
tech2024-01-02  99

It’s easy to forget that sometimes that WordPress can be used for more than just a blogging platform. Due to its open nature, and thanks to many theme builders, it can easily be turned into a gallery to show off your latest work. Why should you take time away from working on paying jobs to work on your own gallery? There are a slew of themes for WordPress that can do the job for you, and many offer easy customization so it isn’t too obvious that your gallery is an off-the-shelf solution.

容易忘记,有时候WordPress不仅可以用于博客平台,还可以用于更多平台。 由于其开放性,并感谢许多主题构建者,可以轻松地将其转变为画廊来展示您的最新作品。 为什么您要花一些时间去花钱去自己的画廊工作呢? WordPress有许多主题可以为您完成工作,并且许多主题都提供了轻松的自定义功能,因此您的画廊不是现成的解决方案就不太明显了。

We’ve gathered up a nice selection of free and paid solutions, so you can get that gallery working for you right away — no matter what your budget!


免费WordPress投资组合主题 (Free WordPress Portfolio Themes)

Ascari: A very artistic theme, with a unique “top” button that follows you as you scroll down the page so that the user can quickly return to the point from which they began. This one is definitely more about just showing off your work, but it does it in a beautiful manner.

Ascari :一个非常艺术的主题,带有一个独特的“顶部”按钮,当您向下滚动页面时,它会跟随您,以便用户可以快速返回到起点。 这绝对是更多关于炫耀您的作品,但是它以一种优美的方式做到了。

CSS Gallery: CSS Gallery is built with web designers in mind. Each image on the front page can rated by site visitors, but when they click on the examples, they are taken to the live version of that work. Theme also features spots for GoogleAdSense and 125X125 ads, and, best of all, it’s free.

CSS Gallery :CSS Gallery是在考虑Web设计师的情况下构建的。 站点访问者可以对首页上的每个图像进行评级,但是当他们单击示例时,它们将带到该作品的实时版本。 主题还设有用于GoogleAdSense和125X125广告的广告位,最重要的是,它是免费的。

f8: f8 allows you to customize colors, fonts, front page categories, contact info, slideshow height and other options all from the theme options page in the admin section so that you may change it to your heart’s content. All thumbnails link to full blog posts where you can then provide your users with as much information as you like about the work you did.

f8 :f8允许您从管理部分的主题选项页面中自定义颜色,字体,首页类别,联系信息,幻灯片放映高度和其他选项,以便您可以将其更改为您的内情。 所有缩略图都链接到完整的博客文章,然后您可以在其中向用户提供有关您所做工作的尽可能多的信息。

Gallery: Built on the Thematic Theme framework, this dark gallery theme is quite the eye catcher. The top row is all 125×125 ad spots, but after that each image is a separate gallery link that when you hover over it, the image slides up to show you the name. The individual post pages will give you more information about the work, who designed it, and where it can be found, as well as allow users to rate it and to leave comments.

画廊 :建立在主题主题框架上,这个黑暗的画廊主题非常引人注目。 第一行是所有125×125广告位,但是在此之后,每个图像都是一个单独的图库链接,当您将鼠标悬停在其上时,图像会向上滑动以显示名称。 各个帖子页面将为您提供有关该作品,其设计者以及在何处可以找到的更多信息,并允许用户对其进行评分并发表评论。

iQ2: iQ2 is a fully skinnable, widget-ready, WordPress theme directed at photographers wanting to show off their work, but is easily usable for anyone wanting to show off their works or designs. It does require you download and install the PhotoQ Photoblog Plugin as this is what powers the theme. No charge is associated with this theme, but donations are welcomed.

iQ2 :iQ2是一个完全可换肤的,可用于小部件的WordPress主题,面向希望炫耀其作品的摄影师,但对于想要炫耀其作品或设计的任何人都可以轻松使用。 它确实需要您下载并安装PhotoQ Photoblog插件,因为这是主题的动力所在。 与该主题无关,但欢迎捐款。

Monochrome Gallery: Monochrome Gallery is a premium theme for all types of artwork that needs to be shown off. Unlike some of the other offerings, this one will allow you to add quite a bit of text about the work so that you can better explain any finer details the readers may need to know while browsing.

