
tech2024-01-05  112


This week CBS and Pepsi brought a dash of new media to old media. Selected copies of this month’s Entertainment Weekly and the September 18 edition of Time will feature video advertisements inside the pages of the paper-based magazines.

本周,哥伦比亚广播公司和百事可乐为旧媒体带来了一些新媒体。 本月的《娱乐周刊》和9月18日的《时代》杂志的精选副本将在纸质杂志的页面内刊登视频广告。

A small video screen about the size of a mobile phone screen is glued onto the page. The screen is 2.7mm thick, contains rechargeable batteries and can store forty minutes of video. CBS will show a preview of their upcoming programmes, while Pepsi will show a drinks ad.

在页面上粘贴了一个与手机屏幕大小差不多的小视频屏幕。 屏幕厚2.7毫米,包含可充电电池,可以存储40分钟的视频。 CBS将展示其即将进行的节目的预览,而百事可乐将展示饮品广告。

The technology for the ad, called “Video In Print” has been developed by US company Americhip who specialise in branding and design that appeals to all five senses.


President of CBS marketing group, George Schweitzer has compared the video in print ads to the “Daily Prophet”, a newspaper with moving pictures in the Harry Potter movies. The main aim of the campaign is to create buzz about the products, enough buzz to justify the costs of the video ads.

P居民CBS营销组,乔治·施魏策尔已经比较了平面广告的“预言家日报”,与移动在哈利波特电影画面报纸的视频。 该广告系列的主要目的是引起有关产品的嗡嗡声,这种嗡嗡声足以证明视频广告的成本是合理的。

The ads will only appear in the Los Angeles and New York, with the Financial Times reckoning the video ads will be very expensive.

这些广告只会在洛杉矶和纽约出现,据《 金融时报》估计,视频广告将非常昂贵。

One magazine industry executive with knowledge of the technology estimated that running one video ad in 100,000 copies would cost in the low seven-figure range. That would translate into a cost of several dollars per copy. By contrast, a full-page color ad in Entertainment Weekly costs about 9 cents a page per copy.

一位了解该技术的杂志行业高管估计,以100,000个副本的形式投放一则视频广告的价格会低至七位数。 这将导致每本复制本花费几美元。 相比之下,《娱乐周刊》的整版彩色广告每页成本约为9美分。

Last year, Esquire magazine also experimented with a new digital technology called e-ink to produce patterns on the cover of the mag. This wasn’t a great success, however. E-ink is the technology used in the Sony Reader and Amazon Kindle electronic books.

去年,《时尚先生》杂志还尝试了一种名为e-ink的新数字技术,可以在mag的封面上制作图案。 但是,这并不是一个很大的成功 。 电子墨水是Sony Reader和Amazon Kindle电子书中使用的技术。

It will be interesting to see the results and feedback from this experiment. The ad looks pretty small on the page, just like when the first videos appeared on the web. This could be the start of something big, exciting yet possibly very annoying. It seems there is no sound control on the ad.

看到这个实验的结果和反馈将会很有趣。 广告在页面上看起来很小,就像第一个视频出现在网络上一样。 这可能是一些重大而令人兴奋的事情的开始,但可能会很烦人。 似乎广告上没有声音控制。

What do you think about this? Is it a waste of money or an exciting opportunity to use new technology?

你怎么看待这件事? 使用新技术是浪费金钱还是令人兴奋的机会?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/role-reversal-video-meets-paper/

