
tech2023-12-30  116

Did you know that the 802.11 a, g and n wireless networking protocols were patented technologies? I suspect many hardware vendors do not yet realize the implications.

您是否知道802.11 a,g和n无线网络协议是专利技术? 我怀疑许多硬件供应商尚未意识到其中的含义。

In 2007, the Australian Government-funded research organization CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organisation) won a legal case against Japanese networking manufacturer Buffalo Technologies. The US Federal Court ruled that Buffalo had infringed US patent 5487069 which was granted to CSIRO in 1996 and covered the “exchange of large amounts of information wirelessly at high speed, within environments such as offices and homes”.

2007年,澳大利亚政府资助的研究组织CSIRO(联邦科学与研究组织)在与日本网络制造商Buffalo Technologies的诉讼中胜诉。 美国联邦法院裁定Buffalo侵犯了1996年授予CSIRO的美国专利5487069 ,涉及“在办公室和家庭等环境中高速无线交换大量信息” 。

This prompted further legal shenanigans:


The case was used as a basis for further infringement suits against other wi-fi hardware manufacturers including 3Com, Accton, Asus, Belkin, D-Link, Fujitsu, Marvell, Nintendo, SMC and Toshiba.

该案被用作进一步起诉其他Wi-Fi硬件制造商的基础,其中包括3Com,Accton,Asus,Belkin,D-Link,Fujitsu,Marvell,Nintendo,SMC和Toshiba。 A consortium of technology companies including HP, Apple, Intel, Dell, Microsoft and Netgear then brought legal cases against CSIRO in an attempt to have the patent invalidated.

随后,由惠普,苹果,英特尔,戴尔,微软和Netgear等技术公司组成的财团针对CSIRO提起法律诉讼,以使专利无效。 As the case progressed in Texas, CSIRO agreed a huge $185 million out-of-court settlement with HP, Dell, Intel, Microsoft, Asus, Fujitsu, Nintendo, Toshiba, Netgear, D-Link, Belkin, SMC, Accton, and 3Com.

随着德克萨斯州案件的进展,CSIRO与惠普,戴尔,英特尔,微软,华硕,富士通,任天堂,东芝,Netgear,D-Link,贝尔金,SMC,Acton和3Com达成了1.85亿美元的庭外和解协议。 。

Nigel Poole, CSIRO executive director stated:

CSIRO执行董事Nigel Poole表示:

CSIRO set out to encourage the industry to take licenses for the use of its patented technology. When that did not prove successful, we initiated legal proceedings which then led to proceedings being initiated against CSIRO.

CSIRO着手鼓励业界获得使用其专利技术的许可证。 如果证明不成功,我们便提起法律诉讼,然后针对CSIRO提起诉讼。

The result earlier this year was that 14 companies settled with CSIRO under confidential terms. The revenue arising from these settlements to date is approximately $A200 million.

今年早些时候的结果是,有14家公司以保密条款与CSIRO达成和解。 迄今为止,这些和解产生的收入约为2亿澳元。

We believe that there are many more companies that are using CSIRO’s technology and it’s our desire to license the technology further. We would urge companies that are currently selling devices that have 802.11 a, g or n to contact CSIRO and to seek a license because we believe they are using our technology.

我们相信,还有更多使用CSIRO技术的公司,我们希望进一步许可该技术。 我们敦促目前正在销售具有802.11a,g或n的设备的公司联系CSIRO并寻求许可,因为我们认为他们正在使用我们的技术。

It appears that CSIRO have a tight legal case, but should they be able patent wireless networking as a general concept? Ultimately, is it just the lawyers who win in these cases?

看起来CSIRO的法律案件很严密,但是他们是否应该能够将无线网络专利作为一个总体概念? 最终,在这些案件中胜诉的仅仅是律师吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/csiro-185-million-wifi-patent/
