SitePoint播客#25:WordPress与Matt Mullenweg

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Episode 25 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week, Brad Williams (@williamsba) has a one-on-one chat with Matt Mullenweg, the creator of the popular WordPress blogging software.

SitePoint Podcast的 第25集现已发布! 本周,布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )与流行的WordPress博客软件的创建者Matt Mullenweg进行了一对一聊天。

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A complete transcript of the interview is provided below.


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SitePoint Podcast #25: WordPress with Matt Mullenweg (MP3, 33MB)

SitePoint播客#25:WordPress与Matt Mullenweg (MP3,33MB)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Kevin: The SitePoint podcast episode 25 for Friday, August 28, 2009: WordPress with Matt Mullenweg. Hi there, and welcome back to the SitePoint Podcast: news, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers. I’m your host Kevin Yank coming to you from SitePoint Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia and I’m joined by my panel of cohosts.

凯文: SitePoint播客第25集,2009年8月28日,星期五:WordPress和Matt Mullenweg。 大家好,欢迎回到SitePoint播客:有关Web开发人员和设计师的新闻,观点和全新思路。 我是您的主持人Kevin Yank,从澳大利亚墨尔本的SitePoint总部来找您,还有我的主持人小组。

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDev Studios.

布拉德:来自WebDev Studios的布拉德·威廉姆斯。

Patrick: Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy Network.

帕特里克: iFroggy网络的Patrick O'Keefe。

Stephan: And Stephan Segraves from Houston, Texas.


Brad: Hello and welcome to the show. I’m actually running master control today and I’m joined by Matt Mullenweg of WordPress fame. Welcome to the show, Matt.

布拉德:您好,欢迎参加演出。 我实际上今天正在运行主控制,并且有WordPress名望的Matt Mullenweg加入。 欢迎参加演出,马特。

Matt: Howdy. Glad to be here.

马特:你好。 很高兴来到这里。

Brad: Why don’t you take a second to just tell us who you are for the 1% of the people out there that don’t know.


Matt: Sure. My name is Matt Mullenweg. About 6½ years ago now, I started working on a project called WordPress, which is open source blogging software that since evolved to really do just about everything. You can use it for a blog, or you can power your entire web site with it. About a few years ago after that, I founded a company called Automattic which the sort of idea was it’s to bring WordPress to the world, and our biggest project is which gets over 200 million visitors a month.

马特:好的。 我叫Matt Mullenweg。 大约在6½年前,我开始从事一个名为WordPress的项目,这是一个开放源代码的博客软件,自此演变为实际上可以做所有事情。 您可以将其用于博客,也可以使用它来驱动整个网站。 大约几年后,我成立了一家名为Automattic的公司 ,其主旨是将WordPress推向世界,而我们最大的项目是 ,该网站每月吸引超过2亿访问者。

Brad: That’s great., that’s actually powered off WordPress MU, is that correct?

布拉德:太好了。,实际上是关闭了WordPress MU的电源,对吗?

Matt: Yup. Obviously.

马特:是的 。 明显。

Brad: Is it powered off the same version of MU that I can go and download or set up or is it more like customized for


Matt: It’s basically the same. So the custom stuff that we need is obviously because it runs across more than a thousand servers and multiple data centers and everything like that, but we’ve actually open sourced I think pretty much all of our systems there. For the database, we use a class called HyperDB, which is available for anyone to download. We have a job system that we’ve released, although it’s not very well known yet. We use a memcached plug-in and a thing called Batcache for caching and those are all public and out there. The idea is that any software we develop, we want it to be available to as many people as possible.

马特:基本上是一样的。 因此,我们需要的自定义内容显然是因为它可以运行在一千多台服务器和多个数据中心以及类似的所有内容上,但是实际上我们开源了,我认为那里的所有系统都差不多。 对于数据库,我们使用名为HyperDB的类,任何人都可以下载。 我们已经发布了一个工作系统 ,尽管它还不是很知名。 我们使用memcached插件和一个称为Batcache的东西进行缓存,这些都是公开的。 我们的想法是,我们开发的任何软件都希望尽可能多的人可以使用。

Brad: Going back to what you said, six years ago when you first started WordPress—and this is actually a question from one of SitePoint forum members, ULTiMATE. ULTiMATE would like to know, when you first started building WordPress, did you envision it as solely being a blogging platform or did you think it would evolve into what it kind of has now where a lot of people are using it as more of a CMS or content management system?

布拉德:回到六年前刚开始使用WordPress时所说的内容,这实际上是SitePoint论坛成员ULTiMATE提出的问题。 ULTiMATE想知道,当您刚开始构建WordPress时,您是否将其设想为仅是博客平台,或者您认为它会演变成现在的形式,因此很多人都将其用作CMS还是内容管理系统?

Matt: It was created solely as blog platform. That was pretty much it. I had a blog I wanted to power the blog. A big thing in the software used to be how do I embed this in an existing site and at some point that switched to from how do I embed this, to how do I power my whole site with it. That actually makes a lot more sense.

Matt:它完全是作为博客平台创建的。 仅此而已。 我有一个博客,希望为其提供支持。 该软件中的一件大事是,如何将其嵌入到现有站点中,并在某个时候切换到如何将其嵌入到现有的站点中。 这实际上更有意义。

Brad: That really does and I think now at least in the last few years, it’s really WordPress has really evolved in the public eye as well as from just being a blog platform to really a CMS that can—it’s so extensible, it can really power anything.


Matt: Among sort of the web savvy, that’s pretty well known but the wider world in general doesn’t know that and in fact, many of our competitors say, “Oh, WordPress is good if you just want to blog, but anything more serious, you should go to X, Y, or Z…” and I obviously disagree with that.


Brad: Oh yeah, absolutely and working with it, I would say the same thing. Has there been any discussion in the developer chat or amongst the core developers, or just with you in general, about actually removing the blog reference from WordPress from like the different setting pages and documentation and things like that?

布拉德:哦,是的,绝对可以,我会说同样的话。 在开发人员聊天中或在核心开发人员之间,或者只是与您一般而言,是否有关于实际上从WordPress删除博客参考(例如不同的设置页面和文档等)的讨论?

Matt: No. Web sites in the future, whether or not the blog is a primary part of it, most web sites are going to have a blog. I’m very much against needless abstraction.

Matt:不会。将来的网站,无论博客是否是博客的主要部分,大多数网站都会有一个博客。 我非常反对不必要的抽象。

Brad: With my work, I use it more as a content management system than I do blog but almost everything I launch, like you said, typically has a blog feature attached to it so I can definitely see where you’re coming from. The next question is from centered effect, and what they’d like to know is at what point would you consider WordPress to become too bloated in terms of code, or is there a point where it becomes too bloated?

布拉德:在我的工作中,我将它更多地用作内容管理系统,而不是博客,但是我发布的几乎所有内容(如您所说的)通常都附加了博客功能,因此我绝对可以看到您的来历。 下一个问题来自居中效果 ,他们想知道的是,您认为WordPress在什么时候变得过于肿,或者在某个时候它变得过于?肿?

