
tech2024-01-03  84


The late 70’s and early 80’s was a golden age for video games. Arcades were a thriving hotbed of innovation and revolutionary games were released which defined the genres we refer to today.

70年代末和80年代初是视频游戏的黄金时代。 街机是蓬勃发展的创新温床,而革命性游戏的发布则定义了我们今天所指的游戏类型。

Atari Inc. was one of the pioneers. They were masters of the vector game format and dominated the first arcades with classics such as Asteroids, Battle Zone, Lunar Lander, Gravitar, Tempest, and the stunning Star Wars. Unlike many of their competitors, Atari games emulated real-world physics with custom-built cabinets and controllers. And let’s not forget forget their flawless bitmap-based games such as Breakout, Centipede, Pole Position, Crystal Castles, Gauntlet, Paperboy, and the amazing Marble Madness.

Atari Inc.是开拓者之一。 他们是矢量游戏格式的大师,并以小行星,战区,月球着陆器,格拉维塔尔,暴风雨和令人惊叹的《星球大战》等经典游戏统治了第一游戏厅。 与许多竞争对手不同,Atari游戏使用定制的机柜和控制器来模拟真实世界的物理过程。 而且,别忘了忘记他们完美无瑕的基于位图的游戏,例如Br​​eakout,Centipede,Pole Position,Crystal Castles,Gauntlet,Paperboy和令人惊叹的Marble Madness。

These first games were basic compared to today’s multi-million dollar epics, but they were simple to understand, fun to play, and totally addictive. Their longevity has been impressive; millions of people still play Asteroids — will you still be playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in 30 years?

与当今价值数百万美元的史诗相比,这些第一批游戏是基本的,但它们易于理解,易于玩耍且完全上瘾。 它们的寿命令人印象深刻。 数以百万计的人仍在玩小行星-您会在30年后继续玩《 使命召唤:现代战争》吗?

Although the Atari company has been sold and resold several times, it remains one of the world’s strongest gaming brands. There are thousands of sites offering emulators, but it’s great to see a selection of free arcade and 2600 games have finally been made available at These are 100% faithful browser-based Flash versions of:

尽管Atari公司已经被出售和转售了好几次,但它仍然是世界上最强大的游戏品牌之一。 有成千上万个提供模拟器的站点,但是很高兴看到一系列免费的街机游戏,最终在Atari.com上提供了2600种游戏。 这些是以下各项的100%可靠的基于浏览器的Flash版本:

Asteroids — the original and the best. The premise is simple — destroy all the asteroids — but the frantic pace and sound effects are perfect.

小行星 -原始的和最好的。 前提很简单-销毁所有小行星-但疯狂的节奏和声音效果是完美的。

Battlezone — I remember seeing Battlezone for the first time; it changed my perception of what games could do. Experience the fear and elation of escaping from an enemy tank.

战区 -我记得第一次见到战区。 它改变了我对游戏可以做什么的看法。 体验逃离敌方坦克的恐惧和兴高采烈。

Lunar Lander — ludicrously tough, this game inspired many kids to want to become an astronaut.

月球着陆器 ( Lunar Lander) -荒唐可笑,这个游戏激发了许多孩子想成为一名宇航员的想法。

Crystal Castles — I have to admit that I always considered CC to be for girls, but it was one of the first isometric 3D games, featured cute graphics and a great trackball controller.

水晶城堡 ( Crystal Castles) -我不得不承认,我一直认为CC适用于女孩,但这是首批等距3D游戏之一,具有可爱的图形和出色的轨迹球控制器。

Yar’s Revenge — the best selling Atari 2600 game. It’s basic, but I bet you give it a go.

Yar's Revenge-最畅销的Atari 2600游戏。 这是基本的操作,但我敢打赌,您可以尝试一下。

Adventure — considered to be the first action-adventure game. It hasn’t aged well, but the game’s concepts are still used today.

冒险 -被认为是第一个动作冒险游戏。 它的年龄还不够好,但是今天仍然使用游戏的概念。

You’ll waste more time on these today than anything else! Let’s hope they release more soon … my vote would go for Marble Madness, Gauntlet, Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

今天,您将在这些方面浪费更多的时间! 让我们希望他们能早日发布……我的投票将投给Marble Madness,Gauntlet,Star Wars和The Empire Strikes Back。

What was your favorite Atari game?



