托管 非托管

tech2024-01-03  100

托管 非托管

For most of us, a shared web hosting solution may be the most suitable option at the start of our online venture. Why? Simply because it’s an inexpensive alternative to a VPS or dedicated hosting solution.

对于我们大多数人来说,共享虚拟主机解决方案可能是我们在线创业之初最合适的选择。 为什么? 仅仅是因为它是VPS或专用托管解决方案的廉价替代品。

However, there may be exceptions to this rule, such as when a project is anticipated to experience exponential growth and a dedicated hosting service is chosen right at the start. Even if you do choose a shared hosting service initially, you may realize at one point or another that the demanding requirements of your web site can no longer be satisfied by shared hosting. And if your project now has a steady revenue stream, the cost of migrating to a dedicated hosting platform may appear less intimidating than it did at first.

但是,该规则可能会有例外,例如,当预计项目将经历指数级增长并且一开始就选择了专用的托管服务时。 即使您最初确实选择了共享托管服务,您也可能会意识到,共享托管已无法再满足您网站的苛刻要求。 而且,如果您的项目现在拥有稳定的收入来源,那么迁移到专用托管平台的成本可能会比起初时显得不那么吓人。

I’ve conducted research on ten major companies offering entry-level dedicated hosting plans. These include 1&1, HostDime, HostGator, Hostway, InMotion, LiquidWeb, LunarPages, NetHosting, ResellersPanel, and ServePath. An in-depth comparison of these companies has been carried out in terms of all the most important criteria for dedicated hosting, including processor speeds, hard drive capabilities, RAID options, RAM, monthly bandwidth, IP addresses, and a number of other factors. Along with this, I’ve also taken into account the possibility of extending a plan without upgrading, which makes it more flexible since it lets you avoid the need to migrate to a higher level plan.

我已经对提供入门级专用托管计划的十家主要公司进行了研究。 其中包括1&1 , HostDime , HostGator , Hostway , InMotion , LiquidWeb , LunarPages , NetHosting , ResellersPanel和ServePath 。 根据专用主机的所有最重要标准,对这些公司进行了深入比较,包括处理器速度,硬盘驱动器功能,RAID选项,RAM,每月带宽,IP地址以及许多其他因素。 除此之外,我还考虑了无需升级即可扩展计划的可能性,这使它更加灵活,因为它使您无需迁移到更高级别的计划。

All the reviewed plans include full root access and a hardware replacement guarantee, along with an uptime guarantee of 99% or more. Furthermore, SSH access is common to all the plans and the uplink speed for the majority is 100Mbps, with the exceptions of ResellersPanel, InMotion, and HostDime.

所有经过审查的计划都包括完全根访问权限和硬件更换保证,以及99%或更高的正常运行时间保证。 此外,SSH访问对于所有计划都是通用的,并且大多数端口的上行链路速度为100Mbps,ResellersPanel,InMotion和HostDime除外。

The major obstacle in comparing all these companies on an equal footing was that in almost all cases, one or more features weren’t specified on the plan description page. Consequently, I contacted these companies by whatever contact method was available, in order to find out about the missing features. I held live chat sessions with most of them, and for those that didn’t offer live chat, I used email or telephone.

在同等条件下比较所有这些公司的主要障碍是,在几乎所有情况下,都没有在计划描述页面上指定一个或多个功能。 因此,我通过任何可用的联系方式与这些公司联系,以查找缺少的功能。 我与其中大多数人进行了实时聊天,对于那些不提供实时聊天的人,我使用了电子邮件或电话。

Finally, after many days of researching, I was able to gather all the data, which I’ve presented in a comprehensive dedicated hosting comparison table. The unspecified features about which I had to enquire at the hosting companies are italicized in the table. I’ve also done an analysis of the contents of this table, to point out the pros and cons of each dedicated hosting plan.

最终,经过几天的研究,我能够收集所有数据,这些数据已在综合专用托管比较表中呈现。 表格中以斜体显示了我必须向托管公司查询的未指定功能。 我还对该表的内容进行了分析,以指出每种专用托管计划的利弊。

Now, though, let’s take a look at each of the hosting plans in detail.


