
tech2023-12-31  99


Almost a third of website visitors consider online shopping to be insecure and unsafe. A recent report published by the UK’s Office of Fair Trading found that 30% of internet users would not hand over their credit card details. The report concluded that consumer confidence is growing, but it’s occurring at a slow rate. Online trading could be held back for many years, especially when UK online sales are twice as high as the European average.

几乎三分之一的网站访问者认为在线购物是不安全且不安全的。 英国公平交易办公室(Office of Fair Trading)最近发布的一份报告发现,有30%的互联网用户不会交出其信用卡详细信息。 该报告得出结论,消费者信心正在增长,但是增长速度很慢。 在线交易可能会被推迟很多年,尤其是当英国在线销售量是欧洲平均水平的两倍时。

The issue of trust is not helped when large-scale security problems are covered in the press. In the past few days, Albert Gonzalez and two un-named Russian assistants have been charged with breaking into systems run by Heartland, an online payment provider for several large retailers including the 7-Eleven chain. Prosecutors have accused the hackers of stealing the details of up to 130 million credit cards with the intent of selling the data. If convicted, Mr. Gonzalez could receive a 25-year jail sentence.

当新闻界报道大规模的安全问题时,信任的问题将无济于事。 在过去的几天中,阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯(Albert Gonzalez)和两名未具名的俄罗斯助手被指控侵入由Heartland运营的系统,该系统是多家大型零售商(包括7-11连锁店)的在线支付提供商。 检察官指责黑客窃取了多达1.3亿张信用卡的详细信息,目的是出售数据。 如果被定罪,冈萨雷斯先生可能会面临25年的监禁。

Embarrassingly for the shops concerned, the credit card details were accessed using a SQL injection attack. Although the Department of Justice states this is a “sophisticated hacking technique,” developers have been aware about these attacks for many years. Whilst no system can ever be 100% secure, SQL injections can normally be thwarted with rudimentary data sanitization and securely-formed SQL commands.

对于有关商店而言,令人尴尬的是,使用SQL注入攻击访问了信用卡详细信息。 尽管司法部指出这是一种“复杂的黑客技术”,但是开发人员已经对这些攻击了很多年了。 尽管没有系统可以100%安全,但是通常可以通过基本的数据清理和安全地形成SQL命令来阻止SQL注入。

Hacking “success” stories have an immediate impact. 7-Eleven’s online sales have certainly been affected, but the case will have a domino effect throughout the web.

窃听“成功”故事会立即产生影响。 7-11的在线销售固然受到影响,但此案将在整个网络上产生多米诺骨牌效应。

In general, web shopping is safer than handing over your credit card to another person. However, when online security issues do occur, the consequences are far greater, they affect many more people, and the theft receives substantial press coverage.

通常,网络购物比将信用卡交给他人更安全。 但是,当确实发生在线安全问题时,后果将更加严重,它们会影响更多的人,并且盗窃案得到了媒体的广泛报道。

The fact remains that a large proportion of users do not trust the web. Online shopping will never reach its full potential unless we tackle that problem effectively.

事实仍然是,很大一部分用户不信任网络。 除非我们有效解决这一问题,否则在线购物将永远无法发挥其全部潜力。

Have you been a victim of credit card or identity theft on the web? Do you trust online stores? Should payment providers be more accountable for basic security breaches?

您是网络上信用卡或身份盗用的受害者吗? 您信任网上商店吗? 付款提供商是否应该对基本安全漏洞承担更多责任?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-users-scared-to-shop/

