
tech2024-01-01  91


A team at the University of Oxford in the UK have developed a x86 PC emulator. Amazingly, it’s written in Java. Even more amazing — it works!

英国牛津大学的一个团队开发了一种x86 PC仿真器 。 令人惊讶的是,它是用Java编写的。 更妙的是-它有效!

Web developers are prominent users of PC emulators such as VMware, Virtual PC, and VirtualBox. These software products simulate PC hardware and allow you to install another operating system within a virtual machine. Since a virtual machine is a collection of data files, it can be cloned, backed up, or restored. Virtualization is a hot topic within the corporate sector and it provides web developers with a reliable way to test multiple browsers across multiple devices. Even if ease of use and saving money were not issues, virtualization removes the need to cram your office full of hardware!

Web开发人员是PC模拟器(例如VMware,Virtual PC和VirtualBox)的重要用户。 这些软件产品模拟 PC硬件,并允许您在虚拟机中安装另一个操作系统。 由于虚拟机是数据文件的集合,因此可以对其进行克隆,备份或还原。 虚拟化是企业界的热门话题,它为Web开发人员提供了一种可靠的方式来跨多个设备测试多个浏览器。 即使不是易用性和省钱的问题,虚拟化也消除了将办公室充满硬件的麻烦!

So why is JPC (the pure Java x86 PC Emulator) different to other emulators?

那么,为什么JPC(纯Java x86 PC模拟器)与其他模拟器不同?

It is cross-platform JPC will run on any device that supports Java; Windows, Mac, Linux, and the majority of mobile phones. It will almost certainly run on Google’s Chrome Operating System.

它是跨平台的, JPC可以在任何支持Java的设备上运行; Windows,Mac,Linux和大多数手机。 几乎可以肯定它将在Google的Chrome操作系统上运行 。

(Note that the iPhone is an exception. Although it has hardware support for Java, Steve Jobs has stated “Java’s not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain.”)

(请注意,iPhone是个例外。尽管它具有对Java的硬件支持,但史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)表示“不值得内置Java。没有人再使用Java。这是重量级的重要组成部分。” )

It is secure The virtual PC runs entirely within the Java sandbox. The emulated hardware is isolated from the real machine and cannot interfere with the underlying OS.

它是安全的虚拟PC完全在Java沙箱中运行。 模拟硬件与真实计算机隔离,并且不会干扰基础操作系统。

It works in a browser This is the killer feature. A developer can set up a virtual machine with a pre-loaded OS and software than can be accessed by any authorised user directly from any Java-enabled web browser. This has massive potential; a Chrome OS or mobile phone user could run a Windows application anywhere at any time.

它在浏览器中有效这是杀手级功能。 开发人员可以设置一个预装有操作系统和软件的虚拟机,任何授权用户都可以直接从任何启用Java的Web浏览器直接访问该虚拟机。 这具有巨大的潜力; Chrome操作系统或移动电话用户可以随时随地运行Windows应用程序。

Realistically, this will not happen soon. JPC provide a selection of working DOS games and Linux distributions, but full x86 and Windows compatibility is some way off. Doom is playable, you won’t play it for long.

实际上,这不会很快发生。 JPC提供了一些可用的DOS游戏和Linux发行版 ,但是与x86和Windows的完全兼容性还有一段距离 。 末日是可玩的,你不会玩很久。

The number of software layers makes emulation speed an issue. However, the software and hardware will improve — which makes the possibilities very interesting.

软件层的数量使仿真速度成为一个问题。 但是,软件和硬件将会改进-这使可能性变得非常有趣。

Could this technology be more disruptive to Microsoft Windows than Google’s Chrome OS?

与Google的Chrome OS相比,该技术对Microsoft Windows的破坏力更大吗?