1&1 (1&1)

The 1&1 Dual-Core XL plan has an edge over other dedicated hosting plans in terms of the hard drive capacity and FTP back up it offers. 1&1 offers two 400GB hard drives as well as 200GB FTP back up, which is more than any of the other web hosts in this comparison. It also offers an included RAID option which makes frequent back ups a breeze.

1&1双核XL计划在硬盘容量和提供的FTP备份方面比其他专用托管计划更具优势。 1&1提供两个400GB硬盘驱动器以及200GB FTP备份,在此比较中,它比其他任何Web主机都要多。 它还提供了包括的RAID选项,使频繁备份变得轻而易举。

In terms of the amount of included RAM, 1&1 offers 4GB, which—along with HostGator and ServePath—is the most of any of the reviewed hosts. 1&1 also offers an included software firewall along with an SSL certificate, which may be really valuable for ecommerce web sites. There is no mention of an uptime guarantee on the plan description page. However, our live chat with the host revealed that t1&1 offers an uptime guarantee of 99.99%, which is the second-highest of all the reviewed hosts.

就包含的RAM数量而言,1&1提供4GB,连同HostGator和ServePath一起,是所有已审查主机中最多的。 1&1还提供了随附的软件防火墙以及SSL证书,这对于电子商务网站可能真的很有价值。 在计划描述页面上没有提及正常运行时间保证。 但是,我们与房东的实时聊天显示,t1&1的正常运行时间保证为99.99%,在所有受审房东中,第二高。

As regards monthly bandwidth, 1&1 offers a generous 3000GB and emerges as the runner-up to LiquidWeb, which has the highest bandwidth offering with 6000GB. However, there are a number of features on which 1&1 appears to be at a disadvantage, such as the processor specification, hard drive upgrade option, RAM upgrade option, and the number of IP addresses offered.

关于每月带宽,1&1提供了充足的3000GB,并成为LiquidWeb的第二名,后者拥有6000GB的最高带宽。 但是,1&1在许多功能上似乎处于劣势,例如处理器规格,硬盘驱动器升级选项,RAM升级选项以及所提供的IP地址数量。

The plan is available at a cost of $199.99 a month, which is on par with ServePath, and slightly more than the lowest monthly price in our comparison (LiquidWeb at $189). The total available discount on 1&1’s plan is $100 for a yearly signup.

该计划的每月费用为199.99美元,与ServePath相当,并且略高于我们所比较的最低每月价格(LiquidWeb为189美元)。 1&1计划的年度总折扣额为100美元。

HostDime (HostDime)

HostDime offers a better processor specification than 1&1 in its QC1 plan, and also provides options for upgrading the processor, hard drive, and RAM. The included 160GB hard drive, on the other hand, is one of the lower offerings in our comparison. However, multiple options are available for RAID configurations in this plan.

HostDime在其QC1计划中提供了比1&1更好的处理器规格,并且还提供了用于升级处理器,硬盘驱动器和RAM的选项。 另一方面,随附的160GB硬盘驱动器是我们比较中的低端产品之一。 但是,此计划中有多个选项可用于RAID配置。

Although the included 1GB of RAM is the lowest of the plans compared, it can be upgraded to a maximum of 4GB. HostDime offers a monthly bandwidth allowance of 2000GB, which is the third-highest of all the reviewed hosts, with the only better options being 1&1 and LiquidWeb, offering 3000GB and 6000GB respectively. Only four IP addresses are included in the plan, however additional IP addresses can be obtained at a rate of $2 per month, with no upper limit on the number of IP addresses that can be purchased.

尽管所含的1GB RAM是计划中最低的,但可以升级到最大4GB。 HostDime提供每月2000GB的带宽配额,这是所有审查的主机中第三高的带宽,唯一更好的选择是1&1和LiquidWeb,分别提供3000GB和6000GB。 计划中仅包含四个IP地址,但是可以按每月$ 2的价格获取其他IP地址,并且可以购买的IP地址数量没有上限。

A wide range of operating systems is available with this plan, including Fedora Core as well as Windows 2003 server. HostDime lets you select either the CPanel and Plesk control panels at a cost of between $25 and $50 per month. The plan also offers optional managed services as well as an FTP backup solution. A free CSF software firewall comes bundled with the package, while a Juniper NetScreen 5GT hardware firewall can be obtained for $100 per month. An SSL certificate is also optional and can be purchased for a $50 yearly fee.

