
tech2024-01-02  113

A framework that condenses lines of clunky JavaScript into elegant, concise code is a temptation too hard to ignore.


This popular library has overtaken its competitors because it radically transforms how you perform animations, add Ajax interactivity, and integrate rich UI components into your website.


But while it all sounds great, too often people have no idea where to start. If that’s you, your problem is now solved!

但是,尽管听起来很不错,但很多时候人们都不知道从哪里开始。 如果是这样,您的问题现在就解决了!

Earle and Craig have taken this complex and detailed topic and condensed it into a step-by-step guide that’s easy to use.

厄尔和克雷格(Earle and Craig)讨论了这个复杂而详细的主题,并将其浓缩为易于使用的分步指南。

介绍SitePoint的2010年第一本书: (Introducing SitePoint’s first book of 2010:)

jQuery:忍者新手 (jQuery: Novice to Ninja)

by Earle (Mr Speaker) Castledine and Craig Sharkie

厄尔(议长先生)Castledine和Craig Sharkie

With this brand new book, you’ll master all the major tricks and techniques that jQuery offers. Even a fledgling web developer will be able to make jQuery work straight out of the box!

通过这本全新的书,您将掌握jQuery提供的所有主要技巧和技术。 即使是刚起步的Web开发人员也将能够使jQuery直接工作!

jQuery: Novice to Ninja is:


perfect for any jQuery user, regardless of whether you’re at the beginner, advanced, or somewhere in-between stage


relevant, being an up-to-date guide that thoroughly covers the latest jQuery, version 1.4

相关 ,是全面涵盖最新jQuery 1.4版的最新指南

highly practical, offering out-of-the-box solutions that enable you to be productive immediately

高度实用 ,提供开箱即用的解决方案,可让您立即提高生产力

Grab your own copy today so you can use your jQuery ninja skills to unleash some powerful jQuery of your own!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/learn-jquery/
