SitePoint PDF上没有更多密码!

tech2024-01-03  102

Earlier this year, Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton said, “I’m a guy who doesn’t see anything good having come from the Internet.” Ostensibly, he was referring to the proliferation of piracy and file sharing that continues to diminish certain streams of entertainment industry income. However, the subtext of this statement has much wider implications, which, unless critically examined, could well prove calamitous for the ongoing viability of the industry itself.

今年早些时候,索尼影业(Sony Pictures Entertainment)首席执行官迈克尔·林顿(Michael Lynton)说:“我是一个从互联网上看不出什么好东西的人。” 表面上,他指的是盗版和文件共享激增,从而继续减少了娱乐产业的某些收入来源。 但是,该声明的潜台词具有更广泛的含义,除非经过严格审查,否则很可能证明该行业本身正在持续生存。

The inability to adapt to shifting customer trends is a death sentence in any industry, especially one centred on technology. That’s why here at SitePoint we’re genuinely happy make the following announcement:

无法适应不断变化的客户趋势是任何行业的死刑,尤其是以技术为中心的行业。 这就是为什么我们真的很高兴在SitePoint宣布以下声明:

Effective immediately, all PDF books purchased through our site will be free of password protection..

立即生效,通过我们网站购买的所有PDF图书将不受密码保护。 。

For those interested in the lead-up to this decision, let me give you some context. In the 18 months I have worked at SitePoint, barely a week has gone by where I have not received at least a couple of emails from customers questioning the logic behind our password protection policy. My response, based on the SitePoint philosophy, was always that we were taking an ethical (if largely symbolic) stance on the piracy issue. But how long could we maintain that line while simultaneously placing primacy on the customer experience, as all the while more and more requests to remove password protection poured in.

对于那些有兴趣做出此决定的人,让我给您一些背景信息。 在SitePoint工作的18个月中,我几乎没有一个星期没收到客户的至少两封电子邮件,这些邮件质疑我们密码保护政策背后的逻辑。 基于SitePoint的理念,我的回应始终是,我们在盗版问题上采取道德(即使在很大程度上是象征性的)立场。 但是,随着越来越多的要求删除密码保护的请求涌入,我们可以维持多长时间同时将客户体验放在首位。

As a web development resource and learning centre, we know that we must embrace the state of flux — not as a lofty ideal, but as a normative imperative. You can’t claim to be all about the cutting edge when you’re stubbornly clinging to old, outmoded processes — especially when your own beloved customers are urging you to move on. And if we’re not keeping pace with the constantly evolving face of web design and development, then we’re neither a resource nor a learning centre — we’re a museum.

作为Web开发资源和学习中心,我们知道我们必须接受不断变化的状态-不是崇高的理想,而是规范的当务之急。 当您顽固地坚持旧的,过时的流程时,您就无法声称自己拥有最先进的技术,尤其是当您自己心爱的客户敦促您继续前进时。 而且,如果我们不能跟上不断发展的Web设计和开发工作的步伐,那么我们既不是资源,也不是学习中心-我们是博物馆。

In the spirit of customer empowerment (which the entertainment industry seems so hesitant to embrace, despite apparent incentive to do so), we’re very excited by this latest announcement at We hope all of our PDF customers will enjoy the freedom of accessing their ebooks without the hassle of having to use a password.

本着客户授权的精神( 尽管有明显的动机,娱乐业似乎很犹豫地接受), 但 sitepoint.com上的这一最新公告使我们感到非常兴奋。 我们希望我们所有的PDF客户都能享受访问其电子书的自由,而不必麻烦使用密码。

We’d like to thank all the helpful customers who have contacted us about the password protection issue, and invite those who have previously bought PDF download material from us to re-download new, improved, password-free copies of our books

我们要感谢所有就密码保护问题与我们联系过的有用客户,并邀请那些以前从我们这里购买PDF下载资料的人重新下载我们的图书的新的,改进的,无密码的副本https:// /

You’ll need to enter your order number and email address to log in and re-download.


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