gmail 能用吗

tech2024-01-04  86

gmail 能用吗

Google has a reputation for never completing a project. GMail has been around for five years but is yet to lose its “beta” tag. Docs, Calendar and many other Google services are still beta-products despite having evolved radically since their initial release.

Google以从未完成项目而闻名。 GMail已经存在了五年,但尚未失去其“ beta”标签。 尽管自最初发布以来,文档,日历和许多其他Google服务仍在发展,但它们仍然是Beta产品。

The company’s reasoning for endless beta cycles has never been clearly explained, and Google always insisted the tag would be removed once the product was ready. I suspect Google’s motivation for beta tagging is a combination of:

该公司无休止的Beta周期的原因从未得到清楚的解释,Google一直坚持认为, 一旦产品准备就绪,该标签将被删除。 我怀疑Google进行Beta标记的动机是以下因素的组合:

It reminded users that the web application was experimental and undergoing development.

它提醒用户,Web应用程序是试验性的,并且正在开发中。 It lowered user expectations of early web systems and gave us a pleasant surprise to find fully-functional online products.

它降低了用户对早期Web系统的期望,并为我们提供了功能齐全的在线产品带来的惊喜。 Version numbers rarely have much meaning when applied to web applications and services. Unlike shrink-wrapped disk-distributed software, web solutions can be incrementally improved on a daily basis. Few people, other than the developers, will care if it’s version 7 or 57.

当将版本号应用于Web应用程序和服务时,其含义很少。 与收缩包装的磁盘分布式软件不同,Web解决方案可以每天进行逐步改进。 除开发人员外,很少有人会关心版本7或57。

However, Google has finally recognised that the “beta” label has different connotations in the business world and it could be damaging their prospects. Many business users are put off because they associate the term with incomplete or untested software.

但是,谷歌终于意识到,“ beta”标签在商业世界中具有不同的含义,可能会损害他们的前景。 许多商业用户之所以被推迟,是因为他们将该术语与不完整或未经测试的软件相关联。

It is possible that other Google products will follow the example set by Chrome. The web browser had a beta period of just 100 days and is already at version 2, even though it was only released in September 2008. Could Google’s beta habit be over?

其他Google产品可能会遵循Chrome设置的示例。 该网络浏览器的Beta版试用期仅为100天,即使它是在2008年9月才发布的,也已经是第2版。Google的Beta版习惯会结束吗?

Has Google’s insistence on beta labels ever confused or put off any of your clients?



gmail 能用吗
