
tech2024-01-06  86


Podcasts offer a way to learn on the move, whether you’re listening in the gym or watching on the bus on the way to work. And today, in no particular order of brilliance (because they’re all good), here are 10 Podcasts to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the world of web design.

播客提供了一种在旅途中学习的方法,无论您是在健身房听音乐还是在上班途中在公共汽车上观看。 如今,这里没有十足的光辉(因为它们都很棒),这里有10个Podcast,可让您随时了解Web设计领域的最新动态。

Layers TV


Layers TV covers all things Adobe related from web and graphic design to video editing. The podcast comes out once a week.

TV图层涵盖了Adobe从Web和图形设计到视频编辑的所有相关内容。 播客每周播出一次。



Boagworld is the web design blog of Paul Boag and home to the weekly podcast of Paul and Marcus Lillington who discuss all things web related, often very wittily.  Paul and Marcus run the web design agency – Headscape.

Boagworld是Paul Boag的网页设计博客,同时也是Paul和Marcus Lillington每周播客的家,他们经常非常机智地讨论与网络相关的所有事情。 保罗和马库斯(Paul and Marcus)运营着Web设计公司– Headscape 。

Photoshop User TV


The “Photoshop Guys” Dave Cross, Matt Kloskowski, and Scott Kelby share Photoshop tuts, tricks and tips in this weekly video podcast. They’ve actually been on holidays for a little while and just started a new season of Photoshop User TV last week.

“ Photoshop Guys” Dave Cross,Matt Kloskowski和Scott Kelby在本周的视频播客中分享了Photoshop的练习,技巧和窍门。 实际上,他们已经放假了一段时间,上周才刚刚开始一个新的Photoshop User TV季节。

.net Magazine


.net magazine produces a video podcast with a mix of interviews with digital experts, reviews, inspiration, web news and technique (covering Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, and more).


Type Radio


Type Radio is the “the radio channel on type & design.” The podcast is created by Donald Beekman, Liza Enebeis & Underware as they visit different design events around the world meeting and talking to designers.

广播类型是“类型与设计上的广播频道”。 播客由Donald Beekman , Liza Enebeis和Underware制作 ,他们参观了世界各地的不同设计活动,并与设计师交谈。

Design Sponge


The Design Sponge webcast is a varied and eclectic mix of interviews with print, graphic design, web design and crafts experts.

Design Sponge网络广播是对印刷,图形设计,网页设计和手Craft.io专家的采访的多种多样且折衷的组合。

The Rissington Podcast


The Rissington Podcast by John Oxton and Jon Hicks appears to be defunct as the last podcast was put out in February of this year. However, there is still lots of quality design chat in the archives that is worth a listen.

约翰·奥克斯顿 ( John Oxton)和乔恩·希克斯 ( Jon Hicks)制作的Rissington播客似乎已经停播,因为上一部播客是在今年2月发布的。 但是,档案中仍然有许多值得一听的高质量设计聊天。

Design Matters With Debbie Millman

Debbie Millman的设计事宜

Debbie is President of the AIGA, the American professional association for design. She has produced over 100 podcasts where she interviews some of the giants of design including Stefan Sagmeister and Milton Glaser. You can hear the podcasts on her blog or on the Design Observer website.

Debbie是AIGA(美国设计专业协会)的主席。 她制作了100多个播客,在其中采访了一些设计巨头,包括Stefan Sagmeister和Milton Glaser。 您可以在她的博客或Design Observer网站上收听播客。

User Interface Engineering


Created by Jared Spool, User Interface Engineering CEO, this podcast focuses on usability and interaction design. He interviews experts such as Cameron Moll and Molly Holzschlag.

该播客由用户界面工程首席执行官Jared Spool创建,着重于可用性和交互设计。 他采访了卡梅伦·莫尔 ( Cameron Moll)和莫莉 ·霍尔茨拉格 ( Molly Holzschlag)等专家。

And finally, last and by no means least, the Sitepoint podcast with Kevin Yank.

最后,也是最后一点,与Kevin Yank一起进行的Sitepoint播客 。

What other design related podcasts do you watch or listen to?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/look-listen-learn-10-podcasts-for-designers/