Matt: Yeah, absolutely. WordPress has gotten bigger over the years but it’s been pretty much in line—I try to sort of keep it relative to sort of broadband speeds and server capacities and everything of the day. I try to keep WordPress sort of about the same I guess bloat level—would be a way to put it. In general, typically for new features, we say that’s probably not right for core, that’s something that belongs in a plug-in, and that’s one of the more difficult decisions we make day to day. The vast majority of stuff goes in plug-in. When I think something’s going to go in core, it’s either because—well it’s because it’s one of two things; the 80/20 rule—more than 80% of our audience is going to use this, or I think 80% of our audience should use this. There is sometimes some of that. Occasionally we’re ahead of the curve but more often than not, the world catches up.

马特:是的,绝对是。 多年来,WordPress不断发展壮大,但一直保持一致—我试图使它相对于宽带速度和服务器容量以及一天中的所有时间保持相对。 我试图使WordPress保持大致相同的水平,这将是一种表达方式。 通常,对于新功能,我们通常说这可能不适合核心,这是插件中所包含的,这是我们每天做出的更困难的决定之一。 绝大多数东西都在插件中。 当我认为某种东西会进入核心时,这是因为-嗯,是因为这是两件事之一; 80/20规则-超过80%的受众群体将使用此规则,或者我认为80%的受众群体应使用此规则。 有时有些。 有时我们会走在曲线的前面,但世界总是在追赶。

Brad: Absolutely. Has there ever been any talk of maybe a lighter version of WordPress that is really just kind of the bare necessities to run a site?

布拉德:绝对。 有没有人谈论过WordPress的较轻版本,实际上只是运行站点的一种必需品?

Matt: WordPress is already pretty light. Where I worry about code overhead is mostly in terms of scalability. We’ve shown that it’s actually not that hard on a single server to scale WordPress to millions and millions of pages a day, which is far more than 99.9% of web sites are ever going to get. So I feel like that sort of concern is pretty well addressed.

马特: WordPress已经相当轻巧。 我担心代码开销的地方主要是可伸缩性。 我们已经证明,在一台服务器上将WordPress扩展到每天数以百万计的页面实际上并不难,这远远超过了99.9%的网站。 因此,我觉得这种担忧已经很好地解决了。

Brad: I know there was a fork at one point, I think it was called LightPress, I don’t know too much about it but I remember reading about it a little bit that they forked WordPress and tried to make a lighter version. I think it’s dead in the water now though.

布拉德:我知道有一个叉子,我认为它叫LightPress,对此我不太了解,但我记得读过一点,他们叉了WordPress并试图制作一个更浅的版本。 我认为现在已经死了。

Matt: Yeah. And there have been probably a dozen forks of WordPress over the years. It’s just that what’s different about it, does it really matter to users? It’s hard to decide, but I don’t mind forks at all. It’s sort of the open source way, and if a fork ever came along that did something really, really cool, we’d probably look at bringing it’s functionality back in the core.

马特:是的。 这些年来,可能有十几个WordPress分支。 只是它有什么不同,对用户真的重要吗? 很难决定,但我根本不介意分叉。 这是一种开放源代码的方式,如果出现了一个分叉,它确实做了非常非常酷的事情,我们可能会考虑将其功能重新带入核心。

Brad: Technically, WordPress started out as a fork, did it not?


Matt: It absolutely did, yeah.


Brad: So without forks, then there would be no WordPress, so that sounds great.


Matt: And it’s a fundamental part of open source as well.


Brad: The next question is actually from AlexDawson, who is one of the mentors on SitePoint, and he would like to know why WordPress chose to use XHTML 1.0 as the DOCTYPE.

布拉德:下一个问题实际上是来自SitePoint的指导者之一AlexDawson,他想知道WordPress为什么选择使用XHTML 1.0作为DOCTYPE 。

Matt: That was probably five or six years ago.


Brad: Well, I guess maybe a more relevant question would be are there any plans now that XHTML 2.0 is pretty much dead in the water, are there any plans to look at changing that over outside of XHTML?

布拉德:嗯,我想也许是一个更相关的问题,因为XHTML 2.0几乎已经死了,是否有任何计划,是否有计划在XHTML之外进行改变?

Matt: So, there are no plans for XHTML 2.0. There are some really cools features coming in what’s known as HTML 5 and that whole process, the web apps group, that I’m very, very excited about and we will continue to embrace those as they become sort of widely supported in browsers. As for the actual syntax of a code, are we going to stop self-closing BR tags and closing list items? Probably not. Even if we weren’t XHTML, it’s still like sort of the—I like the rules of XHTML and so I don’t see anything wrong with continuing that. The actual DOCTYPE isn’t as important as it used to be.

Matt:因此,没有针对XHTML 2.0的计划。 HTML 5中有一些非常酷的功能,整个过程(Web应用程序组)令我非常兴奋,我们将继续接受这些功能,因为它们在浏览器中得到了广泛支持。 至于代码的实际语法,我们是否要停止自动关闭BR标签并关闭列表项? 可能不是。 即使我们不是XHTML,也仍然有点像-我喜欢XHTML的规则,因此我认为继续这样做不会有任何问题。 实际的DOCTYPE不再像以前那样重要。

Brad: I would agree with that and a lot of talk is about people focused on XHTML and now that it looks it’s really not going anywhere, is HTML 5 going to be the answer? Will they ever finish HTML 5? Who’s going to adopt it? There are still a lot of questions out there and I think over time, those will probably be answered based on how HTML 5 is adopted.

布拉德:我同意这一点,并且很多话题都集中在关注XHTML的人身上,现在看来它真的行不通了,HTML 5会成为答案吗? 他们会完成HTML 5吗? 谁将采用它? 仍然有很多问题,随着时间的流逝,我认为,这些问题可能会根据HTML 5的采用方式得到解答。

Matt: It’s a syntax thing; it’s not a huge deal. I’m less concerned about the answer of is XHTML the future or is it even correct to serve it without setting the application/xml whatever, MIME type and all those sorts of rules, rather than just like it’s a syntax cleaner and does it sort of force you to be a little bit tidier about your code.

马特:这是语法问题; 这没什么大不了的。 我不太担心XHTML是未来的答案,还是在不设置application / xml,MIME类型和所有此类规则的情况下提供服务甚至是正确的,而不是像语法清洁程序那样进行排序迫使您对代码稍加整理。

Brad: And then the actual WYSIWYG editor that’s embedded in the WordPress, that doesn’t actually clean up the code so it’s specific to any DOCTYPE, does it?


Matt: It tries it’s darndest. It obviously can’t clean everything, it can’t fix everything but if you’re just using the editor, it will produce valid code. If you paste something in from a different web page or from Microsoft Word, again it will try to clean it up but sometimes we can’t do anything.

马特:它尝试得最老套。 它显然无法清除所有内容,也无法修复所有内容,但是如果您仅使用编辑器,它将产生有效的代码。 如果您从其他网页或Microsoft Word中粘贴某些内容,它将再次尝试清除它,但有时我们无能为力。

Brad: I know that’s I think on the wish list of WordPress things that WYSIWYG editor has always been kind of towards the top but I think it’s an issue with any platform that you work with.


Matt: WYSIWYG in general, is super hard. We just try to make it better with every release—and it has gotten better with every release, if you compare what we do now to what we had two or three years ago when it was first introduced, it’s changed quite a bit.

Matt:所见即所得,非常难。 我们只是尝试在每个发行版中都做得更好,并且每个发行版中都做得更好,如果将我们现在所做的工作与两年前首次发布时所做的进行比较,它会发生很大的变化。

Brad: I think it’s much more stable. I’m typically the view source kind of guy, stick with HTML but the last few versions, I have been finding myself using WYSIWYG a little bit more.