单色画廊 :单色画廊是需要展示的所有类型艺术品的高级主题。 与其他产品不同,该产品将使您可以添加大量有关该作品的文字,以便您可以更好地解释读者在浏览时可能需要了解的任何更详细的信息。

Ocular Professor: Ocular Professor is very abstract, and focuses more on the artistic side of presentation, but would be perfect for the designer who specializes in unusual themes and designs. Has a “featured post” function that will take a post and place it outside of the normal timeline, so it will be “sticky”.

眼科教授 :眼科教授非常抽象,侧重于呈现的艺术方面,但对于专注于不同主题和设计的设计师而言,它是完美的选择。 具有“精选帖子”功能,该功能将发布帖子并将其放置在正常时间线之外,因此将是“粘性”的。

Phantom: A dark theme that includes a rating system for your work. Theme is free, but doesn’t appear to be very customizable.

幻影 :一个黑暗的主题,其中包括您的作品评分系统。 主题是免费的,但似乎不是非常可定制的。

PhotoWP: A simple WordPress photo theme with the usual bells & whistles including allowing users to leave comments, but that is about it. This one is focused completely on the work and nothing else, but it is free.

PhotoWP :一个简单的WordPress照片主题,具有常见的花哨功能,包括允许用户发表评论,仅此而已。 这个完全专注于工作,没有别的,但是它是免费的。

Sharpfolio: Examples of your work are displayed on the main page with a bit of information about each off to the side. Clicking on any of the images will give you a lightbox enlargement of the image.

Sharpfolio :主页上显示了您的工作示例,并且每侧都有一些信息。 单击任何图像都会使您的灯箱放大。

Snapshot: Snapshot is a free theme from Woo Themes that mimics their own theme browser. This theme allows you to choose different layouts, easily drop in codes for Google Analytics & Feedburner, choose different color schemes from the admin section and more. The main pages have your standard thumbnails, but when a potential client clicks through they will find as short or as long a description as you choose to write.

快照 :快照是Woo Themes的免费主题,它模仿他们自己的主题浏览器。 通过此主题,您可以选择不同的布局,轻松添加Google Analytics(分析)和Feedburner的代码,从管理部分选择不同的配色方案等等。 主页上有标准的缩略图,但是当潜在客户单击时,它们会找到您选择撰写的简短描述。

高级WordPress投资组合主题 (Premium WordPress Portfolio Themes)

Album: Album is a WordPress theme that is focused 100% on allowing artists, photographers and designers to showcase their work. The theme is available in seven different color schemes and costs $59.95 for a license.

专辑 :专辑是WordPress主题,其100%专注于允许艺术家,摄影师和设计师展示他们的作品。 该主题有七种不同的配色方案,许可证费用为59.95美元。

Gabfire WpShowcase: Gabfire WpShowcase is built around the idea of designers showing off their work easily, while also linking directly to the live example of that work. Besides including an automatic image resizer for on-the-fly image adding, the theme has also been optimized for search engines and ads. A single site license will cost you $59.

Gabfire WpShowcase :Gabfire WpShowcase围绕着设计师的想法而设计,他们可以轻松地展示他们的作品,同时还可以直接链接到该作品的现场示例。 除了包括用于即时添加图像的自动图像大小调整器之外,该主题还针对搜索引擎和广告进行了优化。 单个站点许可证的价格为59美元。

Geometric: Geometric is certainly an oddball in the world of portfolio themes in that it also integrates a full standard blog alongside the portfolio. You get the best of both worlds, alone with 12 Geometric optimized widgets for showing things like your social homes, your Tweets, your Flickr stream and more. As with all the premium themes from WooThemes, this one will cost you $70 for a single site license, but it also features all of the usual customizing options.

