
tech2023-12-31  100


As we predicted on SitePoint three days ago, Google has quietly dropped the “beta” tag from all their main applications:

正如我们三天前在SitePoint上预测的那样 ,Google已悄悄地从其所有主要应用程序中删除了“ beta”标签:

GMail (or Google Mail in some countries)

GMail (或某些国家/地区的Google Mail)

Google Docs


Google Talk

Google Talk

Google Calendar


It is also apparent that beta has been removed from Google Reader, Google Translate and Google Maps.

显然,beta已从Google Reader , Google Translate和Google Maps中删除。

This action has been a long-time coming. GMail was introduced five years ago. Initially limited to invited-users only, the system has grown to be the most popular webmail system on the Internet. It was one of Google’s first Ajax-enabled applications and many people use it in preference to a dedicated email client.

这项行动已经很长时间了。 GMail于5年前推出。 最初仅限于受邀用户,该系统已成长为Internet上最流行的Webmail系统。 它是Google首批启用Ajax的应用程序之一,许多人优先使用它而不是专用的电子邮件客户端。

Google’s official blog post makes the reasoning clear: they want to remove any doubts about Google Apps being a mature product suite. A new marketing effort will encourage business users to adopt the products and GMail will receive several new features specifically aimed at the commercial market:

Google的官方博客文章清楚地阐明了理由:他们希望消除对Google Apps是成熟产品套件的任何疑问。 新的市场营销活动将鼓励商业用户采用该产品,GMail将获得一些专门针对商业市场的新功能:

email delegation — a feature that allows administrative staff to screen and send email on behalf of others in their company

电子邮件委托-一种功能,允许管理人员代表公司中的其他人进行筛选和发送电子邮件 email retention — a policy system for IT administrators to control when emails are purged (to comply with country and/or industry regulations)

电子邮件保留-一种策略系统,IT管理员可以控制何时清除电子邮件(以符合国家和/或行业法规) disaster recovery — features such as priority handling for business users’ email and live data replication

灾难恢复—功能,例如业务用户电子邮件的优先级处理和实时数据复制 migration tools — to help business users’ switch from Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes.

迁移工具-帮助业务用户从Microsoft Exchange和Lotus Notes切换。

Google has re-iterated that the standard versions will remain free for private users.


Is this the first sign of Google growing-up and becoming a business-aware corporation? Will dropping “beta” have a significant effect? Will it intensify their on-going battles with Microsoft?

这是Google成长并成为具有商业意识的公司的第一个迹象吗? 删除“ beta”会产生重大影响吗? 会加剧他们与微软的持续战斗吗?

See also:


Is GMail Finally Complete?


Offical Google Enterprise Blog: Paving the road to Apps adoption in large enterprises

Google Enterprise官方博客:为大型企业采用Apps铺平道路

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-drops-beta/