布拉德:我认为它要稳定得多。 我通常是查看源代码的人,坚持使用HTML,但在最近的几个版本中,我发现自己使用所见即所得的功能要多一些。

Matt: That’s actually fantastic. For me, I’ll use the WYSIWYG when I’m writing; meaning that if I’m like trying to write an essay or something meaningful, the HTML kind of mentally gets in my way. It’s not that I don’t know HTML like the back of my hand, it’s just that clutter distracts me from the words and makes it harder for me to edit my own writing and editing your own writing is already really hard.

马特:真的很棒。 对我来说,我在写作时会使用所见即所得。 意思是说,如果我想写一篇论文或一些有意义的文章,那么HTML就会给我带来麻烦。 这并不是说我不喜欢手背HTML,而是因为混乱使我分心,使我更难以编辑自己的作品,而编辑自己的作品已经非常困难。

Brad: I think everybody kind of has their own ways that they do it. I’m still used to kind of writing a hrefs and image tags and it just feels natural to me. I don’t blog quite as much as you do, or as a lot of the audience out there might, but when I do, I like to make sure it’s very clean and precise and I think viewing the code for me helps me feel that way. But the WYSIWYG editor is a great alternative.

布拉德:我认为每个人都有自己的做事方式。 我仍然习惯于编写hrefs和图像标签,这对我来说很自然。 我写的博客不如您写的那么多,也没有听众的那么多,但是当我这样做时,我想确保它非常干净和准确,我认为查看代码对我有帮助方式。 但是所见即所得的编辑器是一个不错的选择。

Matt: I’ll often edit in the WYSIWYG editor and then before I publish, I’ll check it out in HTML.


Brad: Check out the code.


Matt: That’s why I like the new version of WordPress because it allows you to switch between them super easily, and the cool thing about it is whatever you choose, that will be sticky so the next time you come back to the page it will default to whatever your last view was, whether HTML or WYSIWYG.


Brad: That’s a great feature alright. I want to touch on WordPress and WordPress MU and I know you announced a few months ago they would be merging. I haven’t heard too much about it since, so I’m wondering if maybe you could just give us an idea how that’s progressing, any ideas of maybe the version it would be in.

布拉德:这是一个很棒的功能。 我想谈谈WordPress和WordPress MU,我知道您几个月前宣布它们将合并。 从那以后,我还没有听到太多有关它的信息,所以我想知道您是否可以给我们一个想法,例如它的进展情况,以及可能的版本。

Matt: It’s going to be sort of around the 3.0 time line and well, kind of like I said at WordCamp we haven’t started working on it yet, so it might change as we start to work on it. Basically, the idea is that we have these two code bases; they’re 99% the same, now let’s combine them and sort of pool the development resources so we don’t have a bug tracker over there and a bug tracker over here and some developers working over there and some developers working over here. Let’s get the full sort of resources and intention and minds working on WordPress also working on MU, and I think that will improve the product quite a bit.

Matt:大概是在3.0时间线左右,就像我在WordCamp上所说的那样,我们还没有开始研究它,所以随着我们开始研究它,它可能会改变。 基本上,我们的想法是拥有这两个代码库。 它们是99%的相同,现在让我们将它们组合起来,并汇总开发资源,以便我们在那儿没有bug跟踪器,在那儿也没有bug跟踪器,有些开发人员在那儿工作,有些开发人员在那儿工作。 让我们获得在WordPress上也可以在MU上工作的全部资源,意图和思想,我认为这将大大改善该产品。

Brad: Oh, yeah. I couldn’t agree more. I work quite a bit with WordPress MU, and it seems there always tends to be a little bit more bugs in MU. Again, this is just my personal opinion based on watching trac and the community. It feels like MU, it doesn’t as large of a group of developers or what have you that are helping with it as WordPress does.

布拉德:哦,是的。 我完全同意。 我在WordPress MU上做了很多工作,而且MU中似乎总是会出现更多错误。 再说一次,这只是我基于观看比赛和社区的个人观点。 感觉就像MU,它不像WordPress那样庞大,不像一群开发人员那样,或者您在帮助它方面有什么呢?

Matt: There’s as many MU powered blogs as there are WordPress powered blogs. In fact, it’s arguable that there is even more MU powered blogs. The thing about it is that the people running them, I guess they’re really busy, so they don’t get as involved as WordPress people do.

Matt: MU驱动的博客与WordPress驱动的博客一样多。 实际上,有更多基于MU的博客是有争议的。 关于它的事情是,运行它们的人非常忙,因此他们不会像WordPress的人那样参与其中。

Brad: Yeah, but combining them is going to basically eliminate that, so you basically have all the developers working on one set of code, which I think is going to make it just night and day between how it is now and how it will be in the future. So I’m really, really excited about this update. I’m looking forward to it. So that’s why I’m trying to pull some information out of you.

布拉德:是的,但是将它们结合起来基本上可以消除这种情况,因此,基本上,所有开发人员都在处理一组代码,我认为这将使它变成现在和将来之间的昼夜工作。在将来。 因此,我对此感到非常兴奋。 我对此很期待。 这就是为什么我要向您提取一些信息。

Matt: Cool. You should get involved.

马特:太酷了。 您应该参与其中。

Brad: Yeah, actually I have been getting involved in WordPress. I would say I guess I’m one of the people I’m talking about. I work more on the WordPress side than I do MU but you’re right, I probably should be more MU involved.I want to talk about a little bit, the actual web site. Now I know recently you released or you launched the commercial themes page. It got a lot of press, a lot of buzz, a lot of people talking and I think it’s a great feature, and I think that was kind of the general consensus. Are there any plans to do the same for plug-ins and have a commercial plug-in section that essentially just kind of promotes those commercial plug-ins that are GPL compliant?

布拉德:是的,实际上我一直参与WordPress。 我会说我想是我正在谈论的人之一。 我在WordPress方面比在MU方面做得更多,但是您是对的,我可能应该更多地参与MU。我想稍微谈论一下 ,即实际的网站。 现在我知道您最近发布了或您启动了商业主题页面。 它引起了很多媒体的关注,嗡嗡声,很多人在谈论,我认为这是一个很棒的功能,我认为这是普遍共识。 是否有任何计划对插件做同样的事情,并有一个商业插件部分,其本质上只是在推广那些符合GPL要求的商业插件?

Matt: Probably not in the near term. Honestly, there’s not that many people asking for it. It’s really just been like one or two people and they’re asking a lot but it’s not that many in terms of number of folks versus the themes page where there is a ton of folks… I think themes are a little bit different from plug-ins in terms that… a theme is more like the basis for designing your web site and it’s kind of the building block, where a plug-in is often just one smaller part of it. So honestly I feel like there’s a better commercial case for themes than there is for plug-ins.

马特:短期内可能不会。 老实说,没有多少人要求它。 确实只是一个或两个人,他们问了很多,但就人数和主题页面而言,并不是很多,那里有很多人……我认为主题与即插即用有点不同ins的意思是……主题更像是设计网站的基础,并且它是构建模块,在其中插件通常只是其中的一小部分。 所以说实话,我觉得主题的商业案例比插件的商业案例更好。

Brad: Yeah, I would agree. That was actually the follow up I had to that is it feels like that’s kind of the mindset of everyone, that commercial themes are accepted and kind of understood by the community; whereas commercial plug-ins are almost frowned upon. If I were to release a plug-in and charge for it, more people would almost probably tell me that I shouldn’t do that, even if it’s still GPL compliant.

