
tech2024-01-01  101


Google has announced that Google Wave, the new communication and collaboration tool, will go live on 30 September 2009.

Google已宣布,新的沟通和协作工具Google Wave将于2009年9月30日启用。

Google Wave is one of the most hotly-anticipated web application of the year. Until now, only 25,000 eager developers have been able to get their hands on the project. Google believes that Wave is the next ambitious step in online communication. The tool combines email, real-time chat, scheduling, wikis, micro-blogging, live feeds and more. Andrew was very impressed when he viewed the demonstration in June.

Google Wave是本年度最受期待的网络应用程序之一。 到现在为止,只有25,000名热心的开发人员能够参与该项目。 Google相信Wave是在线交流的下一步目标。 该工具结合了电子邮件,实时聊天,计划,Wiki,微博,实时供稿等。 安德鲁在6月观看示威时印象非常深刻 。

The HTML5-based application will be released as an open source product and a full API is available to developers who want to extend the service. Web site owners can also embed Wave widgets using a few lines of client-side code.

基于HTML5的应用程序将作为开放源代码产品发布,并且完整的API对想要扩展该服务的开发人员可用。 网站所有者还可以使用几行客户端代码来嵌入Wave小部件。

The Google Wave release also puts two other recent announcements into context:

Google Wave发行版还结合了其他两个最新公告:

The new Google Chrome Operating System is highly likely to offer and promote Google Wave. It could be the killer application.

新的Google Chrome操作系统很可能会提供和推广Google Wave。 这可能是杀手级应用程序。

Google Wave uses HTML5 and cutting-edge web technology. How well will it work in Internet Explorer 6? Perhaps this explains why Google is so eager to encourage browser upgrades on websites such as YouTube — even when those sites have no obvious non-IE6 features.

Google Wave使用HTML5和尖端的网络技术。 在Internet Explorer 6中它将如何运作? 也许这可以解释为什么Google如此急于鼓励在YouTube等网站上进行浏览器升级-即使这些网站没有明显的非IE6功能。

The initial service will only be available to 100,000 people, so it’s probably best to sign up as soon as possible. The company is expected to offer unrestricted public access a month after the first release.

初始服务仅适用于100,000个人,因此最好尽快注册 。 预计该公司将在首次发布后一个月提供不受限制的公共访问。

Will you try Google Wave? Can it live up to the hype?

您会尝试使用Google Wave吗? 它可以辜负炒作吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-wave-release-date/

