
tech2024-01-03  90

This is a guest post by David Stein, CTO and Cofounder of Burst Media, one of the oldest ad networks. In this opinion piece Dave examines what proposed legislation restricting the use of cookies could mean for web publishers.

这是最古老的广告网络之一Burst Media的首席技术官兼联合创始人David Stein的来宾帖子。 在此观点中,戴夫(Dave)研究了提议的限制cookie使用的立法对网络发布者意味着什么。

Recently, the European Union approved significant legislation that would require web users to consent to internet cookies. This law dictates that cookies can’t be placed on a user’s computer—unless it’s strictly necessary for enabling a specific service requested by the user.

最近,欧盟批准了重要的法律,该法律将要求网络用户同意互联网Cookie。 该法律规定不能将Cookie放置在用户的计算机上,除非为启用用户请求的特定服务而绝对必要。

Think about that. How many different ways does your web site use cookies? Session management, content management, preferences, analytics, advertising revenue. Could you imagine prompting your user, “If you would like our site to enable anti-spam and flood control, would you be willing to accept our cookie? “yes/no?”

考虑一下。 您的网站使用cookie有几种不同的方式? 会话管理,内容管理,首选项,分析,广告收入。 您能否想象一下提示您的用户,“如果您希望我们的网站启用反垃圾邮件和洪水控制,您是否愿意接受我们的cookie? “是/不是?”

Among lawmakers in the United States, the same conversation is taking place. Proposed legislation is pending that may place restrictions on cookie usage, as well as collecting information that’s considered personally identifiable.

在美国的立法者中,正在进行同样的对话。 拟议中的立法正在等待中,可能会限制Cookie的使用以及收集被认为可个人识别的信息。

I’m a founder of an ad network that’s been around since 1995. My company has always done its best to be a good online citizen. Through industry organizations such as TRUSTe, IAB, and NAI, we’re involved with many other companies to ensure that we create and follow best practices. We’ve developed methods that allow a consumer to opt-out of our targeting techniques, and have limited the types of data we collect from web site visitors in our networks. We’ve also visited Washington DC with other ad network representatives, as well as independent publishers, to meet and educate lawmakers; we cover the techniques that we use, the efforts we’re taking to ensure privacy, and the benefits that we create.

我是一个自1995年以来一直存在的广告网络的创始人。我的公司一直竭尽全力,成为一个好的在线公民。 通过TRUSTe , IAB和NAI等行业组织,我们与许多其他公司合作,以确保我们创建并遵循最佳实践。 我们已经开发出一些方法,使消费者可以选择退出我们的定位技术,并限制了我们从网络中的网站访问者那里收集的数据类型。 我们还与其他广告网络代表以及独立发布商一起访问了华盛顿特区,与立法者会面和教育。 我们介绍了我们使用的技术,为确保隐私而付出的努力以及我们创造的收益。

But our efforts are not enough. The European Union seems to have issued its directive with little notice, and in Washington similar privacy legislation is being considered. To ensure that the vibrancy of web publishing continues, more people need to let our lawmakers know that this legislation affect the lifeblood of the independent web publisher.

但是,我们的努力还不够。 欧洲联盟似乎已经发布了该指令,几乎没有通知,并且在华盛顿,正在考虑类似的隐私立法。 为了确保网络发布的活力继续存在,更多的人需要让我们的立法者知道这项立法会影响独立网络发布者的生命线。

One of the obvious impacts these laws will have on publishers is the potential crippling of their ability to earn advertising revenue. Being unable to use cookies when serving ads will substantially affect the way campaigns perform. At the simplest level, ad servers will be without basic functions such as frequency capping (limiting the number of ads per advertiser shown to an individual) and fraud analysis. More alarmingly, web publishers and ad networks lose the ability to measure conversion rates or serve an ad to a customer that’s expressed prior interest in a topic. Without these capabilities, large brand advertisers—who over the last 15 years have finally become comfortable moving significant marketing budgets to the Internet—will either have to buy far more impressions at much lower prices, or move their campaigns offline in order to meet their marketing goals. This leaves the Internet once again with an abundance of flashing, annoying, “Punch the Monkey” advertising.