布拉德:是的,我同意。 实际上,这是我必须采取的跟进措施,这就是每个人的心态,商业主题被社区接受并被社区所理解。 而商业插件几乎不受欢迎。 如果我要发布一个插件并为其付费,那么即使它仍然符合GPL标准,也可能会有更多的人告诉我我不应该这样做。

Matt: And it would also be more likely that someone would create a good free alternative, where with design that’s less likely to happen.


Brad: That’s exactly right. Maybe I’m the same way, I come across a plug-in that costs money and chances are you’re right, there is a free alternative out there that’s going to do something similar or very close to that functionality.

布拉德:完全正确。 也许我是用同样的方式,我遇到了一个花钱的插件,而您是正确的机会,那里有一个免费的替代方案,可以做类似或非常接近该功能的事情。

Matt: Most features for WordPress start as plug-ins first. So if all plug-ins were to be commercial, that would seriously inhibit because even though they’d be GPL, the guys obviously would want us to put functionality in WordPress and that would seriously inhibit, I think, the growth of WordPress.

Matt: WordPress的大多数功能都首先从插件开始。 因此,如果所有插件都是商业化的,那将严重地抑制,因为即使它们是GPL,他们显然也希望我们在WordPress中添加功能,而我认为这将严重地抑制WordPress的增长。

Brad: Some plug-ins warrant a price tag, some of the more complex e-commerce forms, things like that… those plug-ins if you look at the source behind them, there’s a lot of work that has been put into plug-ins.


Matt: It’s not a function though of the amount of work because obviously there’s a lot of amount of work put into WordPress.


Brad: True. That’s a very good point and ultimately, it’s everyone’s decision on how they want to release that. I’m a big…

布拉德:是的。 这是一个很好的观点,最终,这是每个人对如何发布它的决定。 我很大...

Matt: I like to say that best things in life are free.


Brad: Hey, WordPress is a great example of that. I’m a big fan of GPL and I like to see things that released GPL. I really don’t have a problem if people pay or ask for money for certain things.

布拉德:嘿,WordPress是一个很好的例子。 我是GPL的忠实拥护者,我喜欢看释放GPL的事物。 如果人们为某些事情付款或要钱,我真的没有问题。

Matt: Also, if you look at the direction of the commercial theme page, they’re not really charging for the downloads, less and less; they’re more charging for the support and the customization and work around it. I think plug-ins totally can go that direction as well.

马特:此外,如果您查看商业主题页面的方向,他们并没有真正为下载付费,而且越来越少。 他们需要为支持和定制支付更多费用,然后再进行解决。 我认为插件也完全可以朝这个方向发展。

Brad: Yeah, that’s actually a great business model and I know a few plug-ins like that that go that way. I think the e-commerce plug-in is one of them. The download is completely free and then if you want support, you pay for that. I think that’s probably a good business model for plug-in developers to look towards. WordPress 2.8.4 recently came out and I have a couple of stats here I want to throw at you on version releases. So bear with me here. So WordPress 2.7 came out December 10, 2008 and exactly two months later, WordPress 2.7.1 came out to the day. The WordPress 2.8 came out on June 11th and exactly two months later to the day, WordPress 2.8.4 came out. Basically, 2.8 had four minor releases in the same time that 2.7 had one minor release; so I’m curious, what happened with 2.8? Was there a lot functionality that just wasn’t quite ready to go out the door? Maybe you could explain kind of the difference there.

布拉德:是的,这实际上是一个很好的商业模型,我知道有一些类似的插件可以这样。 我认为电子商务插件就是其中之一。 下载是完全免费的,然后如果您需要支持,则需要付费。 我认为这可能是插件开发人员可以考虑的良好商业模式。 WordPress 2.8.4最近问世了,我在这里有一些统计数据,我想向您介绍版本发布。 所以在这里忍受我。 因此WordPress 2.7于2008年12月10日发布,恰好两个月后,WordPress 2.7.1正式发布。 WordPress 2.8于6月11日发布,而恰好两个月后的今天,WordPress 2.8.4正式发布。 基本上,2.8具有四个次要版本,而2.7具有一个次要版本; 所以我很好奇,2.8发生了什么? 是否有很多功能还没有准备好推出? 也许您可以解释那里的区别。

Matt: It’s actually the opposite. If we were doing a bug fix release, like 2.7.1 was, it probably would have been the same amount of time because the releases were similar in terms of quality and bugs that made it through but the four releases for WordPress thus far for 2.8 had been security fixes. So those are things that rather than if it’s a bug, we pull them all up and we get like a whole bunch of them fixed and it’s more a matter of time, like we sort of aim for release one to two months later after the main one. If it’s a security fix, we’re trying to get a release out the door as soon as humanly possible, right? Because otherwise, blogs are in danger and that something could happen to your site, or to your content or anything. So it’s sort of our responsibility, our obligation to get a release out the door as soon as possible. When we find a security issue that’s serious, like that one with 2.8.4, where someone could remotely reset your password; as much as I hate doing a ton of releases, it’s the right thing to do.

马特:事实恰恰相反。 如果我们像2.7.1那样进行错误修复,那么可能会花费相同的时间,因为这些版本在质量和错误方面都差不多,但是到目前为止,WordPress的四个版本为2.8是安全修复程序。 因此,这些事情不是将其全部归结为bug,而是将它们全部拉高,我们将它们修复了一整堆,这只是时间问题,例如我们打算在主要版本发布后一到两个月发布之一。 如果这是一项安全修复程序,我们正在尝试尽快将发布发布出去,对吗? 因为否则,博客将处于危险之中,并且您的网站,内容或任何内容可能会发生某些事情。 因此,这是我们的责任,我们有义务尽快将产品释放出去。 当我们发现严重的安全问题时,例如2.8.4中的那个,有人可以远程重置您的密码。 尽管我讨厌做大量的发行,但这样做是正确的。

Brad: Yeah, absolutely. That was kind of an interesting bug. I think everyone—obviously, I probably shouldn’t be laughing about it—but I think everyone had a little bit of fun with that, resetting all of their friends’ passwords.I think it is great that you guys take security very seriously. I know anytime I talk to someone about open source that’s not familiar with open source, that’s the first question out of their mouth. How is that secure if someone can see my source code? How do I know my web site is secure? And I think the way you do release things right when security vulnerabilities are found, kind of proves how serious you do take security with your software or with WordPress and the open source. Hats off for that. It actually begs a good question. I was kind of following the story when the bug came out, or the vulnerability and it was widely reported that the way that it was reported to WordPress as being a bug was actually a blog post that basically said, “Here’s how you exploit this vulnerability.” What would you recommend as a proper way to submit a security vulnerability rather than just blog about for the whole world to see? Is there a better method that people should use?

