
tech2024-01-03  101


Los Angeles City Council has approved a $7.2 million deal to use Google’s applications for its 30,000 personnel. The council voted unanimously to replace several of their current IT systems with Google Apps and GMail instead of competing offers over a dozen other IT suppliers.

洛杉矶市议会已批准一项720万美元的交易,以为其3万名员工使用Google的应用程序。 理事会一致投票通过用Google Apps和GMail替换其当前的一些IT系统,而不是与其他十几家IT供应商竞争报价。

The deal is a massive boost for Google as it attempts to compete with Microsoft, IBM and HP in the business arena. Perhaps it’s the first sign that cloud computing is being considered as a serious proposition by major corporations.

这项交易对Google来说是一个巨大的推动力,因为它试图在商业领域与Microsoft,IBM和HP竞争。 也许这是大公司将云计算视为一项严肃主张的第一个迹象。

Google’s ambition is to lure companies away from their dependency on Microsoft Office. Their success to date has been modest:

Google的野心是吸引公司摆脱对Microsoft Office的依赖。 迄今为止,他们的成功并不大:

MS Office is one of the most entrenched business applications. For many companies, it is the primary reason for purchasing a PC.

MS Office是最根深蒂固的业务应用程序之一。 对于许多公司来说,这是购买PC的主要原因。 Feature-for-feature, MS Office beats Google Docs by a wide margin. Critics argue that Office users only utilize 10% those features, but that 10% differs from person to person.

以功能为特色,MS Office在很大程度上击败了Google Docs。 批评人士认为,Office用户仅使用这些功能的10%,但每个人的使用差异却只有10%。 Many users develop their IT skills on MS Office. Google Docs may be simpler, but an element of re-training is likely to be necessary. For example, sharing a document with another user no longer involves emailing an attachment.

许多用户在MS Office上发展其IT技能。 Google文档可能更简单,但是可能需要重新培训。 例如,与其他用户共享文档不再涉及通过电子邮件发送附件。 Cloud computing is a relatively new concept compared to the files and folders model. Corporations will be concerned about service availability and security.

与文件和文件夹模型相比,云计算是一个相对较新的概念。 公司将关注服务的可用性和安全性。

However, cloud computing can offer significant business advantages:


Users can work from any web-connected machine at any time.

用户可以随时在任何联网的计算机上工作。 Groups of authorized users can work on the same documents at the same time. There will be fewer issues with multiple versions of the same file being shared between personnel.

授权用户组可以同时处理相同的文档。 人员之间共享同一文件的多个版本的问题将更少。 Losing a PC, whether by breakdown or negligence, has less of an impact: the data is securely stored online and backed up automatically.

无论是因故障还是疏忽而丢失PC,其影响都较小:数据安全地在线存储并自动备份。 Staff activity and access can be logged and monitored more effectively.

可以更有效地记录和监视员工的活动和访问。 There is less need for fast PCs or OS upgrades. Users could keep Windows XP, switch to Macs, or a use a humble machine with a lightweight Linux distribution and retain the same office applications.

快速PC或OS升级的需求减少了。 用户可以保留Windows XP,切换到Mac,或使用带有轻量级Linux发行版的简陋机器,并保留相同的Office应用程序。

The LA contract offers Google a chance to demonstrate their ability to cope with large scale data handling, storage, and security. Computer Sciences, the third-party contractor implementing the system, has agreed to pay a preset penalty payment should a breach occur. With 30,000 users, even 1 minute of downtime represents a work time loss of 2 man-months (although this assumes the unlikely situation that every user is accessing the system during the same minute!)

LA合同为Google提供了展示其应对大规模数据处理,存储和安全性的能力。 实施该系统的第三方承包商Computer Sciences已同意在发生违规行为时支付预设的罚款。 对于30,000个用户,即使是1分钟的停机时间也意味着2个月的工作时间损失(尽管这是假设每个用户在同一分钟内都在访问系统的极不可能的情况!)

Business analysts will be watching the project closely.


Would you consider switching to Google Apps within your company? Is cloud computing reliable and secure enough? Are Google’s applications really a viable alternative to Microsoft Office and other fat-client alternatives?

您是否考虑在公司内部切换到Google Apps? 云计算是否足够可靠和安全? Google的应用程序真的可以替代Microsoft Office和其他胖客户端吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/la-city-council-choose-google-docs/