该计划提供了多种操作系统,包括Fedora Core和Windows 2003 Server。 HostDime允许您选择CPanel和Plesk控制面板,每月费用在25到50美元之间。 该计划还提供了可选的托管服务以及FTP备份解决方案。 软件包捆绑了免费的CSF软件防火墙,而Juniper NetScreen 5GT硬件防火墙的价格为每月100美元。 SSL证书也是可选的,可以以50美元的年费购买。

The server is monitored by HostDime, and there’s no setup fee for the plan. The monthly price for this plan is $220, which is the fifth lowest after LiquidWeb, 1&1, ServePath, and LunarPages. HostDime offers a discount of $20 per month for the first server, which amounts to a total available discount of $240 yearly. HostDime does not offer a money-back guarantee.

该服务器由HostDime监视,该计划不收取安装费。 该计划的每月价格为$ 220,是仅次于LiquidWeb,1&1,ServePath和LunarPages的第五低价格。 HostDime为第一台服务器每月提供20美元的折扣,相当于每年总计240美元的可用折扣。 HostDime不提供退款保证。

HostGator (HostGator)

HostGator offers the Intel dual-core Xeon processor in its Standard plan, which is probably the best processor for server platforms. That said, there’s no processor upgrade option available with this plan. The dual 250GB hard drives offered by HostGator give it a number three rank for storage among all the reviewed hosts. It comes with a RAID configuration and also allows you to upgrade the hard drive to a higher capacity.

HostGator在其标准计划中提供了英特尔双核Xeon处理器,这可能是服务器平台的最佳处理器。 也就是说,此计划没有可用的处理器升级选项。 HostGator提供的双250GB硬盘驱动器在所有审查的主机中的存储容量均排名第三。 它带有RAID配置,还允许您将硬盘驱动器升级到更大的容量。

Like 1&1, HostGator includes 4GB of RAM with this plan. The RAM can also be upgraded, though there’s no mention of the maximum amount of memory that can be purchased. A total of 1500GB data transfer is allowed in a month, which turns out to be the lowest allotment on offer. The plan comes with ten IP addresses, making it a runner-up to LiquidWeb’s plan, which offers 16 IP addresses. Additional IP addresses can be purchased from HostGator, although there’s no mention of the price associated with each.

与1&1一样,HostGator包含4GB的RAM。 尽管没有提到可以购买的最大内存量,但是也可以升级RAM。 一个月内总共允许1500GB的数据传输,这是提供的最低分配。 该计划带有10个IP地址,使其成为LiquidWeb计划的第二名,后者提供16个IP地址。 可以从HostGator购买其他IP地址,尽管没有提及与之相关的价格。

A choice of three operating systems, including Red Hat Linux 4, is available with this plan. The only two other web hosts that offer Red Hat Linux are Hostway and ServePath, so if either of these is your OS of choice, it might be a good reason to opt for HostGator. CPanel is the only control panel available, however the good news is that it comes at no extra cost. FTP backups can be performed through WHM. A software firewall is also included with the plan, but the SSL certificate is optional. There is no setup fee, and no money-back guarantee.

该计划提供三种操作系统的选择,包括Red Hat Linux 4。 提供Red Hat Linux的仅有的另外两个Web主机是Hostway和ServePath,因此,如果您选择这两个操作系统中的一个,则可能是选择HostGator的充分理由。 CPanel是唯一可用的控制面板,但是好消息是它不收取额外费用。 可以通过WHM执行FTP备份。 该计划中还包括一个软件防火墙,但是SSL证书是可选的。 没有安装费,也没有退款保证。

The plan comes at a price of $219 per month, which puts it smack dab in the middle of the reviewed plans. HostGator is currently offering a 20% discount that can be claimed using the coupon code “Snowman,” which makes this plan the most cost-effective of all. As shown in the table, the total yearly savings for this plan equate to $525.

