sigma designs

tech2024-01-06  103

sigma designs

A few weeks ago, Matt announced on this blog the newest offering from 99designs: ready-made logos.

几周前,Matt在博客上宣布了99designs的最新产品 :现成的徽标。

Perhaps predictably, the post received mixed feedback — although at that stage only a selection of logos were on display, giving potential buyers a taste of what was to come.


Today 99designs have announced that their new logo store is now open for business. There are currently around 4,000 logos in the store by some of 99designs’ best designers, and I’m sure there are many more to follow.

今天,99designs宣布他们的新徽标商店现已开始营业 。 目前,在99designs的最佳设计师中,商店中大约有4,000个徽标,我敢肯定还有更多徽标可以遵循。

The price is set at $99 for the non-exclusive rights, with an extra $199 securing exclusivity.


Whether you’re a business owner in the market for a new logo, a designer looking for a platform to sell your creations, or you just want to browse the store for some inspiration, go check it out.


Visit 99designs ready-made logos.


Read the official announcement on the 99designs blog.



sigma designs