布拉德:是的,绝对。 那是一个有趣的错误。 我认为每个人(很显然,我可能不应该为此而笑),但是我认为每个人都对此感到有点乐趣,重置了他们所有朋友的密码。我认为你们非常重视安全性,这是很棒的。 我知道我每次与不熟悉开源的人谈论开源时,这都是他们的第一个问题。 如果有人可以看到我的源代码,那将有多安全? 我怎么知道我的网站是安全的? 而且我认为,当发现安全漏洞时,您发布事情的方式是正确的,这可以证明您对软件或WordPress和开放源代码的安全性的重视程度。 为此致敬。 这实际上是一个好问题。 我很在意这个错误或漏洞发布的故事,据广泛报道,向WordPress报告它是一个漏洞的方式实际上是一篇博客文章,基本上说:“这就是您利用此漏洞的方式。” 您会提出什么建议,作为提交安全漏洞的适当方法,而不仅仅是博客,让全世界看到? 人们应该使用更好的方法吗?

Matt: Well, so every other release of 2.8 and generally every security release we’ve done in the past few years, it’s been prior to the announcement of the vulnerability. What most responsible security researchers do is they’ll contact the vendor—in case us—and we have sort of open email address where anyone can email us anything and we follow up on every report pretty seriously. We research it, we verify it, we get a fix in and we do a release and then they announce it a couple of days later. This gives everyone a chance to upgrade and everything, so everyone’s most protected. Because their benefit is really to—the notoriety for having found an issue, they don’t really benefit from zero-day exploits or a bunch of blogs getting messed up. So that’s how most of the time it works. In this particular case, we found out at the same time as everyone else, which is not ideal, which is one of the reasons why we sort of had to burn the midnight oil to get a fix out there.

马特:嗯,所以2.8的每个其他发行版以及我们过去几年中完成的每个安全发行版,在发布此漏洞之前就已经存在。 最负责任的安全研究人员所做的是,如果有我们的话,他们将与供应商联系。我们拥有一个开放的电子邮件地址,任何人都可以向我们发送电子邮件,我们会认真对待每份报告。 我们研究它,验证它,得到修复,然后发布,然后几天后他们宣布。 这使每个人都有机会进行升级和所有操作,因此每个人都受到最大的保护。 因为他们的利益确实是对(发现问题的臭名昭著),所以他们并没有真正从零日漏洞利用或一堆博客陷入混乱中受益。 这就是大多数情况下的工作方式。 在这种情况下,我们与其他所有人同时发现了这是不理想的,这就是为什么我们不得不燃烧午夜的石油才能解决问题的原因之一。

Brad: You guys did have a fix out fairly quickly. I think it was discovered and a new version of WordPress were released on the same day if I’m correct, maybe the next day.

布拉德:你们确实很快就解决了。 我认为它是被发现的,如果我正确的话,可能会在第二天就发布WordPress的新版本。

Matt: Yeah, I think it was next day. We had the fix in within a few hours because it was a relatively simple fix but even with a simple fix, even if only a small amount’s changed, you’ve really got to dig in to see if there are other parts of the code that are affected by a similar problem… does this fix break anything else? We kind of have to do a very accelerated QA cycle. But it’s pretty good. I’m actually very proud of how Ryan and the other lead developers responded to this.

马特:是的,我想是第二天。 我们在几小时内就收到了修复程序,因为它是一个相对简单的修复程序,但是即使有一个简单的修复程序,即使只有很小的改动,您也必须深入研究一下代码中是否还有其他部分受到类似问题的影响...此修复程序是否可以解决其他问题? 我们有点必须加快质量检查周期。 但这很好。 实际上,我为Ryan和其他主要开发人员对此做出的回应感到非常自豪。

Brad: Yeah, I was amazed at how quick it was. In fact, somebody actually released a plug-in (the name is escaping me, I’ll look up their name and put it in the show notes [It was Will Anderson. —Ed.])—released a plug-in to patch the vulnerability as well. So even in that short amount of time where it existed, there was a plug-in you could download to patch it too. And that kind of speaks highly of the WordPress community in general, is how everyone kind of pulls together when something like this happens, figures it out, figures out how to patch it, gets it up there, releases the version, releases plug-ins; so it feels like everyone kind of has each other’s backs.Enough tech questions. I’ve got of couple personal questions here and then we’ll wrap it up. I know you’re a busy guy, so not too personal. Alex Dawson again, he’d like to know what favorite social network is outside of any kind of WordPress product?

布拉德:是的,我对它的速度如此之快感到惊讶。 事实上,实际上有人发布了一个插件 (这个名字在逃避我,我将查找他们的名字,并在显示注释中写上[这是Will Anderson。- Ed。])-发布了一个补丁进行修补漏洞。 因此,即使它存在的时间很短,也可以下载一个插件来修补它。 总体上来说,这种方式在WordPress社区中具有很高的评价,那就是当发生这种情况时每个人如何团结起来,弄清楚,弄清楚如何打补丁,安装它,发布版本,发布插件。 ; 因此感觉每个人都有彼此的后盾。足够多的技术问题。 我在这里有几个个人问题,然后我们将其总结。 我知道您是个忙碌的人,所以不要太私人。 亚历克斯·道森(Alex Dawson)再次,他想知道任何一种WordPress产品之外最受欢迎的社交网络是什么?

Matt: Hmm. A good question.

马特:嗯。 一个好问题。

Brad: Are there any social networks that you check daily, Facebook, or MySpace, or anything like that, Twitter?


Matt: I don’t check any of them daily and I also don’t really consider Twitter a social network. For me, Twitter is sort of like a stream of stuff that I dip in and out of occasionally. It doesn’t really connect me to people anymore than anything else. I guess the social network I use the most is Facebook. I have just always been really impressed with their products and developments, the way they innovate, the way the sites… I get the impression that they’re really obsessed about speed because the site is often very, very fast. It just has a lot of really elegant features on there. I’ve always taken inspiration from Facebook and honestly, that’s where most of my friends are.

马特:我每天都不会检查其中的任何一个,也不会真正将Twitter视为社交网络。 对我来说, Twitter有点像是我偶尔会涉足的东西。 它并没有真正将我与其他人联系起来。 我猜我最常使用的社交网络是Facebook 。 他们的产品和开发,他们的创新方式,网站的方式给我留下了深刻的印象,我的印象是,他们对网站的速度非常着迷,因为网站通常非常非常快。 它只是那里有很多非常优雅的功能。 我一直从Facebook那里获得灵感,说实话,这是我大多数朋友所在的地方。

Brad: I think all of my friends migrated to Facebook too and I don’t think I know anybody on MySpace anymore.


Matt: Yeah, same here. I think I have a MySpace profile but I haven’t looked at in years. What that changed for me was—the primary thing that started getting on MySpace was spam. I think it’s interesting how of much of an Achilles heel spam is for these networks.

马特:是的,这里也是。 我想我有一个MySpace个人资料,但多年以来都没有看过。 对我来说改变的是–开始在MySpace上使用的主要内容是垃圾邮件。 我认为对于这些网络而言,有多少跟腱垃圾邮件很有趣。

Brad: Back in MySpace’s heyday, you’re right you would get 10 … well you probably got thousands, but I would get 10 or 15 friend requests a day and they’re all these half naked girls that I’ve never seen before. You’re not my friend.