几何 :几何无疑是投资组合主题领域中的一个怪胎,因为它还将投资组合之外的完整标准博客集成在一起。 借助12个经几何优化的小部件,您可以充分利用这两方面的优势,以显示诸如社交住宅,推文,Flickr流等内容。 与WooThemes的所有高级主题一样,单个站点许可证的价格为70美元,但它还具有所有常用的自定义选项。

Image Hunter: With this one you get an unusual look, as well as full control over the size of the thumbnails, how many to display, control over the categories and a whole lot more. Image Hunter is a premium theme from NattyWP that sells for $39.

Image Hunter :使用此工具,您将获得不寻常的外观,并完全控制缩略图的大小,显示的数量,类别的控制以及更多其他功能。 Image Hunter是NattyWP的高级主题,售价39美元。

iThemes Photo Gallery: Although the name of this theme only mentions photos, it is built to show off any form of graphical creative work. The header can either be text or a logo, and many other tweaks are available to customize the look of this theme. Cost is $79.95. There are also four other variations of this theme that mostly differ in the shape and size of the front page images. All five can be found at the link.

iThemes图片库 :尽管此主题的名称仅提及照片,但其目的是炫耀任何形式的图形创意作品。 标头可以是文本,也可以是徽标,许多其他调整可用于自定义此主题的外观。 费用是$ 79.95。 此主题还有其他四个变体,它们在首页图像的形状和大小上大多不同。 可以在链接中找到所有五个。

Photo Nexus: Photo Nexus is a premium theme that comes with both a light and dark variant for you to use. It allows you to set your categories, drop in the corresponding examples of your work, set the number of images to display and then it does the rest for you. Very reasonably priced at $20, this theme is all about showing your work and nothing else.

Photo Nexus :Photo Nexus是一个高级主题,有浅色和深色两种版本供您使用。 它允许您设置类别,放入相应的工作示例,设置要显示的图像数量,然后为您完成其余工作。 价格非常合理,只需20美元,这个主题就是展示您的作品,而不是其他任何东西。

Portfolio WordPress Theme:This $39 theme allows you to customize the head quote text, all of the theme colors, font families, font sizes, fill a curriculum vitae to be displayed from a special page, and all of this can be done from the admin area. Also gives you the ability to easily add info like client name, URL and more to each entry.

Portfolio WordPress主题 :这个$ 39主题允许您自定义标题文本,所有主题颜色,字体系列,字体大小,填写履历表以从特殊页面显示,所有这些都可以通过管理员来完成区。 还使您能够轻松地向每个条目添加诸如客户端名称,URL等信息。

ProPhoto: ProPhoto is very much designed to be a photographer’s blog, but without much tweaking it could easily be turned into a designer’s site also. Highly customizable, but comes at a hefty price of $179 if you do it all yourself.

ProPhoto :ProPhoto的设计宗旨是成为摄影师的博客,但无需进行太多调整,也可以轻松地将其转换为设计师的网站。 高度可定制,但如果自己动手做,价格高达179美元。

Viz | Biz: A very stylish theme that allows you to separate between your latest work and featured work. You can click any thumbnail for a larger version of the image and a full explanation about it. Price is $79.

Viz | 商务 :这是一个非常时尚的主题,可让您将最新作品与特色作品区分开。 您可以单击任何缩略图以获取较大版本的图像以及有关图像的完整说明。 价格为79美元。

It’s almost impossible to pick which of these themes would suit everyone best because they are all unique in different ways. If I had to choose though, I would say CSS Gallery from the free ones, and Geometric from the paid selection. It really is up to each individual, though, to choose what will work best for them!

几乎不可能选择哪个主题最适合每个人,因为它们在不同方面都是独特的。 如果必须选择,我会说免费CSS Gallery和付费选择的Geometric。 但是,实际上每个人都应该选择最适合他们的!

What are some of your favorite WordPress gallery themes?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/20-gorgeous-wordpress-gallery-themes/
