
tech2024-01-02  94


Pre-orders for Windows 7, Microsoft’s latest incarnation of the leading operating system, have sold out on day one.

Windows 7的预购,是微软最新的领先操作系统,已在第一天售罄。

The company is permitting customers to pre-order the product prior to its release on 22 October. Significant discounts are available in most countries. For example, UK customers ordering between 15 July and 9 August will receive the full European version at a 50% discount (note that it requires a clean install, won’t upgrade from XP or Vista, and comes without Internet Explorer).

该公司允许客户在10月22日发布产品之前对其进行预订。 在大多数国家/地区都可以享受很大的折扣。 例如,在7月15日至8月9日之间订购的英国客户将以50%的折扣获得完整的欧洲版本(请注意,它需要全新安装,不会从XP或Vista升级,并且没有Internet Explorer) 。

Windows ‘stocks’ are limited and they have been flying off the shelf. Most retailers sold out within the first 8 hours of trade. Amazon’s recorded sales for Windows 7 have already exceeded the entire 17 week pre-order sales for Windows Vista.

Windows的“库存”有限,它们已经从货架上飞了下来。 大多数零售商在交易的前8小时内就卖光了。 亚马逊记录的Windows 7销售量已经超过Windows Vista整个17周的预定销售量。

The Windows 7 betas and release candidates have received positive press. The OS is stable, fast, and fixes many of the issues introduced in Vista. Thankfully, Microsoft has also simplified the editions:

Windows 7 Beta和候选发布版本受到了积极的好评。 该操作系统稳定,快速,可解决Vista中引入的许多问题。 值得庆幸的是,Microsoft还简化了版本:

Home Premium is the version most people will choose. It has the standard components, utilities, and media facilities. Web developers should also note that it includes the IIS web server.

家庭高级版是大多数人会选择的版本。 它具有标准的组件,实用程序和媒体设施。 Web开发人员还应注意,它包括IIS Web服务器。

Professional includes everything in the Home edition plus Windows XP Mode, better corporate networking, and backup facilities.

专业版包括家庭版中的所有内容以及Windows XP模式,更好的企业网络和备份功能。

Ultimate includes everything in the Professional edition plus data encryption and instant language switching.


XP Mode is an optional download for Professional and Ultimate users. It is a fully licensed copy of Windows XP SP3 running in Microsoft’s Virtual PC emulator. However, new integration facilities allow XP applications to run as if they were part of the Windows 7 system. The main advantage to web developers is that you will be able to load real copies of IE6, IE7 and IE8 alongside each other. 0DAY

XP模式是Professional和Ultimate用户的可选下载。 它是在Microsoft的Virtual PC模拟器中运行的Windows XP SP3的完全许可副本。 但是,新的集成功能允许XP应用程序像Windows 7系统的一部分一样运行。 Web开发人员的主要优点是,您将能够同时加载IE6,IE7和IE8的真实副本。 0天

Yes, even I’ve ordered Windows 7. This is the first time I’ve been compelled to buy a shrink-wrapped copy of Windows (other than buying it indirectly via a PC purchase). XP Mode was a factor in that decision. The pre-order price also helped. But perhaps my primary motivation was to simply to replace Vista: I’ve had enough of slow booting and daily crashes!

是的,甚至我已经订购了Windows7。这是我第一次被迫购买收缩包装的Windows版本(不是通过购买PC间接购买的)。 XP模式是该决定的一个因素。 预订价格也有所帮助。 但是也许我的主要动机只是为了替换Vista:我已经经历了缓慢的启动和日常崩溃!

However, it’s not all good news for Microsoft. In a recent survey of 1,100 IT administrators, 60% stated that their company had no immediate plan to switch to Windows 7.

但是,对微软而言,这并不是个好消息。 在最近对1100位IT管理员的调查中,有60%的人表示他们的公司没有立即计划切换到Windows 7的计划。

Will you buy Windows 7? Will the OS be a success for Microsoft?

您会购买Windows 7吗? 对于微软来说,该操作系统会成功吗?