布拉德:回到MySpace的鼎盛时期,您说的很对,您会得到10…好吧,您可能会得到成千上万,但我每天会收到10或15个朋友请求,而这些都是我从未见过的半裸女。 你不是我的朋友

Matt: What always fascinated me about that was how good the targeting was. So because they had sort of information about you on your profile, if you were Catholic, the spam would be Catholic, from a Catholic girl. If I was in San Francisco, the spam would come from Oakland. I mean they really—it was interesting and they would be in a similar age range and everything like that. So I found that really fascinating how highly targeted the spam became. You could tell how effective it was by looking at the profile and seeing how many friends they had, right?

马特:一直令我着迷的是定位的出色程度。 因此,由于他们在您的个人资料中拥有关于您的某种信息,因此,如果您是天主教徒,则垃圾邮件将是天主教徒,来自一个天主教徒女孩。 如果我在旧金山,垃圾邮件将来自奥克兰。 我的意思是他们确实如此-这很有趣,而且他们的年龄范围也差不多,而且类似的年龄。 因此,我发现这真的使垃圾邮件的针对性变得非常有趣。 通过查看个人资料并查看他们有多少朋友,您可以判断出效果如何,对吗?

Brad: Yeah, absolutely.


Matt: Sometimes I’d get a spam, I’d look at the profile and it would have 40,000 friends, so obviously it works.


Brad: Something’s working. Did you take that knowledge back and kind of go back to akismet which is your comment spam filter and kind of include that knowledge that you learned from you saw in akismet.

布拉德:某些东西在起作用。 您是否把这些知识带回去了,又回到了akismet ,这是您的评论垃圾邮件过滤器,并且包括了从akismet中看到的知识。

Matt: You know I can’t talk about how akismet works.


Brad: I had to ask. Speaking of Facebook, I got another question that’s kind of related by Divisive Cotton, and apparently they’re making a film about Facebook and about the founder Mark Zuckerberg. What Divisive Cotton wants to know is if they were to make a film about WordPress, what actor would you like to play you?

布拉德:我不得不问。 说到Facebook,我又遇到了一个与Divisive Cotton有关的问题,很明显,他们正在拍一部关于Facebook和创始人马克·扎克伯格的电影。 分裂棉花想知道的是,如果他们要拍一部关于WordPress的电影,你想扮演什么演员?

Matt: Obviously Brad Pitt.


Brad: Is it because his name Brad?


Matt: Actually, when I’m overseas sometime people say I look like Tom Cruise which I don’t see but sometimes people see it. They never say that in America. In America, there was this actor, I think his name might actually be Matthew (I’m going to have to look it up), I want to say he was an actor on Kids In The Hall… oh, Dave Foley. He was also on the show I used to watch a ton called NewsRadio, which I really enjoyed and people tell me I look like Dave Foley. So maybe Dave Foley, although I guess he’s getting older now.

马特:实际上,当我有时在国外时,人们说我看起来像汤姆·克鲁斯,虽然我没看到,但有时人们看到了。 他们从来没有在美国这么说。 在美国,有一位演员,我想他的名字实际上可能是马修(我得去查一下),我想说他是《大厅里的孩子们》的演员……哦,戴夫·弗利。 他也参加了我以前看过的一集名为NewsRadio的节目,我非常喜欢,人们告诉我我看起来像Dave Foley。 所以也许是戴夫·弗利(Dave Foley),尽管我想他现在正在变老。

Brad: You do kind of look like Dave Foley. I know exactly who this guy is now. Everybody listening, go look up pictures of Dave Foley.

布拉德:你看起来像戴夫·弗利。 我确切知道这个人是谁。 大家都在听,去查找Dave Foley的照片。

Matt: So one of those.


Brad: That’s great. So who knows, one day they might have “WordPress: The Movie”, playing Matt Mullenweg played by Dave Foley.

布拉德:太好了。 谁知道呢,有一天他们可能会饰演Dave Foley饰演的Matt Mullenweg的“ WordPress:电影”。

Matt: And the love interest will definitely be either Megan Fox or Corinne Bailey Rae.

马特:爱情的兴趣绝对是梅根·福克斯(Megan Fox)或科琳·贝利·雷(Corinne Bailey Rae)。

Brad: Or both. You travel a lot to WordCamps all over the world, you’ve been all over the place; what’s your favorite place to visit or the favorite place that you visited in your travels. You can say New Jersey if it’s New Jersey, I mean, I won’t hold offense to that because I live there.

布拉德:或者两者都有。 您到世界各地的WordCamp旅行很多,您去过各地。 您最喜欢去的地方是什么?旅行中最喜欢去的地方。 您可以说新泽西州,如果它是新泽西州,我的意思是说,我不会因为自己住在那儿而感到冒犯。

Matt: I’ve never really traveled before. In fact, I hadn’t really left Texas for a good chunk of my life. The past two years, I’ve literally been to every corner of the world. I think I’ve gone to like maybe six continents in the past eight months. It’s just been all four corners. It’s not that one is better or worse than the other; it’s just really different. The thing I love, like what makes me like a place versus not, is the people who I’m interacting with there.Typically, when I go to a WordCamp, I’m hanging out with WordPress users and the local hosts and everyone like that, and so it’s kind of actually a really neat way to get to know some place. Sometimes I’ll go to a city and not even visit any of the any landmarks or the tourist stuff or anything; I’ll just be hanging out with the WordPress users in that community at their favorite bars or their favorite restaurants or things like that. I actually really like that, because, ultimately, although I’m a photographer and I take a ton of pictures, when I travel, what I tend to like to take pictures of is the small stuff the light posts, the graffiti on the wall, things like that—I feel it really gives character, the murals in Philadelphia. When I was in Sydney, the Sydney Opera House blew me away. It sort of makes you appreciate the wide variety of just people and places, and geography, and everything all over. This weekend, I was in New Zealand and, man, that is a pretty place. I think it’s really, really beautiful. We bought a company in the north of Ireland in a place called Sligo, which I had never heard of before in my life. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.

马特:我以前从未真正去过。 实际上,我并没有真正离开得克萨斯州。 在过去的两年中,我确实去过世界的每个角落。 我想在过去八个月中,我已经喜欢了六大洲。 到处都是四个角落。 不是说一个人比另一个人更好或更坏。 真的不同。 我喜欢的东西(例如让我成为一个地方而不是一个地方)是与我互动的人。通常,当我进入WordCamp时 ,我会与WordPress用户,本地主机和每个人一起闲逛这样,所以实际上是了解某个地方的一种非常巧妙的方法。 有时我会去一个城市,甚至不去参观任何地标,旅游景点或任何东西。 我将与该社区中的WordPress用户在他们最喜欢的酒吧或他们喜欢的餐馆之类的地方闲逛。 我实际上真的很喜欢,因为最终,尽管我是一名摄影师并且要拍照很多,但是当我旅行时,我更喜欢拍照的是灯柱上的小东西,墙上的涂鸦。 ,像那样的东西-我觉得它确实给人以特色,费城的壁画。 当我在悉尼时,悉尼歌剧院让我震惊。 它使您欣赏各种各样的人和地方,地理位置以及所有事物。 这个周末,我在新西兰,老兄,那是一个漂亮的地方。 我认为它真的非常美丽。 我们在爱尔兰北部的一个叫Sligo的地方买了一家公司,这是我一生中从未听说过的。 我认为这是我去过的最美丽的地方之一。

Brad: We have a lot of developers and designers that are part of SitePoint and the community and if anyone’s interested in getting involved with WordPress, where should they start, what’s the best way so someone can really start getting involved with WordPress?


