
tech2023-12-31  95


Two teams from two countries with two web sites to complete for two charities. In 24 hours. With an audience watching every move. That was the idea behind FullCodePress held in May 2009 at CeBIT.

来自两个国家的两个团队通过两个网站完成两个慈善事业。 在24小时内。 观众看着每一步。 这就是2009年5月在C​​eBIT上举行的FullCodePress的想法。

Darren Wood was the front-end HTML/CSS coder chosen for the New Zealand team which completed the winning Rainbow Youth web site. He kindly shares his experiences with SitePoint.

达伦·伍德(Darren Wood)是新西兰团队选择的前端HTML / CSS编码器,该团队完成了获奖的Rainbow Youth网站 。 他与SitePoint分享了他的经验。

Did you or the team do any preparation in the build up to the event?


Yes. Over the years I’ve amassed a fair few code snippets so I organised these into a quickly-accessible structure. I also downloaded the latest jQuery and all the associated plugins I could need. This was a good thing — the Internet was a little flakey during the competition.

是。 多年以来,我积累了不少代码片段,因此我将它们组织成一个快速可访问的结构。 我还下载了最新的jQuery和我可能需要的所有相关插件。 这是一件好事-比赛期间互联网有点麻烦。

Tim and I had decided to use Ruby on Rails as the back-end technology before the event. I had never used Ruby before, so I did a little research and was pleased to find that RoR is very intuitive and a pleasure to use.

Tim和我决定在活动开始之前将Ruby on Rails用作后端技术。 我以前从未使用过Ruby,因此我做了一些研究,很高兴发现RoR非常直观并且易于使用。

Had you worked with any of the other team members before?


No, but once we started working on the Rainbow Youth website, it felt as if we’d been working together for years. What an amazing team!

不,但是一旦我们开始在Rainbow Youth网站上工作,就好像我们已经合作了多年。 多么棒的团队!

You chose BrowserCMS – a relatively unknown Rails-based beta product — as the content management system? What were the key factors that influenced your decision? Did it cause any problems or limitations?

您选择了BrowserCMS(一种相对未知的基于Rails的beta产品)作为内容管理系统? 影响您决定的关键因素是什么? 是否引起任何问题或限制?

I didn’t have any previous experience with Rails, so Tim’s background was the main factor for choosing BrowserCMS. Overall, there were no major issues with the CMS, despite it being a complex product.

我以前没有使用Rails的经验,所以Tim的背景是选择BrowserCMS的主要因素。 总体而言,尽管CMS是一个复杂的产品,但它没有重大问题。

What tools did you use for development? IDE? Source control? Testing suites?

您使用什么工具进行开发? IDE? 源代码控制? 测试套件?

I used TextMate, Photoshop and GIT.


What was the biggest challenge?


My main concern was how I was going to stay awake and alert for 24 hours straight. It turned out to be quite easy. Adrenaline and caffeine take care of most of the heavy lifting. The major challenge was keeping motivated between 4am and 7am.

我主要担心的是我将如何连续24小时保持清醒和警觉。 事实证明这很容易。 肾上腺素和咖啡因负责大部分的繁重工作。 主要挑战是在凌晨4点到7点之间保持动力。

And what turned out to be easier than you expected?


Working with the team and client. Putting six strangers in a room (well — it felt more like a fish bowl) and asking them to build a fully functional website in 24 hours could have ended badly. Our team and the clients, Clint and Daniel, were fantastic. “A+++ Will trade again!”

与团队和客户合作。 在一个房间里放六个陌生人(好吧,感觉更像是一个鱼缸),要求他们在24小时内建立一个功能全面的网站可能会以惨败告终。 我们的团队和客户Clint和Daniel都很棒。 “ A +++将再次交易!”

Did you need to drop or simplify any features because they couldn’t be achieved within the 24 hours?


Sadly, yes. The client had a huge list of requirements so our first major job was to prioritise. From a front-end code point of view, I would have liked to use more progressive techniques — perhaps HTML5 and sophisticated jQuery goodness.

可悲的是。 客户有大量要求,因此我们的首要工作就是确定优先次序。 从前端代码的角度来看,我希望使用更先进的技术-也许是HTML5和复杂的jQuery优点。

In which areas do you think you beat your competitors?


It’s tough to say. The Australian team produced an excellent website. I think our strength was the selection of motivational music during the wee hours!

很难说。 澳大利亚团队制作了一个出色的网站。 我认为我们的优势是在凌晨选择了励志音乐!

And in which areas did they beat you?


I think the Australian team took more time scoping their project. We attempted to include as many of the client requirements as possible, which probably left our site a little less polished in some areas. They also seemed a lot less stressed than we did!

我认为澳大利亚团队花了更多时间来确定他们的项目。 我们试图包含尽可能多的客户要求,这可能会使我们的网站在某些方面不太精打细算。 他们似乎也比我们减轻了很多压力!

Would you have done anything differently with the benefit of hindsight?


Tim and I agree that we probably should have rolled our own CMS. BrowserCMS is feature-rich but a little too hardcore to wrangle in 24 hours. I also would liked to have spent more time tweaking the layout of the numerous website forms.

蒂姆和我同意,我们可能应该推出自己的CMS。 BrowserCMS具有丰富的功能,但有点硬,无法在24小时内解决。 我还想花更多的时间来调整众多网站表单的布局。

Did you learn anything that you can now use in your day-to-day job?


Yeah — make sure you sleep every twelve hours or so!


Would you enter the FullCodePress event again?


Absolutely! It was an amazing experience which I hope to re-live at some point. Our team was brilliant and we all came away with a solid group of new mates!

绝对! 这是一次了不起的经历,我希望能在某个时候重现。 我们的团队非常出色,我们都结识了一群新朋友!

Thanks, Darren.


By day, Darren Wood is an interface designer-developer at Marker Studio, Auckland, New Zealand. By night, Darren is known as a web geek and/or “Mr Microformats”. At any time, you can be sure he is an advocate of accessible, semantic HTML.

如今,Darren Wood是新西兰奥克兰Marker Studio的界面设计师兼开发人员。 到了晚上,达伦被称为网络怪胎和/或“微格式先生”。 您可以随时确保他是可访问的语义HTML的拥护者。

See also:


FullCodePress Interview: Tim Connor, New Zealand Team

FullCodePress采访:蒂姆·康纳(Tim Connor),新西兰队

FullCodePress Interview: Elle Meredith, Australian Team

FullCodePress采访:澳大利亚团队Elle Meredith

FullCodePress Interview: James Farrell, Australian Team

FullCodePress采访:James Farrell,澳大利亚队

FullCodePress: An Interview with Wendy White of Team Australia

FullCodePress:澳大利亚团队的Wendy White访谈

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/fullcodepress-darren-wood-interview/

