
tech2024-01-01  88


Author’s statement: Neither I nor SitePoint condone the website referenced in this article. This is a topical news story and we take no responsibility for any loss of productivity!

作者声明: 我和SitePoint都不宽容本文引用的网站。 这是一个热门新闻,我们对任何生产力损失概不负责!

Many of the visitors to SitePoint are freelancers and small business owners. Wasting time at work is our prerogative and it’s directly related to our profitability. However, most of us have also worked for large corporations and may have noticed a few employees not devoting 100% of their time to the job.

SitePoint的许多访客都是自由职业者和小型企业主。 浪费时间是我们的特权,它直接关系到我们的盈利能力。 但是,我们大多数人也曾为大型公司工作过,可能已经注意到一些员工没有将100%的时间投入到工作中。

That’s why sites such as are so shocking. It allows workers to play games which are disguised as documents or spreadsheets. It’s been done before but these are better than most. You look busy, but you’re having fun — and fun is against the corporate policy of many industry giants.

这就是为什么诸如CantYouSeeImBusy.com之类的网站如此令人震惊的原因。 它允许工作人员玩伪装成文档或电子表格的游戏。 之前已经做过,但是比大多数要好。 您看起来很忙,但是却很有趣,而有趣却违反了许多行业巨头的公司政策。

I subjected myself to these outrageous abominations purely in the interest of investigative journalism.


分解 (Breakdown)

Breakdown is a Breakout clone but you hit words instead of bricks. It looks like Word 2003 and your mouse controls the horizontal scroll bar which is the paddle. Normal words require one hit, bold words require two, and horizontal lines are invulnerable.

Breakdown是Breakout的克隆,但是您击中单词而不是砖头。 看起来像Word 2003,并且您的鼠标控制着水平滚动条(即拨片)。 普通单词需要一击,粗体单词需要两个,水平线是无懈可击的。

成本削减者 (Cost Cutter)

Cost Cutter is a puzzle game that’s a combination of Tetris and Bejeweled. And Microsoft Excel. Chart columns move in from the left and you can remove blocks by clicking any with one or more adjacent blocks of the same color.

Cost Cutter是一款结合俄罗斯方块和宝石迷阵的益智游戏。 和Microsoft Excel。 图表列从左侧移入,您可以通过单击具有一个或多个相同颜色的相邻块的任何块来删除块。

领导 (Leadership)

Leadership is Lunar Lander on a PowerPoint chart background. You need to maneuver your ship using thrusters to land on a pad and progress to the next level. I mean slide.

领导力是PowerPoint图表背景上的Lunar Lander。 您需要使用推进器操纵船舶,使其降落在垫上并前进到下一个水平。 我的意思是幻灯片。

All high scores are saved to the website. This simply provides another reason for idle employees to shun daily tasks in an effort to beat other slackers.

所有高分将保存到网站。 这简单地提供了另一个原因,即闲散的员工回避日常工作,以击败其他懒惰的人。

I spent several hours investigating these games. Although they’re basic, they’re all addictive and more interesting than real work. I will be conducting more thorough research to discover the long-term effects of exposure…

我花了几个小时研究这些游戏。 尽管它们是基本的,但它们都令人上瘾,并且比实际工作更有趣。 我将进行更彻底的研究,以发现暴露的长期影响……