Matt: It’s interesting; there is a space for almost every skill. Where I actually kind of got started with B2, which was the predecessor to WordPress, was in the forums. At the time, I didn’t really know much about programming. Actually, I was just learning. I was actually a SitePoint user in 2002, and I actually learned a lot of the early page B and C assessment stuff I knew from SitePoint. I think my username is allusion, like a literary allusion.

马特:这很有趣。 几乎所有技能都有一个空间。 我实际上是从B2开始的,那里是WordPress的前身。 当时,我对编程并不了解很多。 实际上,我只是在学习。 我实际上是2002年的SitePoint用户,实际上我从SitePoint中学到了很多早期的B和C页评估知识。 我认为我的用户名是典故 ,就像文学典故一样。

Brad: We’re going to have to look at your first post now and see what it was.

布拉德:我们现在必须看看您的第一篇文章 ,看看它是什么。

Matt: That’s probably super embarrassing.


Brad: Oh, mine are awful.


Matt: I was just learning, and so even though I didn’t know a ton, I was able to help people who knew even less. No matter how little you think you know, there is always someone else out there who is just getting started earlier than you. Actually, I learned a ton through that. I probably learned more through helping people, or like tech support and things like that, than I ever did from any of the books or web sites I read. That’s where I got started and then over time, I branched into contributing and filing bugs and writing my own code and everything like that. That was a pretty natural progression. We also have spaces for people to contribute. Let’s say you’re good at writing prose or poetry, but not code; we have haikus … did you see the new Automattic homepage?

马特:我只是在学习,所以即使我一点也不懂,我仍然能够帮助那些了解甚少的人。 无论您认为了解多少,总会有其他人比您更早开始。 实际上,我从中学到了很多东西。 我可能通过帮助人们,喜欢技术支持之类的东西比从我阅读的任何书籍或网站中学到的更多。 那就是我开始的地方,然后随着时间的流逝,我开始致力于贡献和提交错误,以及编写自己的代码和类似的东西。 那是自然而然的进步。 我们也为人们提供了贡献的空间。 假设您擅长写散文或诗歌,但不擅长编码。 我们有haikus…您看到新的Automattic主页了吗?

Brad: I did, it’s completely haikus. It’s great.

布拉德:我做到了,完全是hai句。 这很棒。

Matt: That was just kind of fun. I was having fun one night. We have a new WordPress handbook, which is basically a way for—we’re trying to write like an open source WordPress book. There’s the Codex where there’s all sorts of different documentation for people. There is mailing lists where any number of issues come and go. Almost whatever the thing you enjoy doing is, there is a way to do it as part of WordPress.I believe it was President Obama who said when we hitch ourselves to something greater than just us, that’s when we sort of find happiness and satisfaction, and that’s totally what I found as well. I was sort of years as basically a solo web developer, and the thrill of working in an open source community and some of the shared ownerships—like we’re all in this together—it’s kind of like an Amish barn raising. You build something with each other that’s far greater than you ever could have built yourself or any of the people… it’s greater than the sum of its parts. And that’s actually pretty fun. It’s also a fantastic learning experience where, in the WordPress’ case, you have the opportunity to interact with, my opinion, some of the best PHP coders in the world, people who have dealt with sites that get 15-20 million page views a day, which is more than most of it.There’s not a ton opportunities to do things like. I mean, it’s not like you can go in and hang out with the Facebook developers or anything like that. Outside of Wikipedia, it’s hard to think of another project like it. I think it’s a good opportunity for folks as well.

马特:那只是一种乐趣。 我有一个晚上很开心。 我们有一本新的WordPress手册,从根本上来说,这是一种方法-我们正在尝试像开源WordPress书一样编写。 在食典中 ,人们可以找到各种不同的文档。 有邮件列表 ,其中出现了许多问题。 无论您喜欢做什么,几乎都有一种方法可以作为WordPress的一部分。我相信正是奥巴马总统说,当我们向自己超越自己的目标迈进时,就是在那种时候找到幸福和满足感,这也是我发现的全部。 我基本上是一个单独的Web开发人员,几年来,在开放源代码社区和一些共享所有权(如我们都在一起)中工作的快感,就像是阿米什人的谷仓筹集活动。 彼此之间构建的东西比您自己或任何人所能构建的东西要大得多……它大于各个部分的总和。 这实际上很有趣。 这也是一种奇妙的学习体验,在WordPress的情况下,您有机会与世界上一些最好PHP编码器进行互动,这些人与处理过15-20百万页面访问量的网站一天,这比大部分时间都重要。做类似事情的机会不多。 我的意思是,这并不是说您可以加入并与Facebook开发人员一起闲逛或类似的活动。 在Wikipedia之外,很难想到另一个类似的项目。 我认为这对人们也是一个很好的机会。

Brad: Oh, yeah, absolutely. I’ve been working with WordPress for a few years now and just this past year really, I’ve really got involved in the IRC chat. There’s a whole under Freenode if you join WordPress or WordPress-dev where are the core devs hang out—I’ve learned a lot just by sitting in those rooms and like you said, helping other people that knew less than me and then learning from people that knew more than me. There is a lot of people in there that know more than me. I feel like I’ve doubled what I know about WordPress just in the last year of just hanging out in that room and talking WordPress.

布拉德:哦,是的,绝对。 我已经使用WordPress已有几年了,而实际上在过去的一年中,我真的参与了IRC聊天 。 There's a whole under Freenode if you join WordPress or WordPress-dev where are the core devs hang out—I've learned a lot just by sitting in those rooms and like you said, helping other people that knew less than me and then learning from people that knew more than me. There is a lot of people in there that know more than me. I feel like I've doubled what I know about WordPress just in the last year of just hanging out in that room and talking WordPress.

Matt: Wow, that’s a fantastic story. I guess it works.

Matt: Wow, that's a fantastic story. I guess it works.

Brad: I’m always in WordPress chat, so if you’re ever trying to find me, I’m usually in there. The dev chats now are Thursdays.

Brad: I'm always in WordPress chat, so if you're ever trying to find me, I'm usually in there. The dev chats now are Thursdays.

Matt: Yes, that’s another great way to get involved. We have sort of a weekly developer chat, sort of just a way for us to talk about where WordPress is and sort of figure out who is going to work on what for the next release. If you’re a developer and you want to get involved at a higher level or maybe have someone mentor you through a feature or something like that, the weekly chats are a great place. I think right now they’re on Thursdays. They used to be on Wednesdays. They might move around in the future.

Matt: Yes, that's another great way to get involved. We have sort of a weekly developer chat , sort of just a way for us to talk about where WordPress is and sort of figure out who is going to work on what for the next release. If you're a developer and you want to get involved at a higher level or maybe have someone mentor you through a feature or something like that, the weekly chats are a great place. I think right now they're on Thursdays. They used to be on Wednesdays. They might move around in the future.

Brad: Even if you’re just watching, a lot of times, I just sit in there and watch; if nothing else, you can kind of see the cool new features that are coming up for WordPress.Matt: Yeah, you’ll know it before all your friends.

Brad: Even if you're just watching, a lot of times, I just sit in there and watch; if nothing else, you can kind of see the cool new features that are coming up for WordPress. Matt: Yeah, you'll know it before all your friends.

