
tech2023-12-31  98


Mozilla has finally released Firefox 3.6. You may have already been offered the update; if not, select Help > Check for Updates… and follow the wizard.

Mozilla终于发布了Firefox 3.6。 您可能已经收到更新了; 如果不是,请选择“帮助”>“检查更新...”,然后按照向导进行操作。

升级安全吗? (Is it safe to upgrade?)

The main problem is add-ons compatibility. Mozilla has been working with developers for several months to ensure add-ons are compatible and most of the popular extensions already work.

主要问题是附加组件兼容性。 Mozilla已经与开发人员合作了几个月,以确保插件兼容,并且大多数流行的扩展程序都已经起作用。

However, you may encounter add-ons which fail. Fortunately, the improved upgrade process will warn you when add-ons are incompatible and offer to abort the installation or disable the add-on until a new version is released.

但是,您可能会遇到失败的加载项。 幸运的是,当加载项不兼容时,改进的升级过程将向您发出警告,并会中止安装或禁用加载项,直到发布新版本为止。

用户有什么新消息?… (What’s new for users?…)

The first improvement you’ll notice is speed. Firefox 3.6 starts noticeably faster, performance has been improved, memory usage has been reduced, and the browser feels more responsive. Google Chrome users may still mock, but it’s a step in the right direction.

您会注意到的第一个改进是速度。 Firefox 3.6的启动速度明显加快,性能得到了改善,内存使用量有所减少,并且浏览器的响应速度更快。 Google Chrome浏览器用户可能仍然会嘲笑,但这是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

Firefox personas are lightweight themes which can be applied without restarting the browser. In essence, personas are a couple of images applied behind the browser controls (similar Chrome’s theming). Personally, I think they’re a frivolous gimmick but I’m sure many users will love them.

Firefox角色是轻量级的主题,无需重新启动浏览器即可应用。 本质上,角色是在浏览器控件(类似于Chrome的主题)之后应用的几张图像。 就个人而言,我认为它们是轻浮的头,但我相信许多用户会喜欢它们。

Finally, stability should improve thanks to Component Directory Lockdown. It prevents third-party developers sneaking extensions into the browser which can’t be uninstalled … supposedly for “your” benefit.

最后,由于组件目录锁定,稳定性应有所提高。 它可以防止第三方开发人员将无法卸载的扩展插件潜入浏览器中……据称是为了“您”的利益。

……还有开发商? (…and developers?)

We have lots of new toys to play with. The more interesting features include:

我们有很多新玩具可以玩。 更有趣的功能包括:

CSS now offers gradients, multiple backgrounds, and scalable images.

CSS现在提供了渐变 , 多个背景和可缩放的图像 。

The new Web Open Font Format (WOFF) is supported.

支持新的Web开放字体格式(WOFF) 。

Open native video can be displayed full screen. Poster frames are also supported (an image which represents the video until it’s played).

打开的本机视频可以全屏显示。 还支持海报框(代表视频直到播放的图像)。

There are further facilities for selecting and handling files, such as drag and drop from your desktop to the browser.

还有其他用于选择和处理文件的功能 ,例如从桌面到浏览器的拖放 。

An async="true" attribute can be added to JavaScript script tags to indicate that code can be loaded and executed asynchronously.

可以将async =“ true”属性添加到JavaScript script标签中,以指示可以异步加载和执行代码。

An orientation event is available to detect when a device such as a mobile phone has been rotated. This can be used to switch a page from portrait to landscape view and vice versa.

定向事件可用于检测设备(例如手机)的旋转时间。 这可用于将页面从纵向视图切换为横向视图,反之亦然。

The prototype property of JavaScript function instances are no longer enumerable. I need to test this further, but it could prevent many of the issues associated with scripts extending the functionality of native objects.

JavaScript函数实例的prototype属性不再枚举。 我需要对此进行进一步测试,但它可以防止与扩展本地对象功能的脚本相关的许多问题。

TraceMonkey, Firefox’s JavaScript engine, is faster.

FirefoxJavaScript引擎TraceMonkey 更快 。

These are all great additions, but be aware that many will only work in Firefox and could be ignored or throw errors in other browsers.


Overall, Firefox 3.6 is a great browser. If you’re a Firefox user, there’s little reason not to upgrade. The speed improvements may also bring a few disgruntled users back to the Mozilla fold.

总体而言,Firefox 3.6是一款出色的浏览器。 如果您是Firefox用户,则没有理由不进行升级。 速度的提高也可能使一些心怀不满的用户重回Mozilla的视野。

Useful links:


Get Firefox 3.6

获取Firefox 3.6

Release notes


Firefox personas


How to create a persona


Firefox 3.6 for developers

适用于开发人员的Firefox 3.6

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-36-released/


相关资源:迅雷 火狐 firefox 插件 3.6.x版本通杀 支持左键