Mozilla取消了Windows Mobile上的Firefox开发

tech2023-12-31  82

Mozilla has decided to stop all development of Firefox on Microsoft Windows Mobile. Although the browser was nearing completion on Windows CE 6, the organization has determined that Windows Phone 7 is not a viable platform for future versions of Firefox.

Mozilla已决定停止在Microsoft Windows Mobile上进行Firefox的所有开发。 尽管浏览器已在Windows CE 6上接近完成 ,但该组织已确定Windows Phone 7对于Firefox的未来版本不是可行的平台。

Microsoft has been excitedly promoting it’s Windows Phone 7 Series since it was announced in February. The company believes it has created the hardware and software to compete with Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android, Palm’s Pre and other modern smartphones.

自二月份宣布以来,微软一直在积极地推广其Windows Phone 7系列 。 该公司认为,它已经创造了可以与苹果的iPhone,谷歌的Android,Palm的Pre和其他现代智能手机竞争的硬件和软件。

Phones will not be released until later this year, but it appears Microsoft will be following a similar marketing model to Apple’s App Store. Applications can only be developed using the Silverlight or XNA Game Studio runtime environments. Unfortunately for Mozilla, third-party developers will not have direct access to the phone’s hardware.

手机要到今年晚些时候才会发布,但是微软似乎将遵循与苹果App Store类似的营销模式。 只能使用Silverlight或XNA Game Studio运行时环境来开发应用程序。 对于Mozilla不幸的是,第三方开发人员将无法直接访问手机的硬件。

Stuart Parmenter, Mozilla’s director of Mobile Engineering posted the following comment on his blog:

Mozilla的移动工程总监Stuart Parmenter在他的博客上发表了以下评论 :

While we think Windows Phone 7 looks interesting and has the potential to do well in the market, Microsoft has unfortunately decided to close off development to native applications. Because of this, we won’t be able to provide Firefox for Windows Phone 7 at this time. Given that Microsoft is staking their future in mobile on Windows Mobile 7 (not 6.5) and because we don’t know if or when Microsoft will release a native development kit, we are putting our Windows Mobile development on hold.

尽管我们认为Windows Phone 7看起来很有趣并且有潜力在市场上取得成功,但不幸的是,微软决定关闭对本机应用程序的开发。 因此,我们目前无法为Windows Phone 7提供Firefox。 鉴于Microsoft在Windows Mobile 7(而非6.5)上致力于移动领域的未来,并且由于我们不知道微软是否或何时发布本机开发工具包,因此我们暂停Windows Mobile开发。

There’s a slim possibility Mozilla could become an application partner and gain full access to the platform, but this seems unlikely given that Microsoft will want to push the Internet Explorer browser and brand.

Mozilla极有可能成为应用程序合作伙伴并获得对该平台的完全访问权限,但这似乎不太可能,因为微软希望推广Internet Explorer浏览器和品牌。

So where does this leave Mozilla’s Fennec project? It’s undoubtedly a great browser but it’s only available on Nokia’s top-end N900 and N810 smartphones. An Android version is in the early stages of development, but the organization will have no presence on iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, or Microsoft devices. It’s an ambitious project so it’s a shame so few people can actually use the application.

那么,这将Mozilla的Fennec项目留在哪里? 它无疑是一个很棒的浏览器,但仅在诺基亚的高端N900和N810智能手机上可用。 Android版本尚处于开发的初期阶段,但该组织将无法在iPhone,Blackberry,Symbian或Microsoft设备上使用。 这是一个雄心勃勃的项目,因此很遗憾,因此很少有人可以实际使用该应用程序。

If Mozilla want to be in the mobile browser market, I’d suggest they follow Opera’s lead and create a simpler browser which can be installed on a wide range of popular devices. More advanced applications can be developed when the market is ready for them.

如果Mozilla希望进入移动浏览器市场,我建议他们跟随Opera的领导,创建一个更简单的浏览器,该浏览器可以安装在各种流行的设备上。 当市场准备就绪时,可以开发更高级的应用程序。

Is Mozilla right to abandon Windows Mobile development? Is this the beginning of the end for the Fennec project?

Mozilla是否有权放弃Windows Mobile开发? 这是Fennec项目终结的开始吗?

