instructions that really anyone can follow. I think it makes Blueprint a lot more relevant in the face of a lot of the criticism that has been leveled against it in the past.

My host spotlight, I've been researching a topic that I'm giving it Web Direction South in a few weeks. And it's all about CSS frameworks. The granddaddy of CSS frameworks one might argue is Blueprint . Blueprint CSS is what most people call it. It's a library of CSS styles that you build on top of or assemble together to build a web site. It can save time over building your own CSS styles from scratch. A lot of people have complained about Blueprint CSS's code because it forces you or has in the past forced you to use class names that were presentational. So you had to use CSS class names like "span-17" and things like that. That people who cared about the class names in their HTML code really didn't like. But they've actually listened to this feedback and this is something that a lot of people don't know yet but Blueprint CSS these days comes with a Ruby script. You feed it a little configuration file. You tell it, my class names that I want to use are this; and this is what they should mean in terms of the grid that Blueprint sets up for them and it spits out a customized, compressed version of the Blueprint stylesheets using your own custom class names. So you can use things like header, footer, sidebar, things like that and Blueprint will apply the appropriate styles to those class names instead of forcing you to use the ones that people hate so much. There is a great walkthrough about this that I'll point to you in the show notes. It's by Joshua Clayton the lead author of Blueprint. It's called Blueprint's compress.rb: A Walkthrough . It sounds scary running a Ruby script to customize your CSS code but if you're using Blueprint at all, this is a set of instructions that really anyone can follow. I think it makes Blueprint a lot more relevant in the face of a lot of the criticism that has been leveled against it in the past.

So that brings our show to an end. Let’s go on the table guys.

So that brings our show to an end. Let's go on the table guys.

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy Network. You can find me on Twitter @iFroggy.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe of the iFroggy Network. You can find me on Twitter @iFroggy .

Stephan: I’m Stephan Seagraves and you can find me on Twitter @sseagraves.

Stephan: I'm Stephan Seagraves and you can find me on Twitter @sseagraves .

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom.

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom .

The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank.

The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I'm Kevin Yank.

Thanks for listening. Bye-bye.

谢谢收听。 再见。

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