该计划的价格为每月219美元,这使其在审查的计划中显得有些轻浮。 HostGator当前提供20%的折扣,可以使用优惠券代码“ Snowman”索取折扣,这使该计划成为所有计划中最具成本效益的。 如表中所示,该计划每年节省的总费用为525美元。

车道 (Hostway)

Hostway offers two dual-core Intel Xeon processors in its TFS 800 plan. A comparison with the other reviewed hosts reveals that no better processor specification is available. Consequently, this plan seems to be ideal for users looking to deploy power-hungry applications. As far as hard drive capacity is concerned, Hostway’s plan offers two 160GB hard drives, thereby sharing third ranking for storage capacity with InMotion. Hostway also offers flexible hard drive upgrade options, with a maximum capacity offering of 2TB at a rate of $70 per month. RAID 1 also comes included with the plan.

Hostway在其TFS 800计划中提供了两个双核Intel Xeon处理器。 与其他经过审查的主机进行比较后发现,没有更好的处理器规格可用。 因此,该计划对于希望部署耗电应用程序的用户而言似乎是理想的选择。 就硬盘驱动器容量而言,Hostway的计划提供了两个160GB硬盘驱动器,从而与InMotion共享存储容量的第三名。 Hostway还提供了灵活的硬盘升级选项,最大容量为2TB,每月收费70美元。 该计划还包括RAID 1。

The total amount of RAM offered is 2GB, although there is an option for upgrading the RAM to a maximum of 16GB at a cost of $140 per month. As regards the included RAM, Hostway’s plan turns out to be a runner-up to 1&1, HostGator, and ServePath, which include 4GB of RAM in their plans. Hostway stands in third place on the monthly data transfer comparison, offering 2000GB. In terms of the total number of included IP addresses, Hostway again ranks third with its offer of five addresses, after LiquidWeb and HostGator, which offer 16 and ten IP addresses respectively. Additional IP addresses may be obtained for $2 per month, but you’ll need to provide a technical justification in order to get them.

提供的RAM总量为2GB,尽管可以选择将RAM升级到最大16GB,每月费用为140美元。 关于内置的RAM,Hostway的计划最终成为1&1,HostGator和ServePath的第二名,后者计划中包括4GB的RAM。 Hostway在每月数据传输比较中排名第三,提供2000GB。 就所包含的IP地址总数而言,Hostway再次以其五个地址的提供而排名第三,仅次于LiquidWeb和HostGator,后者分别提供了16个和10个IP地址。 可以获得每月2美元的额外IP地址,但您需要提供技术理由才能获得它们。

Hostway also offers a wide range of operating systems, including Windows and Red Hat Linux. It offers a custom control panel referred to as “Site Control,” although there is an option to use Plesk with a ten-domain license at an additional cost. A maximum of 50GB FTP backup is included in the plan, as is a software firewall. An SSL certificate, however, is optional and can be obtained at a cost of $49.95 per year.

Hostway还提供广泛的操作系统,包括Windows和Red Hat Linux。 它提供了一个称为“站点控制”的自定义控制面板,尽管可以选择将Plesk与十个域的许可证一起使用,但需要额外付费。 该计划包括最多50GB的FTP备份,以及软件防火墙。 但是,SSL证书是可选的,可以每年花费49.95美元获得。

There’s no setup fee for this plan. Hostway offers the TFS 800 plan for $219 a month, thereby sharing fifth place for price with HostDime, HostGator, InMotion, and ResellersPanel. It’s also offering a 15% discount or two months of free hosting with a one-year prepayment, which equates to a total saving of $438 for this web host—one of the highest available discounts in this review. Hostway also stands out by offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.

该计划没有安装费。 Hostway提供TFS 800计划,每月219美元,因此与HostDime,HostGator,InMotion和ResellersPanel共享价格第五名。 它还提供15%的折扣或两个月的免费托管以及一年的预付款,这相当于该Web主机总共节省了438美元,这是本次评测中最高的折扣之一。 Hostway还提供30天退款保证,从而脱颖而出。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dedicated-hosting-comparison-10-plans-reviewed/

托管 非托管
