
tech2024-01-02  90

In their ongoing attempt to lure users away from Google, Microsoft have teamed up with WolframAlpha to improve results in the Bing Search engine.


Both Bing and WolframAlpha were launched in 2009:


Bing appeared in June and received a largely positive response from the Internet community. The results are relevant and fast, plus it has a few interesting features such as text and image previews. It’s been slowly chipping away at Google’s market share but is yet to achieve worldwide appeal.

Bing出现在6月份,并得到了Internet社区的普遍好评。 结果相关且快速,而且具有一些有趣的功能,例如文本和图像预览。 它一直在慢慢蚕食Google的市场份额,但尚未获得世界范围的吸引力。

WolframAlpha was launched in May and was billed as the “knowledge engine” which would topple Google. It parses natural language and presents intelligent data rather than links to other websites. Following a high-profile marketing campaign, the servers promptly crashed and the system failed to live up to its initial hype.

WolframAlpha于5月推出,被称为“知识引擎”,它将推翻Google。 它解析自然语言并显示智能数据,而不是指向其他网站的链接。 在备受瞩目的营销活动之后,服务器Swift崩溃,系统未能达到其最初的炒作。

Linking both services could work well. For example, a search for the planet “Mars” could show a wealth of technical information from WolframAlpha plus links to associated websites such as Nasa (and the chocolate company).

链接这两种服务可以很好地工作。 例如,搜索“火星”行星可能会显示来自WolframAlpha的大量技术信息,以及指向相关网站(如美国国家航空航天局(和巧克力公司)的链接)的信息。

This isn’t the first search Bing partnership deal Microsoft has instigated. The company announced a Yahoo partnership in July and has recently begun integrating results from Facebook and Twitter.

这不是微软发起的第一笔搜索必应合作伙伴协议。 该公司在7月宣布与Yahoo建立合作关系 ,并且最近开始整合来自Facebook和Twitter的结果。

It appears that the future battle for web search traffic is likely to be dominated by Google vs Microsoft in allegiance with everyone else. Who will win? Let’s hope no one does — the competition encourages innovation.

看来,未来的网络搜索流量之争很可能是由Google诉Microsoft与其他所有人的效忠。 谁会赢? 希望没人能做到—竞争鼓励创新。

Will Bing and WolframAlpha be a good fit? Would you use it in preference to Google Search?

Bing和WolframAlpha是否会很合适? 您会优先使用它而不是Google搜索吗?