这些法律将对发布商产生的明显影响之一是其获取广告收入能力的潜在障碍。 投放广告时无法使用Cookie会严重影响广告系列的效果。 在最简单的级别上,广告服务器将没有基本功能,例如频次上限(限制向每个广告客户显示给个人的广告数量)和欺诈分析。 更令人震惊的是,网络发布者和广告网络失去了衡量转化率或将广告投放给对某个主题已表现出兴趣的客户的能力。 没有这些功能,大型品牌广告商(过去15年中终于适应了将大量营销预算转移到互联网上)将要么不得不以低得多的价格购买更多的展示机会,要么将其广告系列下线以便满足他们的营销需求目标。 这使互联网再次充满了闪烁的,令人讨厌的“ Punch the Monkey”广告。

Another effect of this legislation is that it may limit the functionality that web publishers are able to use in managing their web site. For instance, third party services such as Webtrends, Google Analytics, Open ID, and applets that plug into your site all use cookies to provide significant functionality. In addition, if the legislation goes as far as limiting all cookies, publishers may find content management systems need a complete overhaul.

该立法的另一个效果是,它可能会限制网络发布者在管理其网站时可以使用的功能。 例如,第三方服务(例如Webtrends,Google Analytics(分析),Open ID和插入您网站的小程序)都使用Cookie提供重要功能。 此外,如果法律限制所有cookie,则发布者可能会发现内容管理系统需要彻底检查。

Most web publishers will need to become experts in compliance. Many developers shy away from hosting ecommerce sites because of the complexity of keeping the data secure. Imagine if the same requirements to manage credit card numbers were applied to collecting a seemingly anonymous user’s zip code? There are elements of the proposed legislation that could require web publishers to keep all collected information secure, as well as deleting older logs to ensure that your readers could never be identified if your logs turned up in the wrong hands. If you’re a small firm, failure to comply with this legislation could lead to fines that might make or break your business. And if you’re a web publisher you may need a compliance department!

大多数网络发布者将需要成为合规方面的专家。 由于保持数据安全的复杂性,许多开发人员不愿托管电子商务网站。 试想一下,是否采用了相同的要求来管理信用卡号来收集看似匿名的用户的邮政编码? 拟议法律的某些内容可能要求网络发布者保持收集到的所有信息的安全,并删除较旧的日志,以确保如果您的日志使用不正确,则永远无法识别您的读者。 如果您是一家小型公司,则不遵守该法规可能会导致罚款,从而可能打击或破坏您的业务。 如果您是网络发布者,则可能需要合规部门!

The results of a recent Annenberg study suggest that consumers do not care about whether the ads on the sites they visit are relevant. I have to believe that if the consumers saw the alternative—multitudes of popups or layers that ask for cookie permission, less free content, and more annoying ads—they’d reconsider their opposition to the tools that help create a positive experience for users.

Annenberg最近的一项研究结果表明,消费者并不关心他们访问的网站上的广告是否相关。 我必须相信,如果消费者看到了另一种选择-要求Cookie许可的大量弹出窗口或图层,更少的免费内容和更多烦人的广告-他们会重新考虑他们对帮助用户创造积极体验的工具的反对。

If this new world of annoying ads, less revenue, complex content management, and strict compliance worries you, then you should get involved. You need to call, write, and visit your lawmaker, letting them know that your business will be adversely affected by this legislation. Insist on better ways to prosecute the bad actors in the industry without creating prohibitive regulations on the good citizens. Publishers need to act together today to protect their future and the interests of their businesses.

如果这个令人讨厌的广告新世界,更少的收入,复杂的内容管理和严格的合规性让您感到担忧,那么您应该参与其中。 您需要打电话,写信和拜访您的立法者,让他们知道您的企业将受到该立法的不利影响。 坚持以更好的方式起诉行业中的不良行为者,而不会对好公民制定禁止性的规定。 出版商需要今天共同行动,以保护自己的未来和企业利益。

Write to your lawmakers! Get in touch with your local representative. In the US, visit http://www.congress.org to become involved.

写信给你的议员! 与您当地的代表联系。 在美国,请访问http://www.congress.org以参与其中。

Feature image by UofSLibrary


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/proposed-privacy-laws-a-real-threat-to-the-web/
