
tech2023-12-30  96

You know, sometimes, multiple versions of five mainstream browsers just isn’t enough. Step forward RockMelt — a startup founded by Eric Vishria and Tim Howes. They intend to launch a new and improved web browser into an increasingly-crowded market.

您知道,有时仅五种主流浏览器的多个版本是不够的。 前进RockMelt-由Eric Vishria和Tim Howes创立的初创公司。 他们打算将新的和改进的Web浏览器投放到日益拥挤的市场中。

What makes RockMelt different (and news-worthy) is that it’s been backed by Marc Andreessen, the founder of Netscape Communications Corporation. Netscape developed the Internet’s first graphical browser and introduced millions of people to the early web in the mid-1990s. Although Netscape was trounced by Microsoft in the first browser war, Mr Andreessen has moved on to become a prominent Silicon Valley financier.

让RockMelt与众不同(且值得一提新闻)的原因在于它得到了Netscape Communications Corporation创始人Marc Andreessen的支持。 Netscape开发了Internet的第一个图形浏览器,并在1990年代中期将数百万人引入了早期的网络。 尽管Netscape在第一次浏览器大战中被Microsoft击败,但Andreessen先生已成为一名著名的硅谷金融家。

Mr. Andreessen has stated that RockMelt will offer a different browsing experience. He suggests that most other browsers have not kept pace with web evolution, and remain based in the realms of static web pages rather than complex networked web applications:

Andreessen先生表示,RockMelt将提供不同的浏览体验。 他建议大多数其他浏览器没有跟上网络发展的步伐,而是停留在静态网页而非复杂的网络应用程序领域:

There are all kinds of things that you would do differently if you are building a browser from scratch.


Although he doesn’t elaborate on what those different things are, there has speculation that the new browser could offer tighter integration with social networks such as Facebook.


Currently, RockMelt is pure vaporware — although it does have a lovely logo. Only time will tell if it can offer anything over and above the existing browsers. For now, there are two conclusions we can make:

目前,RockMelt只是纯蒸气器-尽管确实有可爱的徽标。 只有时间能证明它能否提供超过现有浏览器的功能。 目前,我们可以得出两个结论:

Browser competition is a good thing. We should never return to the monopolistic days of IE6.

浏览器竞争是一件好事。 我们绝不应该回到IE6的垄断时代。 If your daily job involves web application testing, it’s about to become even more secure!


Can RockMelt offer anything new? Will it be more than a nice logo? Are multiple browsers a help or a hindrance?

RockMelt可以提供新的东西吗? 不仅仅是一个漂亮的徽标吗? 多个浏览器是帮助还是阻碍?

