sigma designs

tech2024-01-05  114

sigma designs

I’m excited to reveal the details of an interesting project that our friends from have been working on. Introducing the 99designs Ready-made Logo Store. The idea is you can browse a catalogue of logo designs (designed by the 99designs community) and buy them “off the shelf,” customized with your business name, for $99.

我很高兴地透露一个有趣的项目的细节,我们来自99designs.com的朋友一直在努力。 介绍99designs现成徽标店 。 这个想法是,您可以浏览徽标设计的目录(由99designs社区设计),然后以99美元的价格“按需购买”使用您的企业名称定制的徽标。

I know first-hand the effort that went into researching and building this service that has been a highly requested feature by the 99designs community for some time. Quite different from their popular design contest offering which is ideal for highly customized unique designs, the new Logo Design Store provides a much quicker turnaround and a more cost effective option for small business.

我知道第一手研究和构建此服务的工作,这是一段时间以来99designs社区强烈要求的功能。 新的徽标设计商店与广受欢迎的设计竞赛产品完全不同,后者非常适合高度定制的独特设计,而新的徽标设计商店为小型企业提供了更快的周转时间和更具成本效益的选择。

For designers, the Logo Design Store provides a whole new way to make money from your designs and show off your talent—logos can be purchased either exclusively or non-exclusively, so it’s possible that you could make multiple sales of the same logo for $99 each.


The guys at 99designs are currently “stocking the shelves” with the first logos becoming available for sale in March. However, the catalogue of logos already submitted is impressive! I’d encourage you to check it out… 99designs Logo Store.

99designs的员工目前正在“库存”,首批徽标将于3月开始发售。 但是,已经提交的徽标目录令人印象深刻! 我鼓励您检查一下…… 99designs Logo Store 。

Looking for more info? Check out:

寻找更多信息? 退房:

the full press release,

完整的新闻稿 ,

the official blog post announcing the launch, or

宣布发布的官方博客文章 ,或

browse the logos for sale.

浏览待售徽标 。


sigma designs