Brad: Last question. What’s next for WordPress? What’s down the future towards this year, may beginning of next year, what can we expect from WordPress?

Brad: Last question. What's next for WordPress? What's down the future towards this year, may beginning of next year, what can we expect from WordPress?

Matt: Hopefully WordPress 2.9 and WordPress 3.0.

Matt: Hopefully WordPress 2.9 and WordPress 3.0.

Brad: With the WordPress MU integration, of course.

Brad: With the WordPress MU integration, of course.

Matt: There is three things really on my mind a lot right now. One is WordPress as a platform. It’s now well north of 5,000 plug-ins available for WordPress. There’s at least that many themes everywhere around the Web. How do all those interact with each other, how do you stay up to date, how do you manage conflicts when you upgrade, how do you make sure everything is compatible? These are kind of tough problems, and so we need to figure all that out because you as a user, upgrading should be a one-click button and you should never worry about it. All of your plug-ins, everything in your site should just work, and that’s the goal of WordPress; it should just work. You should never have to think about it. If you have to think about, we failed as developers.Two is around media. I think I might have more photos on my blog than any WordPress user in the world more photos in WordPress. I obviously use that functionality a lot but in addition to photos, how we’re going to be interacting with audio and video and really rich media because I think that’s becoming a more important part of just the Web experience, especially as broadband and everything increases, which somewhat like Moore’s Law gets better every year.And then finally, sort of different content around the Web. Just me: I use Twitter, I post photos to Flickr, I have two or three blogs, I do a lot of things around the Web. Is it possible—I don’t know the answers to this—but is it possible for sort of WordPress to bring all that in and sort of archive it for me and maybe present it in a unified view and become sort of my ultimate profile or ultimate homepage. This is something that I don’t think we’ve figured out yet. I don’t know what that’s going to look like.I think that WordPress provides a really good base for it and most importantly, although a lot of these services are fantastic, often they are proprietary. In fact, none of the ones I’ve just mentioned are open source. I would really like all the data, from my heart and soul and blood, sweat, and tears that I pour into all these services to belong to me, because right now according to their web sites in terms of service and everything, it sort of belongs solely to them. And who knows; I like Facebook today, but if it’s get bought by News Corp and merged with MySpace, I probably won’t. I’d like a way to sort of take my data out and just sort of have it on a domain that I own and software that I own and control as well and open source is really the only true example of software freedom. So, I’m thinking about that. It’s kind of bounced around in my head.

Matt: There is three things really on my mind a lot right now. One is WordPress as a platform. It's now well north of 5,000 plug-ins available for WordPress. There's at least that many themes everywhere around the Web. How do all those interact with each other, how do you stay up to date, how do you manage conflicts when you upgrade, how do you make sure everything is compatible? These are kind of tough problems, and so we need to figure all that out because you as a user, upgrading should be a one-click button and you should never worry about it. All of your plug-ins, everything in your site should just work, and that's the goal of WordPress; it should just work. You should never have to think about it. If you have to think about, we failed as developers.Two is around media. I think I might have more photos on my blog than any WordPress user in the world more photos in WordPress. I obviously use that functionality a lot but in addition to photos, how we're going to be interacting with audio and video and really rich media because I think that's becoming a more important part of just the Web experience, especially as broadband and everything increases, which somewhat like Moore's Law gets better every year.And then finally, sort of different content around the Web. Just me: I use Twitter, I post photos to Flickr, I have two or three blogs, I do a lot of things around the Web. Is it possible—I don't know the answers to this—but is it possible for sort of WordPress to bring all that in and sort of archive it for me and maybe present it in a unified view and become sort of my ultimate profile or ultimate homepage. This is something that I don't think we've figured out yet. I don't know what that's going to look like.I think that WordPress provides a really good base for it and most importantly, although a lot of these services are fantastic, often they are proprietary. In fact, none of the ones I've just mentioned are open source. I would really like all the data, from my heart and soul and blood, sweat, and tears that I pour into all these services to belong to me, because right now according to their web sites in terms of service and everything, it sort of belongs solely to them. And who knows; I like Facebook today, but if it's get bought by News Corp and merged with MySpace, I probably won't. I'd like a way to sort of take my data out and just sort of have it on a domain that I own and software that I own and control as well and open source is really the only true example of software freedom. So, I'm thinking about that. It's kind of bounced around in my head.

Brad: It sounds like we have a lot of cool things to expect out of WordPress over the coming years and it will probably be surprising and amazing all at the same time, I’m sure.

Brad: It sounds like we have a lot of cool things to expect out of WordPress over the coming years and it will probably be surprising and amazing all at the same time, I'm sure.

Matt: The final thing – if you haven’t, if you’re a WordPress user or especially if you’re a developer, you should check out two things. One is VideoPress, which is our new plugin for doing video. It’s really slick, it does really nice video. Two is BuddyPress, which is sort of a social layer on top of WordPress that allows you to create social networks, profiles, all the things you’d expect on a traditional social network, but you can integrate it really nicely with your existing blog or web site or network.

Matt: The final thing – if you haven't, if you're a WordPress user or especially if you're a developer, you should check out two things. One is VideoPress , which is our new plugin for doing video. It's really slick, it does really nice video. Two is BuddyPress , which is sort of a social layer on top of WordPress that allows you to create social networks, profiles, all the things you'd expect on a traditional social network, but you can integrate it really nicely with your existing blog or web site or network.

Brad: BuddyPress is pretty exciting and especially anyone that’s used it, it’s an awesome, awesome package that fits right on top of WordPress MU. As I understand it, once they merge, it will also kind of merge right into working with regular WordPress as well. That’s going to be great. I think it’s really going to explode BuddyPress. Definitely check out BuddyPress if you haven’t.Matt, I really appreciate you taking time. I know you have a crazy busy schedule and taking the time to have a chat with me, I really, really do appreciate. I’m sure everybody listening does as well.

Brad: BuddyPress is pretty exciting and especially anyone that's used it, it's an awesome, awesome package that fits right on top of WordPress MU. As I understand it, once they merge, it will also kind of merge right into working with regular WordPress as well. That's going to be great. I think it's really going to explode BuddyPress. Definitely check out BuddyPress if you haven't.Matt, I really appreciate you taking time. I know you have a crazy busy schedule and taking the time to have a chat with me, I really, really do appreciate. I'm sure everybody listening does as well.

Matt: Thank you.

Matt: Thank you.

Brad: Thanks, and that ends another episode of the SitePoint Podcast.

Brad: Thanks, and that ends another episode of the SitePoint Podcast.

Kevin: And thanks for listening to the SitePoint Podcast. If you have any thoughts or questions about today’s interview, please do get in touch. You can find SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom and you can find me on Twitter @sentience. Visit to leave a comment on the show and to subscribe to get every show automatically.We’ll be back next week with another news and commentary show with our usual panel of experts. The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank. Bye for now.

凯文:感谢您收听SitePoint播客。 如果您对今天的采访有任何想法或疑问,请保持联系。 你可以在Twitter上找到SitePoint @sitepointdotcom ,你可以找到我的Twitter @sentience 。 Visit to leave a comment on the show and to subscribe to get every show automatically.We'll be back next week with another news and commentary show with our usual panel of experts. SitePoint播客由Carl Longnecker制作,我叫Kevin Yank。 暂时再见。

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